Sir Francis BaconSir Francis Bacon, (1561-1626) Philosopher, British Lord Chancellor

Famous Sir Francis Bacon Quote

“For whatever deserves to exist deserves also to be known, for knowledge is the image of existence, and things mean and splendid exist alike.”

Sir Francis BaconSir Francis Bacon
~ Sir Francis Bacon

The Advancement of Learning, 1605

Ratings and Comments

Mike, Norwalk

deserve is a bit overdone here but other than that, hmmm, ok

Mike, Norwalk
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Mike, Norwalk Mike, Norwalk 6/14/23

There is law (the law of nature and of nature's God  chemistry, physics / science, math, fiscal law, gravity, life, liberty, inalienable rights, etc.), there are philosophies of law (natural law, legal positivism, legal realism, maritime law, etc.) and there is religion. Again, "deserve" is way over done, usually off topic and a misdirection and in reality as defined, it qualifies as either a non-sequitur or falls under justice (the concept "deserve", works well in a society of victims). The more corporeal man discovers the "law", the greater the image and splendid the possibility of existence.

Waffler, Smith, Arkansas

Yes things are good to be known.

E Archer, NYC


Ken, Allyn, WA

It is human nature to learn what is not known and to look for patterns to explain why things are the way they are. People learn like fish swim. Anyone who would deny knowledge to a man denies him his natural existence.

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Anonymous    1/2/09

I should like to think this is a bit obvious...

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RBESRQ    1/2/09

The cloak of truth has no color, and yet each of us ware a different color - I am therefore I must exist - this knowledge is essential if we are to evolve.

Bridie, Ashland

"...for knowledge is the image of existence..."; i.e, our perceptions define our selves and the world in which we place those selves.

Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown

If mean and splendid exist "alike," shouldn't we be extremely conscientious in our elaboration of distinguishing the countless differences?

Denise Murray, DURANGO

Indeed, truth must be known; sadly, what passes for "truth" is often highly suspect. There is One absolute Truth, and One only.
Too often over the years truth has been whatever one decided it should be...usually those in "power" determined to hang on to that power come hell or high water, at any cost...even lives. Might we be seeing that now?


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