Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [401-425] of 1306Posts from cal, Lewisville, Txcal, Lewisville, Tx Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Cal, lewisville, tx 9/30/13 re: Mark Skousen quote I could care less what my neighbor or anyone else does in private. Reply Cal, lewisville, tx 9/30/13 re: David Kelley quote Ayn Rand's Objectivity! 92Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 9/27/13 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Our greatest president. Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 9/25/13 re: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quote Would he say Obama Care is just? 2 Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 9/23/13 re: Daniel Mitchell quote Remember Jim when great governor Price Daniel began our state sales tax at two cents on the dollar. WOW how cancer grows. Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 9/19/13 re: Robert A. Heinlein quote Jesus said for us to come and reason together with him. Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 9/19/13 re: Jesus of Nazareth quote Its worse now than back then. Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 9/18/13 re: Condoleezza Rice quote Glad she is no more. If she is a real republican we are just as well off with dumb-a-craps. Waffler, where are you. We need some entertainment. Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 9/18/13 re: Kit Bond quote Yeah, so long as he is the government. Reply Cal, lewisville, tx 9/16/13 re: Vinnie Moscaritolo quote Government will burden us with laws while exempting themselves from them. 1Reply Cal, lewisville, tx 9/16/13 re: Abraham Lincoln quote What he is saying is that our constitution is a living, breathing document and he could change it to fit his desires. Nothing in our constitution gave him the right force states back into the union or to draft young men into his army because few cared to have a war only the Robber Barons wanted. When the Supreme Court told him it was unconstitutional to do this he threatened to jail them. Reply Cal, lewisville, tx 9/16/13 re: Ron Paul quote Still wonder why the Republicans rejected him? Reply Cal, lewisville, tx 9/15/13 re: Charles Wagner quote The difference between those that live in the city and expect entitlements and those that live on the land and don't even know what entitlements are. Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 9/5/13 re: Indira Gandhi quote Well said Jim K Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/2/13 re: Ayn Rand quote She should know what she luckily escaped from. Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 8/28/13 re: George Santayana quote If one shoe fit everyone, we wouldn't need shoe stores. Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 8/27/13 re: Auberon Herbert quote Well said Mike. Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 8/26/13 re: George Washington quote He warned us well about getting into foreign affairs. Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 8/23/13 re: Shawn E. Klein quote Those that love liberty must unite and take our country back. Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 8/23/13 re: Ayn Rand quote Always liked her writings. Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 8/23/13 re: Onkar Ghate quote Did you hear this federal government? Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 8/21/13 re: Ayn Rand quote This quote is a little out of context, but when one reads her writings it all comes together on her belief of Objectivity. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 8/21/13 re: Ayn Rand quote Her Objectivity is great. 3 Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 8/16/13 re: Marvin Johnson quote As a Liberation I agree, but one must also add ethics and responsibility when exercising their rights. I am not a flag burner. Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 8/15/13 re: Thomas Jefferson quote It appears he would never agree to United Nations or our being involved with it. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print