[1351-1375] of 1571

Posts from Anonymous


True. Here, from the army's own website, is one of their plans for us... http://www.army.mil/usapa/epubs/pdf/r210_35.pdf


you're got to be kiddin' me.


How could one possible improve on a government whose sole purpose is to protect the rights of it's people? It's a shame how far we've come in the name of "social reform."


Gilded means golden. Anyways, the quote nails it.


It's by design, people. NWO stuff.


Quotes like this remind me that the Libertarian party is the only party available today.


We're doomed. There's no way to educate our entire population against this sort of manipulation.


He's talking about a central banking type of scheme.


geez. This is simply true.


Yes, E. Archer. Considering the SIZE of the Fed's military/industrial complex, considering the dependency of millions upon millions of people upon the state, considering the currency bought political system, I don't see any possible way to remove the FED and not first have martial law here, FEMA style.


Don't be naive It's entirely about world government, and has been since the late 18th century. They are not random words, and they're underneath that freakin' one-eyed pyramid on your dollar bill for a reason. Believe it, when FEMA comes to chip your family.


It's so comforting to see how many people know what's really going on. Stay tight, people, cause it's going to get very bad. I'm moving to New Hampshire myself.


Lol, this quote is true, and we're scr$#%d.


Insecurity motivates people to to fear and either run or attack-flight or fight. When the reaction is flight, this invites attack from the adversary because it demonstrates weakness. Hence, when America allowed the hostages to be taken and held in Iran in 1979, when American ran from Lebanon in 1983, when America ran from Somalia, America's weakness was demonstrated and invited attack on 9/11. If you want to be a target, run and show your weakness.


Wow. He fell like Anakin Skywalker or something.


This is incredibly true. Learn, people, about your enslavement.


People! This "New World Order" stuff is no joke. Learn why we are being taught that guns are evil, while at the same time learn why there's a freakin' one-eyed pyramid on the dollar in your pocket. Those who understand me - STAY LOUD! www.infowars.com


That last asylum is now New Hampsire. Join us! www.freestateproject.com


That most everyone appears to either pay or accept social security, and noone has voted to abolish the Federal Reserve just goes to show how willing people are to accept slavery.




May God have mercy on our country if Hillary is elected.


They way it ought to work. Unfortunately all we get is rhetoric, opponent bashing, and biased pundits and sound bites. I would love to see more meaningful, respectful, analytical, and thoughtful debate backed up by facts. I won't hold my breath though. The main strategy seems to silence, marginalize, and vilify dissent.


I can believe there's a communist behind Reston's bathroom door. Especially if he's in there.

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