Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 563Posts from jim k, austin,Txjim k, austin,Tx Next 25 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 2/18/15 re: Marianne Williamson quote I had a little stroke and was in the hospital for about a month. I'm rehabilitating now and hope to be well in a few weeks. Anyway, I'm back and will be commenting again if i'm able. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 2/17/15 re: W. K. Clifford quote Well said, Robert. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 2/17/15 re: Robert Hughes quote I haven't been posting for the past several weeks due to a stroke I had. Spent sometime in the hospital and am rehabbing at this time. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 2/3/15 re: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing quote I've been away with a stroke and was in the hospital for about 3 weeks. Reply jim k, austin,Tx 8/30/11 re: Ernest Jones quote I suspect that the idiot preacher in Topeka whose "chiuch" members picket all the gay funerals is probably a closet homosexual himself. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/25/11 re: Bruce E. Fleury quote David Lee, nuts again. 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/12/11 re: John Adams quote This is in reply to Carol, Georgia from yesterdays quotes. Doing the same things over and over and expecting different results is a popular definition of being crazy and that is exactly what we have been doing since 1970 with this so-called war on drugs. Back when you could buy any drug through the mail, people used drugs and whe didn't have the carnage we have now with all these drug laws. People still use drugs and look at all the trouble we have now, not so much from drug use , but mostly from this insane war on drugs, thank you R. Nixon. This is getting way too long , so go to and see what judges, former drug cops and others think of this thing. Drugs are easily available in prisons and if we can't keep them out of prisons, how on earth do we keep them out of the country. 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/11/11 re: Grover Cleveland quote Would someone please tell me where the Constitution allows for the EPA, OSHA, DOA ,DEA, HUD, IRS and the rest of the zillion government bureaus now infesting our country. I didn't agree to any of these but have to pay for them anyway. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/10/11 re: Frank Chodorov quote Good old Commie Reston dissapoints, always the same socialist non-sense. 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 8/5/11 re: Lady Marguerite Blessington quote We all have vices,some are just worse than others. The trouble starts when goverment laws turn vices into crimes. Making drug use a crime is just one example and has filled our jails with non-violent citizens. 3 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 7/26/11 re: Sheldon Richman quote It's great to see Reston back, always happy to get the Communist point of view. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 7/8/11 re: Thomas Sowell quote Daniel of Newport, there is no such thing as a "fair tax policy". Taxes are legalized theft to begin with and while some are less onerous than others they are still plunder, The income tax being the worst of the lot. 2 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 6/28/11 re: Menander quote Yes, Churchill was right about Socialism and the equal sharing of misery, except for the 3% of the people who run the show and live in luxury. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 6/14/11 re: Dr. Mary J. Ruwart quote Reston, I see you took your stupid pill this morning, like a good little leftist. 2 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 6/14/11 re: Charlie Reese quote Reston, your comment was inane to give you the benefit of the doubt. It's liberals in both parties that have spent us way past bankruptcy. The quote is exactly right and you are exactly wrong. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 6/8/11 re: Ayn Rand quote "No mans life,liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session". 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 6/7/11 re: Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. quote In 1913 we got the income tax and the Federal Reserve and it's been downhill ever since. 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 6/7/11 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote Nothing much to add here, this quote sums it up. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 6/3/11 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote E Archer said it well. Citizens will gladly give up all sorts of rights in time of war and think they are doing the patriotic thing. 1 Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 5/31/11 re: Thucydides quote As to the perils of war, would someone please tell me what in the hell we are doing in Libya. And tell Obama as he doesn't seem to have any idea either. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 5/31/11 re: Immanuel Kant quote J Carlton said it well. If not a shooting war, there are wars on cancer, poverty,obesity, drugs,you name it, and none of them ever work or ever end. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 5/31/11 re: John A. Fisher quote Or as General McArthur once said, " There is no substitute for Victory". Obama doesn't seem to understand this. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 5/27/11 re: Henry Stimson quote I suspect that FDR was also relieved when Pearl Harbor was bombed as his policies had continued the depression and now he saw a way out. This war also gave us the infamous withholding tax, a "temporary" tax to finance the war which is still with us today. People give up all sorts of freedoms in times of war, sort of like right now with the "Patriot Act". Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 5/27/11 re: Jesus of Nazareth quote Anonymous,New york, Yes, God's word would no doubt be true, but the Bible is mans word about their ideas of God. How anyone can believe that the Bible is somehow literaly "God's Word" is beyond me. Reply jim k, Austin,Tx 5/25/11 re: Helmuth James quote With the Muslim Students Associations active, anti semitism is rampant in many of our colleges and universities These people would love to see another holocaust. Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print