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Posts from Cal, lewisville, tx

Cal, lewisville, txCal, lewisville, tx
Cal, lewisville, tx

We have seen in our lifetimes the Federal Courts make laws as they go where there was no law in the first place. Forbidden to pass laws by the constitution-they simply call them court orders with all that legal jargon no one understands.

Cal, lewisville, tx

I wonder if many of them are out of date or seldom enforced.

Cal, lewisville, tx

But then our government comes along with IRS rules and laws no one can ever figure out.

Cal, lewisville, tx

It was certainly true of FDR. He never told the truth.

Cal, lewisville, tx

When DC sees problems it does not attempt to solve them-just throws money at them.

Cal, lewisville, tx

You are correct J Carlton.

Cal, lewisville, tx

What he means Mann is that with the benefits and salary charged to the taxpayer, most public workers are better paid than private ones.

Cal, lewisville, tx

One reason I like Ron Paul and his lack of Foreign policy.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Mike, while listening to Mark Levine I find those names are: MSLSD, The Washington Compost, and the New York Slimes.

Cal, lewisville, tx

How can politicaly correct ever be morally correct?

Cal, lewisville, tx

Reston, are you on welfare?

Cal, lewisville, tx

The difference between a democracy and a republic. People in just a few states with high population can decide how everyone in all the rest of the states live. A republic would give the state and locals protection from this tyrany in DC.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Liberty can be promised, but not equality.

Cal, lewisville, tx

You said it well Kimo.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Jurors have the need to decide if the law is just in the first place. I'm sure juries in each state would decide differently.

Cal, lewisville, tx

If only we had a court system that would read our constitution exactly for what it says.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Beware what they may offer you in return for your liberty.

Cal, lewisville, tx

The defendent has broken a law; however, there could be a good reason for his breaking that law. Trial by one's peers is the best way to go as J Carlton mentions above.

Cal, lewisville, tx

This is true worldwide. There was never a greater and more abusive prosecutor than Josef Stalin.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Look above at the dates. The source was 1735. Hamilton was not born until 1757.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Their motto seems to be, "Save Freedom-Stop Tort Reform." We have more lawyers in this nation alone than the whole rest of the world. They take care of their own kind. Our so called president is one of them.

Cal, lewisville, tx

Those in DC make sure they never endure anything they place on our backs.

Cal, lewisville, tx

The Progressives just had to have that 16th ammendent. It was promised to be a flat rate of 2% but they didn't put that in writing.

Cal, lewisville, tx

True Mike. Eric Holder has some wierd cases going right now.

Cal, lewisville, tx

I agree with Mike about the courts making laws from the bench.

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