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Posts from JIm K, Austin

JIm K, AustinJIm K, Austin
jim k, Austin

A good Libertarian comment.

jim k, Austin

The last line says it all.

jim k, Austin

This sums it up.

jim k, Austin

If you don't believe in evolution maybe you believe that the civil war never happened. Evolution is science and creationism is Theology. I'll take science anytime.

jim k, Austin

The difference between a politician and a rattlesnake ? A rattlesnake won't bother you unless you bother it.

jim k, Austin

The fact that something makes you feel good doesn't make it true. This is true in religion , politics , and nearly everything. If you are chased by a tiger it may make you feel better to imagine it's a rabbit, but it's still a tiger.

jim k, Austin

It's still the same.

jim k, Austin

To the Editor. I'm trying to donate but I'm not interesting in setting up a PayPal account. This seems to keep my donation from going through?

jim k, Austin

This quote sounds as though it came from Bernie Sanders. Free everything for every body. He's a real nut case along with Pelosi and the rest of the gang.

jim k, Austin

Washington was a great man.

jim k, Austin

Right on,E Archer, you nailed it.

jim k, Austin

Anon said it really well.

jim k, Austin

The first line is all to accurate.

jim k, Austin

"Government is a disease masquerading as It's own cure". ~L.Neal Smith.

jim k, Austin

A perfect description of Nancy and the gang.

jim k, Austin

Typical democrat hogwash. They politicize everything.

jim k, Austin

Typical in a state run by democrats.

jim k, Austin

Churchill and the RAF saved England.

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