Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-1] of 1Posts from catdaddy, anywhere usacatdaddy, anywhere usa 1 Reply catdaddy, anywhere usa 3/7/09 re: John “Birdman” Bryant quote Bryant is right about most things -- but his spiritual orientation is wrong. In fact, we've been slaves ever since the advent of paper money -- the currency of slaves. Our money system is horribly manipulated by billionaire/'trillionaire bankers who, through the heinous Federal Reserve Act, are able to create credit out of thin air, lend it to the government at interest and in turn use the tax collecters (IRS) to extract it from the middle and working classes. Money was supposed to be "coined" by the U.S. treasury with no interest attached but that hasn't been the case since 1913. The additional hidden tax of inflation erodes the wealth of the middle class and we all end up slaves to mortgages, credit card payments, car payments etc. We are born into debt and die in debt. It is no surprise to Biblical scholars that the perpetrators of this evil are precisely those mentioned in Rev. 2:9 and 3:9. In fact, the entire planet has been scammed by these bankers, and most all of their wealth stolen and transferred into the pockets of the scammers -- including their lying, unscrupulous lesser minions who willingly go along with this plan. All major politicians are pawns -- done what they are told to do. Those who step out of line have their careers ruined or are killed (like JFK). Obama is a socialist/communist in the hands of the hidden masters, the international bankers. This is all leading up to a reprehensible one-world government system ruled over by "the antichrist". I don't have time to lay it all out. Do the research and enlighten yourself. God's word is entirely correct and those who ignore it are doomed to perish. This world is but a testing ground for souls, and knowledge in these tough times is essential. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print