[1976-2000] of 3602

Posts from J Carlton, calgary

J Carlton, calgaryJ Carlton, calgary
J Carlton, Calgary

Statists are afraid of responsibility...that's why they're statists.

J Carlton, Calgary

It's definitely funnier than hell...right till you stop laughing...

J Carlton, Calgary

So if a government is ignoring its own Constitution it is then a Government without a right. Like we have had for some time now...

J Carlton, Calgary

It would be nice to have a vpoter base that actually understands basoc economics and foreign policy, as opposed to "Yes we can, yes we can" morons...I blame the state sponsored education system for this.

J Carlton, Calgary

Alan Keyes discusses Barack Obama: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9zi4tYbMYI

J Carlton, Calgary

Barack Obama Birth Certificate Forgery Confirmed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtvJ_nM47GM

J Carlton, Calgary

Obama's Kenyan roots: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UreJZMY_2IY

J Carlton, Calgary

"We took a trip to Kenya, Barack's homeland"...~ Michelle Obama : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLzJz2A2N1c

J Carlton, Calgary

Oh COME ON! WAFFLER...you're living in a dream world and ignoring all the facts! A man with nothing to hide doesn't spend Millions of dollars to block all inquiries into his past. And he produced a Certificate of "live birth" not a birth certificate, A Japanese couple on holidays in Hawaii can get one to prove the child is theirs on return to Japan or anywhere else. It is NOT proof of American citizenship. You socialists will believe anything your told to believe...whereas I rely on research. Give it a try, something might penetrate. LOL Too funny you are my gullible friend. Obama is a muslim and an imposter, period!

J Carlton, Calgary

Waffler, Obama is a Kenyan national and has yet to prove on any meaningful level that he is anything else. Ergo he is not eligible to be POTUS. History will eventually bear this out and sorry about knocking your deity...but it has to be done at every available opportunity. The man is an imposter.

J Carlton, Calgary

We need to shut down the printing presses, and by doing so strengthen our economy and put and end to ridiculous spending which spreads debt to working Americans. How many have considered that it might have been manipulative (CIA?) American Foreign policy that earned us the enmity of the world, even in the face of all the good Americans have done for the rest of the planet? Now we're paying them to fight enemies thay have created for us, without our knowing so...and paying in blood.

J Carlton, Calgary

The Constitution of Massachusetts was written in 1780. Which goes to show that the States were taking the lead in asserting their individual sovereignty. The States need to reassert these rights and vigorously assert the 10th Amendment and nullification of all UN-Constitutional ederal laws. And the people need to put down their Blackberry's and credit cards and relearn American values.

J Carlton, Calgary

Clearly it is time to retake our country. When we elect non-citizens as President, when we fight false flag wars, when the Commander in Chief is entertaining himself by having sex with aides, when our rights are ignored, when we have so many police agencies that we are a borderline police state, when we are taxed without genuine representation, when our sovereignty is jeopardized by global financial interests, when government relegates citizens to welfare status and keeps them there, when our borders are open to illegal aliens, when our right to self defense and property are gone, when elected officials cooperate with foreign governments to de-industrialize the US and give away her military secrets to enemy regimes...Jeez, I could write a book on this...Our Republic is doomed saved for the efforts of real patriots, And God Speed to them!

J Carlton, Calgary

While this quote is a very abstract notion...It would be very very satisfying to see the American Royalty masquerading as our representative government knocked down a peg or three. It would be nice to see Statesmen with a sense of genuine nobility representing us to the world instead of the other way around.

J Carlton, Calgary

We need to stop involving ourselves in the left / right paradigm of blaming the other side. It's childish at best, suicidal at worst. And Waffler, suggesting that the debt is the "peoples" debt is absurd. The debt and deficits run up by an out of control government using a phoney currency "fractional reserve" system is more a ponzi scheme than legitimate debt...and we're being extorted to pay this artificial bill.

J Carlton, Calgary

I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within. ~ Douglas MacArthur

J Carlton, Calgary

Mike, Canadian Business Magazine's front cover this month says, "US Dragging Canadian Business Down". And for a country that openly advertises itself as a Parliamentary Democracy with a big dollop of Socialism thrown in...it has a healthier currency, stronger banking system and more (actual) free enterprise than the "Land of the Free" does anymore. Which is not to say it doesn't have it's share of government inspired problems, but they seem to pale in the face of the takeover by the Feds in the US.

J Carlton, Calgary

Reston ignores the fact that any profits are diminished by a devalued currency that is already counterfeit. The overall effect can be found in the history pages of the Weimar Republic, Zimbabwe and Venezuela. Laugh it up Socialists...the truth is coming home soon.

J Carlton, Calgary

The Founders knew this. That's why they gave us a Constitutionally limited government. Which is what we need to get back to.

J Carlton, Calgary

10 Stars. This is exactly right and it's also why the very notion of "stimulus" (which is nothing more than inflation) is an insane act. The result of which is merely theft of public wealth and the mass denegration of human effort.

J Carlton, Calgary

Waffler, that's because you being a graduate of the Hillary school of Leftist thinking, you're trained to think the worst of people in any situation. Must make for a thoroughly miserable existence. Sad.

J Carlton, Calgary

RBE Hang on to that piece of wood...more may need it too! ;) We can play all kind of scenarios...would I die to save my wife and children? Of course...the welfare guy up the road? Probably not.

J Carlton, Calgary

RBE, Interesting observation. I think what we might mean here is not that we should always put ourselves ahead of others, but that we must by necessity be responsible to and for ourselves ahead of others. Philanthropy can then be prioritized on a case by case basis, but unless you see first to your own well being, you're no good to anyone, not even yourself. So pulling one's self up by one's own boot straps should be instinctive, not enforced so much. Either way, forced philanthropy to an entrenched welfare state is a morally vile act.

J Carlton, Calgary

The Patriots of today are doing the heavy carrying. They will be the ones to restore our liberty's, our rights and our Constitution. And they will do so while being ridiculed by the rabid socialist left who deserve none of those same rights. Semper Tyrannus.

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