Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [126-150] of 811Posts from AnonAnon Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Anon 4/15/10 re: Ronald Reagan quote It's a good quote for a good laugh but there is no truth behind it as the revolution of '76' proved it wrong and the same will happen to bureaucracies in the revolution of '?' yet to come. 5 Reply Anon 4/15/10 re: Maria Montessori quote A freeman who runs a business is limited in his freedom when he is dependant on those that serve him in the business of running his company and he must oversee these workers. Being free means being responsible and being responsible limits one's independence in that he owes both himself and those who work for him responsible action. And of course any man who has a family owes to them responsible action. The quote makes perfect sense. Reply Anon 4/14/10 re: John Stuart Mill quote Archer, I agree with Mike, excellent! Reply Anon 4/14/10 re: P. J. O'Rourke quote Most catastrophes usually come to some kind of end but the one involving government just keeps growing and growing with no end in sight. 1 Reply Anon 4/14/10 re: Mark Twain quote Highway robbers sitting down to plan their next heist. Reply Anon 4/14/10 re: Lord Acton quote When the power of love becomes more important than the love of power, then the world will know peace. (paraphrased.) 4 Reply Anon 4/13/10 re: Justice Hugo L. Black quote There is only one way a media outlet can convince me it is lligitimate. It must speak out against the federal reserve and the world bankers who control it and the world economies to the detriment of all. 5 Reply Anon 4/13/10 re: John A. Hobson quote ".....shear disbelief in innovation".....but mostly because they want to cover up knowledge that exposes them and their statist theocracy. Innovation left alone to do what it's meant to do would be the beginning of the path to peace on earth so innovation fueled by liberty is the last thing a statist theocracy wants. Innovation needs to be controlled to keep the elite in the money and the individual in paupers rags. Reply Anon 4/12/10 re: Abraham Lincoln quote What is done on earth is done in heaven and what is done in heaven is done on earth. Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven and will be done by Him if we don't do it ourelves being in His image. We are fast running out of time though and the road to hell is paved with good intentions and and the road is now very wide. Reply Anon 4/12/10 re: Oscar Levant quote I think the bridges should be burned before they get to a point where they can doublecross that bridge. Better yet, if a way could be found to burn the bridge while he's still on it.... Reply Anon 4/12/10 re: J. P. Morgan quote Who would know this fact better than anyone? Reply Anon 4/12/10 re: Gilbert Keith Chesterton quote When caricatures become the truth, caricatures can no longer be drawn. Reply Anon 4/12/10 re: H. L. Mencken quote The only way to improve goverment is to make laws that further restrict the power of the government thus the real purpose of the juror, to decide by the laws of nature and the rights of men in favor of those rights contained in nature. Reply Anon 4/12/10 re: Harry S. Truman quote And when you have an efficient dictatorship you have rule by the barrel of a gun. 1 Reply Anon 4/12/10 re: Czech Proverb quote Good interpretation J Carlton. the typical scapegoat. Reply Anon 4/12/10 re: Andrew Jackson quote " long as it secures to us the rights..."which is the only reason government should exist. Not to create laws that they deem are "for our own good". 2 Reply Anon 4/9/10 re: Neil A. McDonald quote Freedom is as fixed as it is written within the hearts of man, it is possessed as much as the indidual uses it. 3 Reply Anon 4/9/10 re: Justice Charles Evans Hughes quote The right to be different is also an inalienable right and just like the right to be free we can't give up these rights because they 'are' inalienable, meaning they permanently belong and cannot be taken away nor given up. If anything, these rights can only be waived by an individual or constrained by another but again, cannot be given up. Reply Anon 4/9/10 re: Thomas Paine quote If indivdual rights were put back in their place of importance i.e. the hearts and souls of every living being and from there expanded once again into the law of the land where every man must respect the rights of another or pay the penalty for not doing so, man will be overwhelmed by the power he possesses once again. Today, freedom depends on what rights you are granted by government and by how much you are allowed to keep of your labor. 22Reply Anon 4/8/10 re: Robert F. Kennedy quote The heart of western freedom is the belief that LIFE is the most valuable thing there is. All value exists in the labor an individual can contribute to society. With respect for the individual and what he can create a guidline emerges and the respect of the rights of the individual define this guideline and show us that the closer we stay to this line the better off we all are. Lose this belief and lose freedom. Reply Anon 4/8/10 re: C. S. Lewis quote Because the greedy and selfish are diligent while good people do nothing so while the good do nothing the greedy are busy appealing to the little bit of greediness we all have and thus the begining of the insidious greasy little network of evil that has grown into much much much more than the small web that once existed in the land. 1 Reply Anon 4/8/10 re: Virgil quote Stand strong and attack boldly. 3 Reply Anon 4/8/10 re: Marcus Aurelius Antoninus quote Agree Ken. Washington DC has become a giant shark infested ocean where when their not tearing each other apart they are certainly tearing the citizenry apart. 2 Reply Anon 4/8/10 re: Alan Paton quote Bette, well said. 21Reply Anon 4/8/10 re: Adolf Hitler quote Unlucky for the rulers that men do think. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print