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Posts from Warren, olathe

Warren, olatheWarren, olathe
warren, olathe

The law always considers intent. And that determines the seriousness of the crime. I only give stars because he was not speaking to our law.

warren, olathe

Get serious. You have a right to do what ever is politically correct and to put the blame on the conservatives. Take that back. You only need to claim to be politically correct as long as you give lip service to the damn fascist left.

warren, olathe

Sounds like the slaves back then had about the same 2'nd amendment rights that we have today.

warren, olathe

An education would do Madison no good. Needs a brain.

warren, olathe

Crap, I only have 380 channels.

warren, olathe

The key to our constitution working.

warren, olathe

Real creative history there Jesse.

warren, olathe

Ron Paul and Kucinich are the best examples of congressional idiocy.

warren, olathe

I get tired of hearing how we are hated all over the world as if the hatred was warranted. The fact is that this is greatly exaggerated. Hate often comes from envy. Other governments use propaganda against the U.S. to try to improve their image among their people. Most other countries are very socialistic. We are the biggest target for socialists because our existence is proof that less socialism is better. The other problem we have is our generosity. We feel bad when we see starvation and strife around the world so we send aid. Of course the aid has to be administered by the government of the country we are trying to help. The fact that the people in question are hurting is usually due to their government. The aid we give ends up helping the government stay in power with little help actually going to the people we intended to help. This results in the people seeing the U.S. as a partner in their oppression. So my point is - when pissing off socialists, keep it up, when handing out foreign aid, quit it, and if you really want to help starving people give them freedom.

warren, olathe

The statement has every thing to do with communism and socialism. Those concepts and what they did to her mother Russia were instrumental in the formulation of her hard nosed opinions on government and freedom. People think she is extreme but she is pure logic. If something is bad why would you think that mixing in just a little bit into your society to be ok? Would you put just a little bit of poison in your coffee? Sorry I forgot about some of our artificial sweeteners so that last statement doesn't work so well. In any case, all dictatorships have had the government owning or dictating every thing to both business and the individual. I assure you, she saw dictatorship and socialism as the same evil.

warren, olathe

The McCain-Feingold-Cochran Campaign Reform Bill. The next will be the fairness doctrine. Any attempt to control lobbyists (that is you if you try to get your thoughts to a representative), or the public airwaves, or any other public expression of your opinion is in violation of the constitution. They have gotten away with it once and we have put up with it. We can't let it happen again and we need to demand a correction on what has already been done. The McCain-Feingold-Cochran Campaign Reform Bill was done to make it harder to get rid of incumbents and has served to make finance of campaigns even dirtier. The fairness doctrine will serve to reduce the information you can get about politicians that is not filtered through liberals

warren, olathe

He did not align God with his army. Clearly his army would have been useless if the intentions of God were against them. The statement does not imply that God was with them only that they relied on him and hoped for his grace during their time of trouble.

warren, olathe

Anyone that thinks that morality exists separate from religious influence is an idiot.

warren, olathe

They were told it couldn't be done. So they knuckled down and buckled down and found out they couldn't do it.

warren, olathe

This can only apply to reasonable people. The problem we have internationally doesn't involve view points that we do not understand, it involves view points that are unacceptable.

warren, olathe

Hey you make sense Waffler. The congress was made inefficient for good reason. The longer it takes for them to do something the more likely they will have gained enough sense not to do it.

warren, olathe

Good quote. I do believe this was intended to be humorous and a bit of a jab at the other congressmen. By the way the courts are not supposed to be there to decide the constitutionality of a law. The congress was given this responsibility by the constitution and the supreme court decided in the early 1800's that they would take that responsibility off of the congresses hands and we have had an ever increasing abuse of power from them ever since.

warren, olathe

True but violence can never be ruled out as a sometimes necessary solution or you will find it forced on you anyway.

warren, olathe

Intolerance to what? Out of context this could mean anything. There are many things we need to be intolerant of. Blanket tolerance leads to chaos

warren, olathe

Good for civil but not international dealings.

warren, olathe

Guess it is easy to see why he was killed.

warren, olathe

Too bad so many of today's civil rights leaders do not follow this philosophy.

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