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Posts from Bill, Niles, MI

Bill, Niles, MIBill, Niles, MI
Bill, Niles, MI

It makes perfect sense to me. Since we can't accomplish everything by ourselves we need to cooperate with others in order to achieve our own independent goals. The more we work together and cooperate, the more we accomplish. Don't believe me? Read Genesis and see why God acted against the people building the Tower of Babel :) It wasn't because they weren't getting along :)

Bill, Niles, MI

Why I do not and will not live in New York!

Bill, Niles, MI

"My race, sir, is the human one"
Fred Saberhagen "The Holmes-Dracula Files"

Bill, Niles, MI

I'm thinking of another quote I read on here, let me see if I can get it straight, as I'm going from memory. It was from President Lincoln, something about any man can withstand adversity, if you really want to test his character, give him power. How many of us would really do that well, given huge amounts of power and authority? I have to confess that I for one would probably not. I'm better at adversity, thanks :)

Bill, Niles, MI

Not just the legal professions. The private prison industry in America is a multi-billion dollar business. Not to mention all the companies that supply the government the equipment to continue the "war on drugs". It occurs to me to wonder what the real cost is to the taxpayer to arrest one person on posssession of marijuana. It would be interesting to figure it out. The cost of the policemans salaries, insurance, cost of operating the vehicle they drive, cost of utilities, cost of operating the court system, etc. If they fined someone the actual cost that is incurred for possessing a single joint, it would probably force them into bankruptcy.

Bill, Niles, MI

Well, I don't know so much about the second half of his statement, but I do have to agree with the first half. I don't remember who coined the term "Republicrats" but I think that's just about right.

Bill, Niles, MI

I have the choice to accept employment or not. (mind you, I DO still have bills to pay) I do NOT have the choice whether or not to pay taxes on my wages or my purchases.

Bill, Niles, MI

It is an interesting quote, but what law was he referencing? I need a bit more background information to understand the quote and it's significance.

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