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Posts from cal, Lewisville, TX

cal, Lewisville, TXcal, Lewisville, TX
cal, lewisville, tx

Editor, I feel we agree with you in most every way, but you must admit some commenters just don't even know what they are talking about. Hopefully they will begin to read the quote carefully and stick to the subject.

cal, lewisville, tx

You are so right Jim K. I have little respect for our ancestors who allowed the 16th ammendent to be passed.

cal, lewisville, tx

And our government today says for us to give up what we have to the government and they will take good care of us with Obama Care.

cal, lewisville, tx

Makes me think of the Russian Revolution of 1917.

cal, lewisville, tx

Back in the 1920's and 30's many from Amerika went to the Soviet Union to study communism. It would have been better for us if they had just stayed there.

cal, lewisville, tx

Let's get rid of the department of education in DC and let the state and locals decide what they want their students to learn or not learn.

cal, lewisville, tx

Hey Reston, let's get rid of both of them and go Libertarian.

cal, lewisville, tx

I am not one bit surprised.

cal, lewisville, tx

Even here if enough folks break the law-then they will begin to get rid of that paticular law. If not the legislature-then the courts will.

cal, lewisville, tx

I have always been for cameras in the Senate and House of Reps.

cal, lewisville, tx

I agree Kimo, just seeing the changes for the worse in my own time as power centralizes in DC.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Our founding fathers were truly excellent as compared to what we have today.

Cal, lewisville, tx

We found out from one of the very first settlements in this nation that the common storehouse does not work except at GUNPOINT. Remember the Jamestown settlement.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Our nation has not been in it's greatest hour for many decades and only getting worse.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Will Rogers said to invest in real estate because they ain't making no more of it, but money they will never cease.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Are we paying taxes or tribute?

Cal, lewisville, tx

FactsMatter, here we condem both Repubicrats and Democrats. Don't defend either one. One is bad and the other is worse-so they both deserve blame.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Good quote! Jefferson really thought everything through. People must take responsibility for their own actions which harm themselves.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Jim, they did make LBJ "king" when they elected him. He really centeralized all power to DC and ruled like a tyrant.

Cal, lewisville, tx

And they have these stupid drug laws today. Although I have never taken drugs or used them myself, they are a persons own personal business. Ron Paul wants to rid us of the federal drug laws and return them to the states. Like Barry Goldwater, he believes this is a STATE ISSUE.

Cal, lewisville, tx

You're right Mike, we waited too long already.

Cal, lewisville, tx

And that is just what they did.

Cal, lewisville, tx

The Earl Warren and Warren Burger courts did not believe this.

Cal, lewisville, tx

If it's not written in stone, then you have nothing in writing.

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