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Posts from helorat, Milton

helorat, Miltonhelorat, Milton
helorat, Milton

The quote may not be authentic, but the sentiment conveyed is 100% correct! A, Reston why don't you move to some socialist workers paradise like North Korea and pedal your BS. You can['t be an American for any other reason then accident of birth.

helorat, Milton

Amen on the quote! Infowars what a sick joke. I personally know for a fact the man lies! The site is a load of manure.

helorat, Milton

Interesting how Christians are labeled as fanatatics for believeing there is real right and wrong, yet Islamic Fascists are given a pass for killing 10s of thousands for what they consider to be the same thing. Yes unfortunately is important how you define moral. To say otherwise is idiotic.

helorat, Milton

Excellent quote. People take action on true remidies governments do not.

helorat, Milton

A, Reston is not a lib he is a bonifide Marx spouting communist, which means he is incapable of being rational. Do not expect otherwise. The worst part of this quote is Kennedy's party has been intentionally breeding and teaching out the ability and desire of Americans to actually make judgements. We must not judge lest some not be able to claim victimhood and be forced to accept responsibilty

helorat, Milton

Great quote and excellent insight by E Archer and Joe. Once again A Reston provides his own proof that he is not a real American, merely a resident by accident of birth leaching off the success of others in a system he does not believe in but is willing to exploit while decrying its unfairness.

helorat, Milton

Stats mostly from IRS in first part, and large study by the tax foundation in the second part taxfoundation.org

helorat, Milton

Amen again. Most residents of this country just want someone (the government) to be responsible for them their whole lives, while blaming someone else (those evil corporations that provide all those cheap goods, or some other group) for their stupidity, laziness and bad judgement.

helorat, Milton

A truer statement was never made!! Reston is a communist, not an American his opinons are based on false fantasies and they have no merit.

helorat, Milton

AMEN!! People acting on a resource create wealth. Government acting on money creates, waste inefficiency, and dependency. We must accept a certain amount inefficiency in necessary government activities, such as defense, in order to ensure effectiveness. But otherwise people and business know best how to use THEIR OWN MONEY! Beware the noise of a decrier of wealth, it is the lepers bell of the approaching looter! Let me give you a tip on a clue to men's characters: the man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably; the man who respects it has earned it. I guess we know how A, Reston got his.

helorat, Milton

This quote is oh so true. But, our income tax is the most byzantine convolute mess ever devised to keep politicians in power; and second in immorality only to property taxes which are built on the premise that you may never truly own property in this country, you must rent it from the government. HR25 (The FairTax) contains the abolishment of the Income tax and defunds the IRS. All cosponsors acknowledge they will not vote for it unless does that. It is revenue neutral, removes a tremendous economic burden on our economy, top to bottom, and most importantly, it gets the government out of our personal business (you know that secure in their persons, houses, papers thing; i.e. privacy) which the flat tax does not. It is the most heavily researched tax bill in history and supported by low income through the gamut of individuals, small business and big business. Read the Boortz and Linder book or go to Fairtax.org for more comprehensive information. And as usual idiotic Anonymous Reston remains a clueless socialist. He can’t even come to grips with the fact that corporations are merely groups of people who pool their resources. Clinton fixed the economy, what a sick joke. The minor recession had ended before Bush 1 left office. Clinton balanced the budget on the backs of DoD, check the numbers, his peace dividend gave us the War on Islamic Fascism and a military that is too miniscule too keep 200K men deployed for a few years. And Bill Gates had more to do with the Nineties economy then Bill Clinton did in his wettest dream.

helorat, Milton

Rodgers was a good man, and it is good that he died before the rise of the welfare state. This quote is totally irrelevant today, like the opinions of most economically, politically, historically and militarily IGNORANT AMERICANS. The top 5% pay 53.25% of all income taxes, the top 10% pay 64.89%, the top 25% pay 82.9%, and the top 50% pay 96.03% The bottom 50%? They pay a paltry 3.97% of all income taxes. The top 1% is paying more than ten times the federal income taxes than the bottom 50%! And who earns what? The top 1% earns 17.53 of all income, the top 5% earns 31.99 the top 10% earns 43.11%, the top 25% earns 65.23%, and the top 50% earns 86.19% of all the income. But more important is who gets the government dole: America’s lowest-earning one-fifth of households (Under $23,700) receives roughly $8.21 in government spending for each dollar of taxes paid. Households with middle-incomes ($42,305–$65,000) receive $1.30 per tax dollar, and America’s highest-earning households (Over $99,502) receive $0.41 per tax dollar. John Weicher, as a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank, wrote in his February 13, 1997 Washington Post Op-Ed, "Most of the rich have earned their wealth... Looking at the Fortune 400, quite a few even of the very richest people came from a standing start, while others inherited a small business and turned it into a giant corporation." What's happening here is not that "the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer." Beware the noise of a decrier of wealth, it is the lepers bell of the approaching looter! Let me give you a tip on a clue to men's characters: the man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably; the man who respects it has earned it.

helorat, Milton

Never trust anyone who does not trust you with the means to defend yourself. I would always trust a banker before a politician, they do not directly have the power to use force and violence against us. By definition (unfortunately) we must be governed by politicians. The key is replacing them regularly so they do not become AS corrupt and retrenched.

helorat, Milton

Great quote. And there is an excellent biographical story of Crocket and his views on welfare which can be found by seaching his name and welfare. He was a wise and Honest man, a rarity in government today.

helorat, Milton

Only when the government misuses our money for unConstitutional purposes, like welfare, with the intent to engage in social engineering, wealth redistribution, and vote buying do they need more then ten percent.

helorat, Milton

A. Reston, the classic unAmerican Communist who does not believe people have the right to live their own lives. They must be able to put a gun to our heads and control us thru there best friends, an intrusive government and a confiscatory tax system so we can service the wants of the lazy and stupid.

helorat, Milton

Utterly amazing that there are people in this country that honestly believe this BS, and then have the incredible gall to think they are really Americans by anything other then by accident of birth. How apropos to place the Marx quote next to the FDR quote so it becomes obvious to even the casual observer that FDR was a communist just like his buddy Uncle Joe the darling of the NYT. Fortunately the real Americans know the 2d Amendment is the reset button on the Constitution, and it is getting close to the time to push it. Where is John Galt?

helorat, Milton

Utterly amazing that there are people in this country that honestly believe this BS, and then have the incredible gall to think they are really Americans by anything other then by accident of birth. How apropos to place the Marx quote next to the FDR quote so it becomes obvious to even the casual observer that FDR was a communist just like his buddy Uncle Joe the darling of the NYT. Fortunately the real Americans know the 2d Amendment is the reset button on the Constitution, and it is getting close to the time to push it. Where is John Galt?

helorat, Milton

See, A Reston is still an IGNORANT fool. TJ did exactly the same thing to exactly the same barbarians for exactly the same reason. Read a little on the Barbary Wars, you know America's first undeclared war with the consent of the founders who knew what that thing they wrote meant. Robert before you lie about the preisdent look at your god and goddess hillary and bill who really did those things you accuse the President of without a shred of proof. Wah! Wah! Communist GO HOME! I doubt you can spell liberty let alone understand it:(|||||||-<-<

helorat, Milton

Dr Sowell is one of the greatest moralists, and economists of our time and as usual he is right on the money. Any real American could not disagree with his statement. Democrats, Socialists and Communists, all basically the same thing really, and all: never met a tax they did not like, believe only the wealthy have responsibilites and they are the best judge of who needs your money the most, and what it should be used for. They are not Americans an know nothing of Liberty!

helorat, Milton

Great quote! Why do you socialist/communist statists who believe the government is the solution to all your problems even subscribe to this and come here. Liberty is the solution to the human condition. I noticed how kind the left is, look at how they treat Christians on campus and the people who outed Algore's CO2 hypocrisy. Less spiteful left... what a ludicrous joke. Where is the responsibility of the poor??

helorat, Milton

In which part of the Constituion did we the people give the government the power to steal money from one person to provide healthcare or education for another. Ooops forgot you guys don't believe in the Constitution, just in destroying it. It is Comrade Marx you trust and his legacy of abject failure, starvation and 100 million dead bodies. Apportionment what a joke punish the successful. Equal percentage across the board is the only fair way. To hell with the freeloaders, let the private charities take care of those in need it is not the federal government's job, and they have failed miserably at it. Just what is the exit strategy from the 6.5 trillion dollar war on poverty. Talk about a generational war started intentionally to keep people in power: democrats and socialists, same thing actually.

helorat, Milton

No Joe, they are communists who love government because it lets them steal the fruits of others labor by proxy and give it to the lazy, the stupid and the unproductive. They are not Americans they just masquerade as such while trying to subvert every principle the country was built on.

helorat, Milton

Very good quote. Progressive taxes are immoral, property taxes are immoral and involuntary taxes are immoral. Not all taxes. Perhaps A, Reston would care to enlighten us as to which of his Marxist utopian states did not kill; or any other state for that matter. When a state becomes unwilling to charge a criminal his life for taking a life it has failed its basic purpose of stopping people from doing violence to each other and demands vigilantism from its citizens.

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