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Posts from ABBY


Why does the current POTUS immediately come to mind? said JB Wulff...in 2010

and now we ask the same question in 2023...


Because kids appear to prefer gaming on hand-helds there is a huge lack of curiousity left in a terribly large part of your youth...and it is spilling into their young adult life as well. A. Gram


Boy, I can't wait for you to get those answers, Mike.


A blessing we have Justice Thomas.


As we are witnessing today across the globe.


The battle to keep busybodies out of one's business is endless. Please, leave us alone, we can take care of ourelves.


...as always...the truth!


Offenses: taxing me to pay for an abortion, supporting those who cross the border illegally and then taxing the public to support them, taxing me to support a war between 2 nations that mean nothing to me is offensive...in fact it feels like extortion...I have nothing to say about it...but if the tax bill is ignored, my house will be taken from me...how is that a good thing for America?


I thought it important to mention that there were several more people in the US congress who were able to meet their Oath of Office obligations at the moment...I don't see it here so you must have found it too horrifying to print? It has hugely improved over 2015...a plus, don't you think that should be spoken of? We elect people and should expect them to perform at least at 90% efficiency.  There are people in Congress who work for America and Americans 0% of the time judging upon their adherence to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. Yet, my letter is missing. Sigh...no wonder we fail. No one pays attention.


One more thing, wouldn't 87000 armed IRS agents qualify as a standing army?  They are going after everyone with FORCE if they are armed.


Take a look at what a republic actually is...it certainly is not mob rule.


Question, seek the truth, question again, and yet again...


The key word here is make...that is force...in a free nation when a person expects freedom, that person must be willing to give freedom to others. Sadly, in America today, our leaders are making us work so that their unconstitutional debts are paid for generations to come...they must work. The people in office today have the idea that Americans owe the world a living at the expense of their own. Jefferson was correct...


And are not paralyzed with fear.


Made sense in the past...but now...meh...all power is now in the hands of a robot named Aladdin, BlackRock, WEF, ... the USA is in a less than good place now as those in charge are dead set against destruction of the US Constitution, and this once free nation. Impossible to know how to grade this...


Still sending our children to public school ... where NOW they learn to be racists (CRT), and they can have sex changes without parental consent...and abortions without parental consent...and are sexualized beginning in kindergarten. Shame on the federal education system and anyone supporting this devastating turn of events. This is NOWHERE for children to spend their days. Morality has slipped away...perhaps a few of the more steadfast souls for righteousness will survive the state we are in today. Its a pretty good quote but a great number of young people would look at you and roll their eyes ... because they won't get it.
(considering J Carlton's note from 2010)


Yes, never more evident than now.


WE MOVED forward to make lives better and more convenient in the USA for more than 200 years. Now politicians are forcing people to move backwards 200 years to inconvenience the people, while improving the lives of the politicians. Sorta like a new kind of slavery without that title. We are learning everyday the ideas our government has for us...but it appears mostly to protect them and the power they have taken from sleepy voters.


Bravo...hope his books, along with Charlotte Iserbytes books are WELL READ...




UNs Agenda 21/30/50, or WEF plans??? There is a reading of Tragedy and Hope on youtube.


And why the USA is a REPUBLIC...SOMETHING SO FEW ARE AWARE OF. We can thank politicians and main street media for the meme of 'the USA is a democracy'

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