Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [101-125] of 1148Posts from rbesrqrbesrq Previous 25 Next 25 Reply RBESRQ 12/20/10 re: George Mason quote Lust for power is not natural. Apathy is a good example how this lust for power is extremely dormant in the vast majority of American people. Unfortunately, there are many who this doesn't apply too and who walk the corridors of government and sit in corporate board rooms. Reply RBESRQ 12/20/10 re: Donald Alexander quote And he should know... In actual fact, you can now get stopped at any time for what ever you are doing as now there is no cause just effect. Just don't step out of line otherwise you may be the subject of Rendition. Reply RBESRQ 12/20/10 re: Booker T. Washington quote THAT IS WHY CAMPAIGN REFORM IS PARAMOUNT - UNTIL GREED IS TAKE OUT OF THE EQUATION IT WILL REMAIN THE SAME - WE ARE NOW A BANANA REPUBLICA RUN BY PUPPETS WHO REPORT TO THEIR MILITARY AND CORPORATE MASTERS Reply RBESRQ 12/18/10 re: Archibald Macleish quote Mike, Rendition is rampant under our military regime and no one cares, they just go about as usual as if we are a democratic and free country - and that is the joke. 3Reply RBESRQ 12/18/10 re: Henry David Thoreau quote Archer, you lost cause - you have no idea what you are talking about. Under the GOP and conservatives we have become fascist which produce one of the most egregious controls of all time "The Patriot Act" and a lot more... If you are going to name call get your facts strait... Reply RBESRQ 12/17/10 re: Walter Lippmann quote Open and objective debate without political (greed) and personal (ego) bias is a rare thing indeed, and until it becomes our individual duty we remain ignorant and will follow any fool. 1 Reply RBESRQ 12/17/10 re: Henry David Thoreau quote Unfortunately it's in their nature... Reply RBESRQ 12/17/10 re: Archibald Macleish quote Unfortunately there is not enough of it! Dissenters are being silenced like some Orwellian nightmare. Reply RBESRQ 12/16/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Perfect! but we must remember that the constitution was primarily forged by the aristocracy and elite of its day and therefore is subject to scrutiny which today must be our first order. Perhaps we should rewrite the constitution like Iceland is doing and in the same manner. 1Reply RBESRQ 12/16/10 re: Melancton Smith quote The Monarchy of the UK still runs the world and you thought you won the war of independence. 4 Reply RBESRQ 12/16/10 re: C. S. Lewis quote Terry, really! The most significant moments in our lives are those that are usually the most simple. This is brilliant because it is simple and that's how it should be. Humans tend to complicate things with laws and bureaucracy which they then turn back on us like they have done with the Patriot Act and so on and if that doesn't work agent provocateurs are set to work, like they did the other day in the UK. Reply RBESRQ 12/15/10 re: Anne Bowen Poulin quote Stupid logic... as the opposite also applies 22Reply RBESRQ 12/13/10 re: Dalai Lama quote Ah! yes, I knew we could all agree on something, and coming from a great Liberal I thank you for giving the Dalai Lama five stars. Though I am amazed he said this - all you have to do is read the Bhagavad Gita to understand his premise for this comment. 2Reply RBESRQ 12/10/10 re: Jeffrey R. Snyder quote If you want reality here it is: Obviously, John has no idea about political philosophy - it's a bit like the pot calling the kettle black. The problem with Americans is that when you question authority you are immediately considered irrational and worse a comme. America please grow up and join the rest of civilization... 1Reply RBESRQ 12/10/10 re: Jeffrey R. Snyder quote Good Roy - jim I'm afraid you are as usual without intellect, please go shopping, if you are lucky WalMart has some in clearance. The US around the world has loss respect; at least the Brits go out into the streets when their government is wrong; in the good old USA you just roll over and take it! 1Reply RBESRQ 12/9/10 re: Lysander Spooner quote In the US there were 31,000 firearm related deaths compared with 57 in the UK - you do the math. In the US there are 223 millions guns one for every man and women. In the US nine children die each day for firearms I want what you guys are smoking... 1Reply RBESRQ 12/9/10 re: Lysander Spooner quote Archer and carol, I'm from Europe none of my friends have guns, in the US they all do - where the hell do you get your facts please provide a source. Reply RBESRQ 12/9/10 re: SA Oberfuhrer of Bad Tolz quote That's like the fox demanding (making it law) to protect the chicken coup 5Reply RBESRQ 12/9/10 re: Lysander Spooner quote Then Archer you may like to explain why the US has the highest crime rate and incarceration rate in the western world. Countries that have weapon bans are much safer - where is your logic or do you work for the NRA 4Reply RBESRQ 12/8/10 re: John Holt quote Another foolish and trite comment. 4Reply RBESRQ 12/8/10 re: Jack Hugh quote That's the kind of remark I would expect from a Libertarian think tank and Koch Industries - their mission is the reason we have this total economic disaster 15Reply RBESRQ 12/7/10 re: Sheldon Richman quote It's this kind or banal reasoning that is the cause of perpetual wars. 1Reply RBESRQ 12/7/10 re: Robert L. Ruble quote America has the worst crime rates and yet they have the most guns - wow! what a surprise.... 13Reply RBESRQ 12/7/10 re: Robert L. Ruble quote God, how dumb can we get to believe this propaganda - I'm not even going counter this stupid argument. Then why stop Iran from having nuclear weapons????????? Reston, I think you are wasting your intelligence on this lot.... 1Reply RBESRQ 12/7/10 re: Jeffrey R. Snyder quote The scourge of this country is the mental attitude of hate which is supported by many on this blog - hate, greed, and fundamentalism from the far-right has always been used to divide communities. Liberalism is not your enemy, you are your own enemy, as your thoughts and actions dictate. Us Liberals feel pity and sorrow for your afflictions and hope that your wounds heal gently before the sword. What is political madness is your understanding of reality. The reel demons who are certifiable are the globalists (The Family, Carlisle Group, Blackstone Group, etc, etc.) who want you to behave exactly how you express yourself - they want your hate and indignation; they feed on it; and, you play right into their hands. The right to bear arms have zilch to do with the reality of what's happening in America today. Now WalMart is part of homeland security - our dear friends who support the Chinese economy under the black banner of a a free market. I just hope you all come to your senses before you rush to the draw where you hide your 9mm. Read Clark's "Griftopian thievery Tea Party ignorance and the disappearance of the American dream" then Parenti's "Capitalism's Self inflicted Apocalypse" and then if you still don't get it, Hedges "The Origin of Americas Intellectual Vacuum" have fun.... Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print