Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [26-50] of 121Posts from Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VTBobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT Previous 25 Next 25 1Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/3/16 re: Dr. Ron Paul quote The good Doctor has it half right (the first half ), but he makes the same mistake - and uses the same label others make and use -- "policeman of the world." 2 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/3/16 re: James Madison quote In Obama, we have the worst: declining military force AND an "overgrown Executive" producing it. ( Not only overgrown but overindulgent ) 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 2/2/16 re: H. L. Mencken quote Not a student of Philosophy, but grew up and lived in a society that used his name from time to time. LOVING this quote: makes me realize why folks were so dedicated to his brain ! Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/22/16 re: Thomas Paine quote HEAR, HEAR !! 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/21/16 re: William Shakespeare quote Could be. Actually, since the two still persist, mankind has chosen to utilize both, depending on the circumstances and the desired result. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/21/16 re: Thomas Carlyle quote Does that mean mankind has NO "right" to have secrets ? 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/21/16 re: John Locke quote He has a negative approach: "fence" and "against" give him away. "The thorough knowledge of the world" also enables you to cooperate with and enjoy it. 2 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/19/16 re: Star Parker quote Cheers, hooray and huzzah ! If my French is anywhere near correct, may I add Prescisement ! ? Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/18/16 re: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote Mary, Largo ... and Obama's all that much better ? 11Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/18/16 re: Charles Hugh Smith quote Not restricted to politics. Pretty much the way mankind operates; indeed, much of Nature: Darwinian. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/15/16 re: Henry Steele Commager quote I think it was while obtaining his "Masters" at Bates ( c. 75 years ago ! ) my superior man-and-teacher-dad mentioned the name Commager, but " what did I know" ?? Now at 85, I probably should do a bit of Library-door-opening, examine a shelf or two to find out more about Mr. Henry Steele Commager, one of those whose name always includes all three parts. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/15/16 re: James Madison quote Waffler, RE; your first; Isn't that the reason he joined them ?As to your second .. isn't that the same type of circumstance in your first ? Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/11/16 re: Daniel Webster quote ... and EACH ONE of us considers our own sweet selves as "the people," regardless of guilt or innocence, individual or group, big government or small .. etc . .. got the point ? 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/11/16 re: Erich Fromm quote Big Brother on the left ... Big Brother on the right. Oh, my goodness, whom should I choose !? 1 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/11/16 re: C. S. Lewis quote I recall an OLD saying: "when you point your finger at another, remember four other fingers are pointing at you." Might we ALL be slow to criticize -- yes, 'ALL' meaning me -- and, by the way, you. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/8/16 re: Laurence Tribe quote After reading many of these and skimming others, I'd guess this nation isn't in danger of being all of one opinion -- and I think that's GREAT !! It's been a long time since there has been 100% popular agreement on ANY issue ( even WWI and WWII had their decliners; IMAGINE ! ). There IS a problem with brief, even if succinct quotations: missing details and descriptions of ifs-ands-and-buts. RARE is the statement or "pronouncement" to which ALL can agree, thank God, and it's our FREEDOM ( the FIRST amendment ) that makes it so Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/7/16 re: Eric Hoffer quote "We have nothing to fear but fear itself;" FDR, I think .. or maybe ... the British equivalent, Sir Churchill. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/7/16 re: Hermann Goering quote Dear Mr. Goering, no wonder der Fuhrrer (sp?) picked you for his ministry of war or propaganda or whatever: You cover ALL the pages and would make a good psychiatrist ! BUT -- we forget that you, also, should have seen a psychiatrist. Even dictators and dictator-types who "use phones and pens" can understand how to rule the proletariat. BTW, where IS the Nazi war machine that was going to conquer the world ? Thank God and the Allies who wore it down .. but we were LATE responding and nearly didn't get there in time. Will we make the same mistake -- again -- with the Mid East and Islam ? Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/6/16 re: Adolf Hitler quote Sub-text from POTUS Obama. Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/6/16 re: George W. Bush quote And we're in better shape under the present lying Dictator ( " You can keep your policy," "I can use my pen and my phone" ) ? REALLY ?? Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/6/16 re: Bill Clinton quote "....., he said." Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/4/16 re: Frederic Bastiat quote Someone said, "The best offense is a good defense"... or was't t'other way 'round ?? Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/4/16 re: Blaise Pascal quote ... with politics a close second ! 1Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 1/1/16 re: King Solomon quote Oh-oh ! I need to check my concordance. "Wise" Solomon says, "these six" and then lists seven ? Note that the words "things" and "are" are italicized, words not in the original [ Greek ? ]. But footnote doesn't references the difference in count. Solomon wants us to know the LORD hates six and the seventh HE more than hates: it is an abomination ( 1948 dictionary says "extreme hate." ) Good old Solomon: I've told you; now you have to figure out the wisdom I've set forth. HELP !! 2 Reply Bobble, No. Ferrisburgh, VT 12/31/15 re: Walter E. Williams quote The erudite and well-read MAY read Walter Williams in a different way from those of we self-described ignoramuses who don't know he's black. Hence, the phrase "color-blind," which MAY color people's interpretation of his words. I wonder if the blacks who know he's black consider his words in a different way than those who don't know he's black -- or -- those of us who are white ? AND -- Poor Abe; poor Anybody whose entire life ( body and soul ) can now be attacked while s/he, being dead, is unable to defend that same body and soul. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print