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cal, Lewisville, TX

Listen to GW Donald Trump.  Get US out of UN and NATO!!!!!

cal, Lewisville, TX

Not to forget the Japanese placed in Interment Camps during WWII.  They lost everything they had and if that wasn't enough-FDR took their sons and placed them in his army.  Where was the Supreme Court???

Cal, Lewisville, TX

I read an article not long ago showing ourselves to have less liberty today than we had at the time of the American Revolution under King George.  How did we let this happen?

Cal, Lewisville, TX

The 16th amendment was supposed to tax 2% of any income over $3,000, but wait, they failed to put that in writing didn't they. It all started when most wanted to soak the rich. What went around came around.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

As Waffler mentioned-Goldwater began to lose it in the end, but he was certainly right in 1964. Still cannot understand how anyone with a sane mind could vote for LBJ.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Sadly so Mike. I'll be retiring after this year and my wife and I are seriously looking at International Living.com for another place to live. It's scary here.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Easy to see why Anonymous remains anonymous.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

One cannot create wealth by redistributing it.-Winston Churchill.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

The Supreme Court has changed the meaning of the Bill of Rights so much you might better research before you exercise them.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Maybe the first amendment needs a little kicker stating the freedom to inform the public, not trying to persuade the public.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Actually what Marx says here makes sense if you live in an Ant Bed or Beehive.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Waffler, the government is all the worse for bailing them out.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Waffler, you have goofed again. Think of it that what was once the options of the states. The Federal government passed the 14th amendment and forced these options upon the states with teeth. Total central control and nationalization will bring any nation down.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Sadly Ayn Rand's predictions are all coming true. Thanks J Carlton. Helorat, the federal government has no constitutional authority for the programs you mentioned costing the taxpayers what it does. They just do it anyway.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

How could he believe in liberty or our constitution when he helped to centralize all power to D.C.? He made this statement, but then legislated from the bench.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Good to see lately that Indiana and Michigan have gone "Right to Work."

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Sounds like the purpose of a SSN.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Why I have never voted for a democrat. They believe all good things come from government.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

What Donald Trump is talking about now. Removing regulations that hold down small business.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Heard McDonald speak once. A good congressman.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Could it be that so many are looking for a leader to believe in and follow. Look at how many Rev. Jim Jones took out in Guyana.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

The states once cherished their rights, but then came federal monies with strings attached.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

There is always danger in strong centralized power.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

If I could add to the first amendment it would force the press to tell the WHOLE STORY. Not edit in order to persuade the people rather than simply inform them.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Reminds me of the 1964 election. Goldwater told the truth, LBJ lied as always. LBJ won by the biggest landslide known at the time.

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