Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-15] of 15Posts from bruski, naplesbruski, naples Reply bruski, Naples 6/19/18 re: Alan Dershowitz quote Right on!B 2 Reply bruski, Naples 3/1/17 re: Benjamin Franklin quote Debt: a four letter word to avoid.Unfortunately, we Americans are now addicted to it.The withdrawal pain will be nasty. Reply bruski, naples 4/22/16 re: Ayn Rand quote Yep. And, here we are living in the world that Ayn described in Atlas Shrugged.b 1 Reply Bruski, Naples 3/9/16 re: Calvin Coolidge quote Where is Cal when we desperately need him?b 2 Reply Bruski, Naples 3/9/16 re: Charles Koch quote We are under attack and we are losing.Big government in conjunction with big banks & corporate cronies are winning battles and appear to be winning the war.Mr. Trump is the only candidate addressing some of those issues.Semper Fi.b Reply bruski, naples 1/18/16 re: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote So true. And, we can watch it every day on CSPAN. 2 Reply Bruski, Naples 1/7/16 re: Eric Hoffer quote The antidote for fear is courage.Our leaders lack courage and integrity. We need new leadership from top to bottom.Semper Fi. 1 Reply Bruski, Naples 1/6/16 re: Bill Clinton quote The only rights that the Clintons care about are their rights to steal America for themselves and their cohorts.Semper Fi.b Reply Bruski, Naples 1/5/16 re: Vance Packard quote PPS. If you are not worried, read "Stealing America". 1 Reply Bruski, Naples 1/5/16 re: Vance Packard quote "The Patriot Act" formed out of greed and stupidity.Congress fiddles while Obama & Co. burns our money.Semper Fi.bPS. 'Big Brother' is watching you. 1 Reply bruski, Naples 12/29/15 re: Edward R. Murrow quote We Americans have forgotten the important factors in our successful venture into freedom.To paraphrase Pogo: "We are meeting the enemy and he is US!"Semper Fi.B Reply bruski, Naples 12/24/15 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Yes! Yes! Yes! And, unfortunately we Americans are now asleep. Our freedom is lost in many ways. Merry CHRISTmas. 2 Reply bruski, Naples 12/18/15 re: Lord Chesterfield quote Started with the income tax and the central bank.100 years later we have "central planning" and a government out of control.Semper Fi.B 1 Reply bruski, Naples 12/16/15 re: Edward Snowden quote "........And the truth shall make you free!"Emphasis mine.Semper Fi.b 2 Reply bruski, Naples 12/14/15 re: Frederic Bastiat quote Says all that needs to be said in describing collectivists.Liberty works. Socialism does not. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print