Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [2551-2575] of 3602Posts from J Carlton, calgaryJ Carlton, calgary Previous 25 Next 25 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/4/09 re: Ronald Firbank quote My thoughts go directly to "Bureaucracies". A Stalinist invention designed to control you and keep you from having any recourse whatever...unless you're unbelievably rich and connected that is... Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/4/09 re: Astrid Alauda quote Too right. Good thing the government pays for "arts" or it would be a very bland world...all hail the state! Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/4/09 re: Aldous Huxley quote These are the unseen truths that provide government's with a flawed reasoning to continue with and increase taxation, and corporation's with a way to keep selling us an inferior product. Now that money is no longer worth saving and is merely a medium of exchange, these are the tools that provide government and corporations with everlasting control and profit. We're living on a treadmill that goes no where. Pay taxes, consume, and die before you collect SS. like a "good" citizen. 3 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/3/09 re: John W. Gardner quote Waffler, with the possible exceptions of Gates, Trump and Jobs....none of those are "good" men. Certainly Obama and Lincoln fall in the category of "Statists" hellbent on destroying American Liberty, and that is completely UN American. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/3/09 re: Paul Hollander quote I guess for "intellectuals" then as now, it doesn't pay to draw attention to yourself with ideas that do not conform to the State's agenda. It might get you put on the same watch list that NRA members, Vets returning home, Ron Paul supporters, Libertarians, and other "right wing" nut jobs are on. Careful careful...Big Brother is watching. 3 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/3/09 re: John W. Gardner quote Excellent Quote! Yep, the rich old men who own the banks and the political whores who live in their pockets are doing their very best to not only keep good men down, but to control everything we do. They do it by teaching us what to think and controlling our access to guns and medical care. They feed us poison by way of pharmaceuticals and devalue our currency whenever we start to actually save enough to retire. You're not supposed to retire, you're supposed to die.The state can't afford to keep you beyond your taxpaying years. As Krishnamurti said..."A profoundly sick society". 1 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/2/09 re: Russell Baker quote I couldn't care less what Al Gore has to say about anything. The man is a complete low life and his followers are morons. Is that humble enough? 2 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/2/09 re: Martin H. Fischer quote Actually Waffler you generalized again and completely avoided the question. But that's what Liberal progressives do isn't it? Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/2/09 re: Russell Baker quote Exactly right Archer...exactly right. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/2/09 re: John Haynes Holmes quote Waffler, It doesn't matter a whit whether it was Reagan or Che Guevera...the system itself is corrupt and broken beyond repair. Any system that has people born into eternal financial an evil system and should be thrown out. Just like the "Americans" did in 1776! 1 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/2/09 re: Russell Baker quote The internet was started by a group of scientists and researchers for in house use for the exchange of information from university to university. Al (F*#@ing) Gore had nothing to do with it. He is quite simply just another political parasite. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/2/09 re: Martin H. Fischer quote There you go generalizing Waffler. Who "exactly" are you calling the "rich"? And who "exactly" are the "poor"? And where do middle class (hard working) Americans fit into this generaization? 2 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/2/09 re: Russell Baker quote Who's idea of progress are we talking about? Hitler, Stalin and Mao had some thoughts on progress that lead to some very terrible things. Roosevelt came up with social reforms and the New Deal that opened the door to wide open socialism in the US. Funny isn't it? How progress always amounts to the same old thing...more control over people by their rulers...a terrible thing. (And Al Gore is the biggest hypocrite on the ever cooling planet) 4 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/2/09 re: Martin H. Fischer quote Let's not generalize someone who has no ambition and chooses to live as a government dependant..."everyone" else looks rich. If by the rich we mean those who have made fortunes by governmental rent seeking, then the system that allows them to do so is corrupt. If we mean those who got up early and made better lives for themselves through ambition and innovation, then we are talking about those who hold American values dear. We can not sweep both under the same rug as there is a huge difference in what it is that makes them "rich". Stealing from the latter makes no one any richer... Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/2/09 re: John Haynes Holmes quote There is some vague truth to the statement. I disagree with its sentiment though. Our "leaders" are supposed to be the ones who are wise enough and concerned enough to preserve sensibility. That means not capitulating to irrational demands that can not be sustained. Sadly though, they are instead political whores with almost zero integrity. 1 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/1/09 re: Brock Fiant quote Good Point Logan, well said. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/1/09 re: Garrison Keillor quote Sorry, but I'm tired of being nice. I've been too nice for too long and they've taken advantage of me and everyone like me. Time for "them" to show some damned respect! Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/1/09 re: Reuben Blades quote Al Gore is a lying moron...surrounded by lying morons. His whole money making "schtick" is based on flawed science and outright lies. "Man Made" global warming is about as preposturous an idea as there could possibly be. But step right up folks and empty your pockets int the third world so that we can all be the same. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/1/09 re: Edward Said quote Right you are how come these alternative points of view aren't taught in schools? Good to see you so happy again today. :) Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/1/09 re: Kenneth D. Wells quote Hear Hear Anon....and Merry Christmas to you and yours. Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/1/09 re: Kenneth D. Wells quote Freedom of religion does not include the right to murder people of other religions. As usual Waffler misses the point entirely and asserts some hysterical diatribe almost as though Hillary wrote it herself. 1 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/1/09 re: General Mark Clark quote Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it.~ Douglas MacArthur.- Another Scoundrel? I don't think so...we are deliberately kept in fear so we'll all run to mommy... Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/1/09 re: Reuben Blades quote We're squandering a great gift that was paid for in blood. 1 Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/1/09 re: Brock Fiant quote Whenever I hear someone quoting stats on their favorite quarterback or point gaurd, I always ask them something like...are you aware that the government is passing laws to disarm you? Reply J Carlton, Calgary 12/1/09 re: Edward Said quote This is why we never hear about our interference in the politics of foreign nations. We set up and endorse dictatorships friendly to our "interests" and then wonder why the citizens of those nations want to kill us... Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print