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Posts from Jim K, Austin

Jim K, AustinJim K, Austin
Jim k, Austin

Lord, protect us from the folly of the do-gooders.

Jim k, Austin

Amen !!! Just take a look at Islam.

Jim k, Austin

Anonymous, congratulations for being able to count to 7.

Jim k, Austin

Whoever said it , the quote is accurate .

Jim k, Austin

He sure sounded like a Libertarian to me.

Jim k, Austin

If America doesn't wake up to the most dangerous religion on earth, Islam, we are doomed. Perhaps the latest message from Islam, the California massacre, will wake us up. We can only hope.

Jim k, Austin

" Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers".

Jim k, Austin

Public servants as seen by Mark Twain:" Persons chosen by the people to distribute the graft".

Jim k, Austin

"Government,even in it's best state,is but a necessary evil, in it's worst state, an intolerable one". Thomas Paine.

Jim k, Austin

The old adage is correct in "The more things change the more they stay the same".

Jim k, Austin

Sounds like Hillary and Bill.

Jim k, Austin

The last line in the quote describes perfectly the attitudes of the liberals now infesting our country.

Jim k, Austin

Holy smoke, Ronw13 is wound up and in the pulpit. Gibberish.

Jim k, Austin

It's hard to believe that the democrat party has sunk from the Truman / Kennedy party to the Hillary / Sanders party. It can't get much lower than this.

Jim k, Austin

"Government is a disease masquerading as it's own cure". L. Neal Smith.

Jim k, Austin

" Government is a disease masquerading as it's own cure". L.Neal Smith.

Jim k, Austin

Gus Hall wouldn't need to run for president if he were alive.The liberal Democrats have given him everything he ever wanted. The establishment Republicans have helped .

Jim k, Austin

I agree with Dick, Fort Worth.

Jim k, Austin

Ain't it the truth, especially in this politically correct world.

Jim k, Austin

My cat has done more service to the world than Al Gore.

Jim k, Austin

Reston is a nut case. The leftists has been in control since Obama was elected, probably long before. A good comparison between the 2 parties is this: the democrats are communists and the republicans are socialists.

Jim k, Austin

To all of the thumbs down people, please note that when countries legalize drugs, drug usage goes down. Check it out.

Jim k, Austin

He meant "quality". Law enforcement quality is reduced due to some officers taking bribes to look the other way.

Jim k, Austin

GunnyCee, I like your comments, especially the last sentence.

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