Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-25] of 285Posts from abbyabby Next 25 1 Reply Abby 2/1/25 re: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel quote With an education system which isn't a federal education system, its likely the USA would once again excel. Education is a states right. It needs to return to the states. Then there would be motivation, competition, innovation (not necessarily in that order). 2 Reply abby 1/24/25 re: Faye Wattleton quote These victims of murder are real human beings. It is shocking to know that people who live in this country march to kill future children. The Lord said, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; ..." Jeremiah 1:5 1 Reply Abby 1/2/25 re: Thomas Babington Macaulay quote Didn't our Founders want us to be governed rarely but left to our own devises as long as we did not harm others? 1 Reply Abby 1/2/25 re: Marcus Tullius Cicero quote I like the quote, however, who will read it? Not enuff who thinks about what it says... 1 Reply Abby 1/2/25 re: Marcus Tullius Cicero quote How free are people who can do nothing without being watched, without paying a fee to enjoy a past time, cannot bear arms against evil, and when people are under the total control of government which allows nothing without 'their' pound of flesh given before nearly every purchase, and their private property can never be theirs (they will always rent it from the gov.), and further taxes upon income ...which is voluntary unless one does not give it up??? Then it will be taken by force. Reply Abby 12/5/24 re: Lucius Annaeus Seneca quote Obviously after suffering thru it and coming out alive and well....I love it. 1 Reply ABBY 11/15/24 re: Mark Twain quote A little tongue in cheek to make a man think, eh? 2 Reply ABBY 11/15/24 re: Marcus Aurelius quote Love this one! 2 Reply Abby 6/28/24 re: Walter Lippmann quote This nation is a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. Perhaps a democratic republic, tho calling it that is confusing to many people. So call it what it is: a Constitutional Republic. A nation based upon LAW, not mob rule. This explains it rather well: We would suffer under a democracy as we would quickly turn into a socialist nation (possibly already there due to the misunderstanding of law along with desires for power by some wealthy people) and then followed by becoming a communist nation (which is getting closer as our leaders ignore the very laws of this country that make it a free country. This is made all the more easy for the miscreants because the USA has a pretty ignorant citizenry.).....the word democracy is not anywhere in our CONSTITUTION on purpose. The Founders hated a democracy. We need a restoration of Constitutional law, and a lot of Constitution along with its history taught in 'public' school. Don't wait for it to happen, however, for public school is working nicely as the "public indoctrination center" to fundamentally change the USA into a collective or communist part of the NWO. You have heard of Agenda 21 now 2030, right? 1 Reply Abby 4/23/24 re: Daniel Joseph Berrigan quote 12-16 years of education in public education system where a child is in school 6 hrs a day, then 2 or 3 hrs in after care (often at the school) without constant parenting by a mom and dad and then coming home to dinner and bed leaves little time for goodness training. Also,few 2 parent homes. Once the gov. realized 2 taxpayers in a family meant more revenue it became necessary to convince women that they were totally unfulfilled being 'just a mom'...the rest is history. The hand that rocks the cradle... Reply Abby 4/23/24 re: Benjamin Disraeli quote Yeeeesss, tho it can also mean today: people get what THEY want. You know, that mysterious they who at this time appear to be running all the education systems. Reply ABBY 4/18/24 re: Benjamin Disraeli quote Klaus Schwab...not C 1 Reply ABBY 4/18/24 re: Benjamin Disraeli quote You vill own noosing and you vill be happy...C SchwabIts worse than we can guess... Reply ABBY 4/18/24 re: John Taylor Gatto quote His books are priceless.... 2 Reply abby 4/15/24 re: John Adams quote Education is not a duty of the federal government. It is a duty of parents and their state. This duty was usurped to 'standardize education' which hasn't done anything to improve education. Never have we produced so many thoughtless and illiterate people in my 80 years on this planet. Government control is just that...control, not teaching. Read NEA The Trojan Horse in Public Education, and The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt (RIP and thanks for the information). Don't get the revised and abridged edition if you can find an original. 1 Reply ABBY 3/28/24 re: Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quote 87,000 ARMED IRS agents??? Reply Abby 3/18/24 re: Dr. Ron Paul quote He is correct. It should be abolished. 1 Reply abby 2/16/24 re: Walter Lippmann quote They are failing, however the dem party took the pages from Mao and Lenin and other bad actors before beginning to fail so the 'other' party cannot do anything to stop the fail. Tighten your grip on the handlebars of the bicycle. You don't want to lose yourself in the muck. We are on the Road to Serfdom...censorship, communist education in the schools...immorality...infected is going to get much army is crossing the boarder... 1 Reply Abby 1/2/24 re: Publius Cornelius Tacitus quote Makes sense...and we see it playing out with Biden's current blast of new laws. 1 Reply Abby 1/1/24 re: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quote I love this speech. I am sad that we have so many who want to destroy the nation with division and communism. Hopefully, we will see this pendulum begin to swing back to a more virtuous humanity in 2024. I will pray for that and the naysayers. Reply Abby 1/1/24 re: Norman Cousins quote ...poetic... Reply Abby 12/27/23 re: John Philpot Curran quote As we witness happening today, eh? $33 trillion in debt and growing... Reply ABBY 12/26/23 re: Benjamin Franklin quote 1 Reply ABBY 12/26/23 re: Alexander Hamilton quote Beautifully explained. Sadly, many people wear sun glasses with blinders on the sides. I enjoyed this explanation. Reply Abby 12/22/23 re: J. C. Watts, Jr. quote We must pray and speak and act to save our nation. With God's help, we might succeed. After reading Romans is God even on 'our' side any longer as so many have turned their back on the Creator. I am praying to have a free and great America again, but the hate is huge among many, the integrity of many leaders is poor, and many in our population are turning their back on the One who can help us. Can we rise above these things? I pray we can. Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print