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Posts from Cal, lewisville, tx

Cal, lewisville, txCal, lewisville, tx
Cal, Lewisville, TX

I agree Jim. They said it well.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

The government makes a lot of money confiscating property of drug dealers and it keeps many legal folks employed. Drugs will be illegal for a long-long time.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Burke better do what that lawyers say he may do. Legal and ethical are opposites in meaning and only the legal can keep you out of trouble.

Cal, lewisville, tx

They own the judicial third of our government and I hear tell they have the White House as well now.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Understood that we have more of them in the USA than the whole rest of the world.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

I believe in jury nullification.

cal, lewisville, tx

LBJ, he starts Vietnam to achieve wealth for himself and conduct it to last longer than any other conflict we had ever had up to that time.

cal, lewisville, tx

Ron was my choice in the Republican primary.

cal, lewisville, tx

Still our greatest president.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Anonymous, religion and corporation are voluntary. The "state" is compulsive.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Only death and taxes are forever. Exceptions to everything else.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Yes Jim, Obama wants to be another LBJ.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Like the states granted the federal government very limited rights. In time the federal government has taken all power. If you grant a little, you may lose it all.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

We are fighting back on Obama care. Will we lose this one also?

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Nero, Stalin, Hitler, Lincoln, FDR, LBj,....

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Read "Passage of Power" by Robert Carp to understand this.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Government is the one wanting us to give up more as individuals for what they call the PUBLIC GOOD. Ayn Rand's books are big sellers now as a few are waking up.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

Bravo for this quote; however, he voted among the most liberal of the justices.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

What a liar. He and LBJ pushed affirmative action as far as it could go.

Cal, Lewisville, TX

A product must be created before it can be transported and sold. Invention before labor John.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Carol, I voted for H W Bush in 92, but Libertarian ever since. Hopefully it will be Rand Paul when he runs against Hillary in 2016.

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