[1626-1650] of 1832

Posts from jim k, austin

jim k, austinjim k, austin
jim k, austin

Mr Sowell is great.

jim k, austin

When it comes to the average voter, I'm reminded of a quote I believe I read from a responder on this site. "Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large numbers".

jim k, austin

There are two kinds of people,those that are rich and the rest of us who wish we were rich.

jim k, austin

The cuurent campaign is like a good news, bad news joke, except it's more like a bad news, worse news joke. Unfortunatly, one of them will be elected , so vote for the one who will do the least amount of damage to the republic.By comparison, Obama makes McCain look good.

jim k, austin

Mike, Waff doesn't care for your comment so you must be right.

jim k, austin

From the drivel above, it's obvious that the shock treatments didn't work for Waffler.

jim k, austin

A politician is someone who buys your vote with your money, or at least tries to. They create the messes and then want to "solve" the problems they create. We would be far safer and more solvent if we just gave everyone in the US congress a fancy hotel suite in Hawaii,10 million bucks each, and with the stipulation that they could not return to Washington or pass any bills of any sort for the time they are in office.

jim k, austin

Now if we could just keep them under those stones.....

jim k, austin

Earth to Waffler, Earth to Waffler, come in....

jim k, austin

I have a notion that all lberals have some sort of mental defect or why would they be libs. Supporters of left wing causes in Lenin's time were known as "useful idiots" and would have been the first ones shot if the commies had taken over.

jim k, austin

Mike, it goes like this, "No mans life, liberty, or property is safe when the legislature is in session." Unfortunatly, it is no joke. What this country needs is more congressional recesses and longer ones,12 months is about right.

jim k, austin

Good show, Bryan. At the least, half of the congress should be wearing those day glow jump suits and steel bracelets and the other half being investigated. Instead ,they are sitting pretty inside the beltway and being re- elected.

jim k, austin

Very true , but after joining the beltway crowd they usually become just one of the usual suspects. Shame on them. To make matters worse, we keep electing the same bunch. Shame on us.Hey Waff, as usual ,you Libs have no sense of humor.

jim k, austin

Comparing Pelosi and Reed to celery is an insult to celery.

jim k, austin

H.L. ,as usual, hit the nail directly on the head. I don't see it improving in the near future.

jim k, austin

Spoken by one of the few people in our congress with a lick of commen sense. I find most "average" Americans at Wal-Mart or McDonalds.

jim k, austin

A meaningless quote.

jim k, austin

Logan, you may be convinced that one day waffler will get it, but I have serious doubts. Hey Waff, if the "majority" in my home owners association voted that I must paint my house pink, should I be forced to do it? After all, majority rules.

jim k, austin

If memory serves, Reno the horrible worked for Slick Willie.

jim k, austin

And the beatings will continue until morale improves.

jim k, austin

This quote exactly describes our government today. The mortgage loan companies failed mainly because the govrnment forced them to make "sub-prime" loans, in other words to people with bad credit with no chance of repaying.. The usual suspects are now planning to "fix" everything ,sort of like hiring Willie Sutton as a bank guard. Janet Reno told these companies, in no uncertain terms, that if they didn't make these loans there would be "investigations" of anyone who didn't. Our government at work.

jim k, austin

Waff, thanks for telling me you are not from Arkansas,(yesterday). This information raises my respect for Arkansas. P.J is exactly correct and who , in his right mind, has any respect for government. Governments excell in robbing and inslaving it's citizens so fear of government is more appropriate than respect.

jim k, austin

If Cicero didn't say this, he should have. If he hadn't said it, Mark Twain probably would have.

jim k, austin

I love Palins voice and Bidens will be fine as soon as they get his foot out of his mouth

jim k, austin

"An argument to advance a more direct democracy" ?? What on earth and Arkansas does that mean? I seriously doubt that Pericles had any notion of "advancing a more direct democracy."

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