Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [26-50] of 1306Posts from cal, lewisville, TXcal, lewisville, TX Previous 25 Next 25 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/14/16 re: Leland Stanford quote Labor always gets it's money first, then what is left goes to the investor. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/14/16 re: Kevin O'Leary quote Applying for a job many years ago the interviewer simply implied that they wanted the best qualified at the very least cost or wages. I moved on. 2 Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 8/19/16 re: H. L. Mencken quote Our taxes are our paying TRIBUTE to our so called public servants. 1 Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 8/19/16 re: Paul Miller quote If only they would practice TRUTH in advertising. Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 8/16/16 re: John Swinton quote Dick, ft worth. You have my permission to be dismissed . 1 Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 8/15/16 re: Walter Lippmann quote I just wish the media would tell us the whole story and be informative rather than persuasive. 1 Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 8/12/16 re: Milton Friedman quote Where in the constitution did the feds find the right to control drugs within our borders? It's a state issue. 1 Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 8/12/16 re: Keith Richards quote Just like having laws against suicide. 2 Reply Cal, Lewisville, TX 8/11/16 re: Ayn Rand quote Communist=All property belongs to the state. Nazis=It doesn't matter who owns the property. What matters is who controls it. 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 8/1/16 re: Walter E. Williams quote Walter Williams never misses. 3 Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 8/1/16 re: Michael Boldin quote There is supposed to be a difference between being accused and being convicted. 2 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 7/20/16 re: Samuel Adams quote Our constitution is written plain and clear so anyone can read and understand it, but the liberal justices will tell you, "but that's not what it means." 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 7/5/16 re: Justice Potter Stewart quote The press seems to censor themselves. They mostly give us just enough of the story to support their opinion - rather than the Whole Story. 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 7/4/16 re: Francisco Ferrer quote Waffler, sad to see that you are a victim of public education. . 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 6/28/16 re: Ayn Rand quote Ayn Rand's philosophy was "objectivity." Waffler personally seems to have nothing about himself that we could call objective so he despises Ayn Rand. 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 6/27/16 re: A. J. Liebling quote Seems they only want to persuade, not inform. Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 6/20/16 re: Charles Baudelaire quote Democrats know the devil exists. They worship him. 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 6/6/16 re: Edward Gibbon quote History teaches us the mistakes of the past. Why do we repeat them? 31Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 6/1/16 re: Friedrich Nietzsche quote Josef Stalin was a master of this. 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 6/1/16 re: Benito Mussolini quote Anyone who has ever been in the military like myself has seen the waste and ineffectiveness of total government control. 2 Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 6/1/16 re: Ayn Rand quote The communist party is a big labor union. What good did it achieve? ??? Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 5/24/16 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Our greatest president. Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 5/24/16 re: Sir Winston Churchill quote Reston and Dick are two worthless communists who think people are social insects. 2 Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 5/24/16 re: H. L. Mencken quote FDR declared this kind of person an "enemy of the state". 2 Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 5/20/16 re: Ronald Reagan quote I liked what Reagan said. The reason he did not do what he said is because he surrounded himself with friends who only wanted to pad their wallets. He did not spend more in 1980's dollars than FDR did in 1930's dollars. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print