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Posts from Warren, Olathe

Warren, OlatheWarren, Olathe
warren, olathe

Nothing particularly brilliant about what he said. It is just common sense. But it was said very well. Seems others can take up huge amounts of space in here and type nothing but drivel.

warren, olathe

Sometimes Ron is right. Too often he wears a tinfoil hat. It is sad that a government employee "following procedure" can do to a 3 year old girl what would get her father arrested.

warren, olathe

Statistics are like polls. They show what the person that collected the info believes.

Warren, olathe

The solution is almost always removal of government interference. Seldom does the Federal government "help". Most of the problems we have today on a national scale have been exacerbated or in some cases created by government interference, Wafflers beloved Dems are typically at the center of creating a problem then come to the rescue with promises of spending more that their opponents are willing to spend to correct it. Of course at that time, since they own the issue, the last thing they are going to do is create a bill that actually solves anything. That would not be politically wise. The bill will only have a pretty name with the contents intended not to help but to exacerbate the situation. This keeps creating the illusion of working for us when they are actually working against us. The Dems rely on our lack of intelligence and attentiveness to succeed politically. It is apparent that a lot of people have started to wake up. If this trend continues, and is not just a flash in the pan, we may actually see this country restored.

warren, olathe

Right on Carol. At this point it is obvious that one would have to be pure evil to do to this country what Obama has and is continuing to do. There has never been anyone in that office with so little respect for this country and its constitution.

warren, olathe

Carol you have it all wrong on Clinton. He never had any intention of doing anything to improve the plight of the poor. He was typical Dem. His intent was to trap the poor as all Dems have since LBJ. The welfare reform was from congress and it was signed by Clinton after it was clear it would be political suicide not to.

warren, olathe

The way our government "helps" the poor only serves to create poverty.

warren, olathe

Pure Waffler. If you make it on your own with out reliance on the state you must be a criminal.

warren, olathe

As always she says it perfectly.

warren, olathe

as always Waffler is half baked

warren, olathe

Stranger in a strange land

warren, olathe

Waffler always the fool. The right by its very nature does not muzzle anyone. The reason the left has gotten so much out of control is that the right has the general tendency to "live and let live", but now the right is being forced to stand up or forever be buried in a blizzard of propaganda and hate speech.

warren, olathe

Yes Waffler there are people like that and they are mostly blacks who profit from peddeling the race issue and class has nothing to do with it..

warren, olathe

KInda makes you think about terms like "economic justice" and "social justice" doesn't it. Of course such leftist terms are just perversions of the meaning of the word but that is obviously the point of it all. Convert everyone to selfish, greedy, dependent, voters that know nothing of social responsibility or true justice or liberty for that matter.

warren, olathe

Some people think it makes them smart to claim that the civil war was not about slavery. Every time there is a Lincoln quote someone blurts this ignorance out.

warren, olathe

Cal Hillary only signed her name to that book. It was written in the 80's by some one else.

warren, olathe

Socialism in Europe is not working. It would have had a much quicker demise if it were not for our country footing the bill for the defense of Europe. If they had to finance their own military as the Soviets did they would have had the same result as the Soviets. Socialism only exists as long is there is someone that has something that can be taken away from them. When the haves cease to exist then so does socialism. Socialism is the most materialistic system in existence. Everything in socialism is motivated by greed and envy. Socialists feel a sense of justice when the rich are punished. Socialists see rich defined as any one that has more than them. Even if it were possible to succeed as a socialist country it is impossible for a socialist country to exist separate from tyranny. The lack of compassion and concern for the well being of the individual is the most damning thing about the socialist system.

warren, olathe

The left reserves the right to define anything in any way it chooses. That is why socialist systems like the Soviets and Nazi Germany had and even Obama and Clinton can be called right wingers. Right wing = bad so every thing bad is therefore right wing. Deductive reasoning. The left sees every word in our language subject to any definition they see fit. That is where the "definition of is is" line from Clinton came from. He did not think that that would be confusing to ordinary citizens. Twist the meaning of words and eventually anything that is said can be claimed to be true. In the 80’s a politician was shot down on the tarmac of a Nicaraguan airport by communist gunmen. The press conference held by the communist leaders was done by a good communist female spokesman. She explained the day’s events and was immediately pounced on by some of the journalists. They could not understand how she could say what she did when not only they saw it for themselves but they had the whole incident on film. She repeated herself several times saying that what she said was the truth. Eventually she made the statement that though her story may not be factual it was never the less the truth. That is a prime example why no one on the left ever has any thing to say that is in any way worth listening to. What ever is said has no worth, or truth, because truth, in their mind is relevant. The definition of truth is what ever benefits the party. When this concept is understood and accepted by the individual he then becomes free to say or believe what ever suits the left with out any problems or internal conflict because truth and fact have no relationship. He then is truly just a political animal. This is taught in communist counties and has been prevalent in the American left ever since Progressivism raised its ugly head over 100 years ago.

warren, olathe

Only a moron could try to defend socialism.

warren, olathe

If it were not for the Governments help, there would be a lot less poverty and need for help. The goal of the party of big government is to increase the need and the programs are made to accomplish just that. The "compassion" destroys the family unit and the individual to the point that chronic dependence follows. The welfare system was improved in the 90's by the congress but it is returning to its original state under the new administration because it was working to reduce poverty. That could not be tolerated because that is not the purpose of "welfare as we know it".

warren, olathe

Ronald Reagan cut the growth of government allot. Carter signed legislation that would have had the budget at 2.6 trillion by 1985. The Reagan "cuts" did not reduce the budget they just reduced the rate of growth. With out the cuts in growth the budget would have been double what it was in 1985. The mess we are in now was scheduled to have happened in 1985. Today we think it is out of control but the dems have it scheduled increase drastically in 5+ years. This is typical. They hope by then we will have forgotten who actually spent it. It worked for them under Reagan. He was blamed for all the spending that was scheduled by the Carter congress even though he did the seemingly impossible by cutting it in half.

warren, olathe

Wow Waffler talking about fraudulent clowns. He can not begin to come up with anything those people he hates seeks to misinform any one on anything. He thinks that opposition should only be allowed when his party is not in power. It is truth that he fears. Opinion needs to be freely expressed. To condemn Fox for not being leftist propaganda is ludicrous. Waffler is only interested in perpetuating propaganda not ending it. The best way to defeat propaganda is to expose it with truth. If it is allowed to be suppressed it will be inevitable that truth instead will be the victim.

warren, olathe

Welfare as we knew it changed in spite of Bill Clinton and the first chance they got the dems changed it back.

warren, olathe

Waffler as usual you misrepresent everything. The Enron corruption was under Clinton. Bush put an end to it by refusing to cooperate, like Clinton did, with Enron to keep it afloat. Clinton, Enron and World Com were all big believers in cooking the books. That is one reason Clinton got so much corporate financial support. The reason these people keep getting caught when a Republican is in office is because the Republicans are more likely to uphold the law while with dems it is anything goes (as long as the contributions keep coming). I can not believe that you are always so misinformed. It could be that you just intend to misinform.

warren, olathe

perfect example of the Nazi mindset. Totalitarian government is for the good of the people. It's all coming here. May look like it is different but the mentality is the same. As usual Waffler you are dead wrong. They did not mean that a woman should not smoke they meant that they do not smoke if they are obedient German citizens. National health care was a big issue of Adolph. National control of health care will ultimately extend to control every facet of our lives. Any and everything that might increase the cost of care will be either denied or heavily taxed. We will decide what to eat drink or do based on what the government deems acceptable.

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