Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [901-925] of 2373Posts from Fredrick William Sillik, AnytownFredrick William Sillik, Anytown Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 2/9/24 re: Barry Goldwater quote The fellow was misguided and lacks tremendous educational grounding. The present constitution in its incompleteness and neglectfulness is little more than pure violence much similarity with the typical citizen's behaviorial practices. The present constitution needs much more principled formulation and specified cultivated tutorials. The second amendment specifically should be expunged. The use of firearms is always a lose/lose outcome. Individual diplomatic abilities should be the emphasis of a human designed constitutional written document And, Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create a human constitutional document. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 2/9/24 re: Voltaire quote Notes and bills are a natural advance, halling a wheelbarrow of rocks would prove to to be quite impractical. When we advance into humans we will exchange with our verbal prowess and the honest word. "Never a honest word when I ruled the world." We had something to believe when the Socialist showed us our humanity. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 2/9/24 re: United States Constitution quote The amending of constitution, its very cultivation needs much more citizen's personal and public attention and regard to keep pace with the requirements of the life process. We need to stop trading limited pebbles and start trading unlimited ideas for acceptable and accurate resource allocation. The constitution needs to stop being a mockery and a joke, and more along the lines of a prescription for responsible citizenship. And as always, Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 2/9/24 re: Thomas Sowell quote If a populous arrangement is not equally distributing wealth in a situation where individuals are not sharing the resources in equal regard and equal respect you have a nothing but a blatant stark criminal worthless arrangement of destruction and death. National housing, national transportation, national goods and services are the only alternative. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create responsibility. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 2/8/24 re: Paul Volcker quote Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create life. 1Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 2/6/24 re: Proverbs quote Is this the manual of negativity? 1Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Mike, Norwalk (2/6/24) The more social responsibility, Socialism, implementation into the governmental is instilling needed behaviorial responses to life challenges. What you call freedom Mike Norwalk is simply the freedom to exploit. Government is not our friend Mike Norwalk because it remains intensely in the grip of what you want and have, privatization. Privatization is simply the realm of bullying, exploitation and perversion. We need responsible behavior in the UNITED States of America. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 2/6/24 re: Henry Hazlitt quote Trial and error. The fledgling offspring needs experience to refine its way. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (2/4/24) PPS: If you think drugs and sex are legitimate products you need your head examined. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (2/4/24) PS: I would like to mention in my fledgling Socialistic days, some thirty years ago, that a "socialist" introduced the concept of no money into my awareness of the Socialist arrangement. I remember being simply ecstatic about the prospect. And after a further independent examination of the concept all the forces point to this highly advanced procedure. After that I was lead to my own conclusions and idea of In Humans We Trust. Much of today's crime does it exchanges without money, trading contraband, obviously for the this "socialist" to be aware of concept. This is actually psychotic and this "socialist" would have first hand experience with that. Socialism deals in productive change, for criminals do mistake themselves for some Socialistic design, the problem is they have to become a legitimate product deliverer and not drugs and sex.Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 2/4/24 re: Lew Rockwell quote It sounds more rational to base our efforts on paper then a really worthless rock. Paper money is an advance and the more we advance we will understand to exchange our efforts for more advanced messages then money. Words are the human preserve and sooner or later we will trust each other enough to bank on just words, when all will accept the Universal proclamation......In Human We Trust. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 2/4/24 re: Ronald Reagan quote Sorry Mr Reagan supporters but we Americans don't appreciate being made to think our governmental institution is the enemy. We the People Americans know our arrangement is full of flaws, but we are to access all known available resources to solve the institutional problems of US government. We the People Americans labor fruits are devoted to a better America for the best interest of all. And as always Socialism, where we never plagiarize, and give credit where credit is due, is the challenge of social abilities to create. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Mike, Norwalk (2/4/24) No thanks Mike Norwalk. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Mike, Norwalk (2/4/24) Thanks Mike, Norwalk Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 2/2/24 re: George Washington quote No that's the boys, all men reject the bidder for the glory of love. 1 Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 2/2/24 re: Louis McFadden quote Was that COVID 29? Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (2/2/24) The new frontiers should be looked at with excitement, for chances for positive diversified changes, and hope. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 2/2/24 re: Adam Smith quote It is when the individual realizes that her or his interests are best served by realizing the best interest of all that they will dine in splendor. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 2/2/24 re: Albert Jay Nock quote The mentally ill don't understand what production entails for poet sings that the business man "putting value on the worthless, disregarding priceless wealth." The mentally healthy understand that production is not as much exchange as much as it is just simple forward moving change. Change is production, realizing our dreams for Socialist is a dream realizer and a maker. And as always Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 2/1/24 re: Reginald McKenna quote Mr McKenna, the Socialist believes that the practical ideas coordinating the life processes direct the destiny of the people? Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 2/1/24 re: Dr. Ron Paul quote What would you call it then Dr Ron Paul? Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown (1/27/24) PS: Its not my intention to totally discredit Mr Karl Marx's efforts, he certainly had some very valuable insights, but the evolutionary process has laid to rest much of what he espoused. Mainly, revolution is never violent. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 1/26/24 re: Perry de Havilland quote Interesting, but you might try to understand an intangible effect caused by a stimulus, for instance a non alcoholic attending an AA meeting. Wouldn't that be inspiring? Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 1/26/24 re: Margaret Thatcher quote The Margaret Thatcher effect is similar to the Norman Lear effect as we hear so much lately in his unfortunate passing, not trying to be unrespectful of course, but we are forced to live with the real world effect. Socialism is the challenge of social abilities to create. Reply Fredrick William Sillik, Anytown 1/26/24 re: Karl Marx quote On contrar, Socialism doesn't exactly restrain our voices, but amplifies them and the responsible force of the Socialist principled arrangement creates a very effective efficient moral Democrat. With scientific Socialist based information the Democrat will speak and perform in the best interest of all. The peaceful revolution is unleashed. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print