Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [476-500] of 1302Posts from Warren, olatheWarren, olathe Previous 25 Next 25 Reply warren, olathe 12/18/08 re: Alfred Adler quote Truth is only dangerous to the dishonest in most cases. When it comes to national security some things have to be omitted from the public awareness. Such as the weapons grade yellow cake that was in Saddam's nuke research lab. Its location was known by us before the invasion and we sat on it till May of 2008. The Iraq government then sold it to Canada for conversion to fuel. Bush took the heat and political destruction that came along with keeping quiet so as to make it less likely that the enemy would get their hands on it. This was a very admirable thing to have done. Until May I was frustrated with the continual statements by his administration trying to keep people in the dark about WMD. Now I understand why. If the enemy does not think there is any we are much less likely to have it fall into his hands. All during the war we kept finding various types of WMD but the reports were continually ignored by Bush and most of the press. He had everything he needed for a nuke except the know how. That would have come along in time. 3 Reply warren, olathe 12/18/08 re: Bill Clinton quote AJ no one with a brain is going to believe that crap. There has not been a surplus since Truman. Waffer, you really can make a fool of your self. This ignorance is incredible. It was apparent the Bill suffered from mental condition that allowed him to actually believe what came out of his mouth. He could believe what he said because he has no grasp of reality 2 Reply warren, olathe 12/18/08 re: Henry George quote Waffler, first graders have been caught silently praying by their teacher and then expelled. Your buddies in the ACLU back that kind of nonsense. 2 Reply warren, olathe 12/11/08 re: Mark Twain quote I think that is uncalled for Waffler. We pick on you a lot but having a different opinion about something does not make any one a liar. For that matter if it turns out that any prediction is wrong that also can not be called a lie. This is the biggest frustration I have with the left. Always calling some one a liar just because they do not agree. 1 Reply warren, olathe 12/11/08 re: Harry S. Truman quote In my ignorance I always thought that Truman was one of the "good" Dems. I visited his library and museum and read his speeches and other statements. He was no different that LBJ, Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, or any other of them. I lost all respect for him. He was apparently as much of a demagogue and propagandist as any current Dem. He was able to turn a Republican controlled congress over to the Dems crying about them not putting his spending bills through, calling them a 'do nothing congress", while at the same time taking credit for the government running a surplus. Obviously if the congress did as he demanded the surplus would not have been there. He was just another worthless leftist politician. Truth was to him what ever he decided he wanted it to be. Reply warren, olathe 12/11/08 re: Groucho Marx quote he was making a joke waffler. Reply warren, olathe 12/9/08 re: Friedrich Hoelderlin quote Don't worry about Waffler. He will only see a wonderful presidency while Obama is Pres. and the press will do all it can to make things look rosy. No matter how many disastrous things are done to "help" the economy. Reply warren, olathe 12/9/08 re: David Friedman quote Example of good humor. 2 Reply warren, olathe 12/9/08 re: P. J. O'Rourke quote Perfect. Truth is the basis of all humor. It isn't funny unless it has truth in it. Those who do not see the humor in a joke are either ignorant of the truth or there was no truth in the joke. This "joke" can also be seen as a simple statement of fact. Reply warren, olathe 12/9/08 re: Norman Mailer quote Must have been talking about "Global Warming". 2 Reply warren, olathe 12/9/08 re: Fredrich August von Hayek quote So, Waffler, you believe that socialism believes that the end justifies the means? 1 Reply warren, olathe 12/9/08 re: Ronald Reagan quote Any one that thinks Obama would put in a flat tax is a fool. Dems caterwaul about deficits to support tax hikes then immediately increase spending by twice the projected increase in tax dollars coming in. Then they wonder why the estimated increase in tax dollars do not happen. They do not understand that increasing the tax on something causes there to be less of it. Tax increases always reduce tax dollars because taxes are already excessive. That is why a tax reduction actually will increase the tax dollars received by Washington. Tax reduction stimulates growth making the pie bigger so the smaller percent actually equals more tax dollars. This has been proven over and over. If you want deficit reduction you have to cut taxes and spending. A flat tax will look good but it would take away the Dems favorite thing, control over your life. 4 Reply warren, olathe 12/9/08 re: Isabel Paterson quote A. Hitler thought he was doing the right thing for the world. So do a few of the "Global Warming fools". 1 Reply warren, olathe 12/9/08 re: Thomas Paine quote unfortunate, but true 1 Reply warren, olathe 12/7/08 re: Frederic Bastiat quote In this day and age the worst thing for a good cause is to be ignored. Any time someone notable has a good idea he is ignored if possible. If he is in a position that prevents him from being ignored he will be attacked. It will not be his cause that is attacked directly, it will be him personally. That way his cause can be defeated with out having to debate the worth of it. Now if a leftist comes up with one of his usual harebrained ideas the idea or cause will be championed in the same way. All those that would try to debunk his idea would be personally attacked and be disqualified to have an opposing opinion. That is how it is done in this country. Reply warren, olathe 12/7/08 re: Noam Chomsky quote This guy is one of the few reasonable men on the left. He would defend my right to be heard. That is unusual for a leftist. Most would support the "fairness" doctrine strictly because it will stop any disagreement with the left on the air waves. Make no mistake they are going to the net next. The only chance we have is to scare the crap out of them. The congressmen will protect their jobs even if it means leaving freedom of speech alone temporarily. 1Reply warren, olathe 12/7/08 re: Daniel K. Inouye quote More drivel for saps. Ridicules. This guy is full of it and always has been. Nothing he says is worthy of taking note of. 2 Reply warren, olathe 12/7/08 re: Gary Allen quote They are what they are. The "picture" is what it is because most journalist and news sources think alike. Not because they are controlled. Once you see and understand them it is not hard to read between the lines. 23Reply warren, olathe 12/7/08 re: Oscar Callaway quote They are like they are because it is the leftists that want to be journalists. It is not because somebody bought control. Some of the most liberal news sources are owned by conservative moguls. The product is gradually going out of style as you can see by all the down sizing over the recent past. They are loosing control over the minds of the population. Reply warren, olathe 12/7/08 re: Ramsey Clark quote A true worthless twit. 1Reply warren, olathe 12/7/08 re: Mike Culbert quote Yea Yea Yea crap for saps. Reply warren, olathe 12/2/08 re: Richard Lamm quote Mshujaa, The Real World. The poor are victims of their own philosophy and the leaders they choose. Racism is not the primary problem here. Racism is no where near as prevalent as it is trumped up to be. It is more often just used as an excuse. Reply warren, olathe 12/2/08 re: Richard Lamm quote It is quite obvious that the second wand would alleviate for the most part the need for the first. 2 Reply warren, olathe 11/28/08 re: Benito Mussolini quote Do not confuse what was called right and left in Europe and what is right and left in the USA. Any thing that is bad will eventually be termed right wing. The German right wing of WW2 is to the left of today’s DEM's in the USA. You will find very little difference in political philosophy when you compare them. Same tactics. Same objectives. We are seeing applied by slow encroachment rather than all of a sudden as it came to be in Germany. In our country those that fight against it are called right wingers and fascists. Problems are created for the sole purpose of blaming them on the political opposition. Any attempts at correcting the problems are met with shouts of "trying to starve the children" or "wanting to kick old people out on the street" and so forth. The names change but the song remains the same. If the quote were to read Liberalism ... instead of Fascism... waffler would love it. Instructive quote. 2 Reply warren, olathe 11/28/08 re: Benito Mussolini quote Good description of Fascism. Right where we are headed. Why not 5 stars for agreement with him waffler? Quote very instructive. Many run to the polls to vote for a government like this because of ignorance. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print