Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [201-225] of 846Posts from Joe, Rochester, mIJoe, Rochester, mI Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/10/07 re: Will Rogers quote Great idea! Send their children first, then the politicians. It would truly be a short war. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/10/07 re: Albert Einstein quote While electronic arms may be fried, other small arms (e.g. rifles) are what I suspect will still be around. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/9/07 re: Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit quote But lazy Americans don't like to sweat. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/9/07 re: Baruch Spinoza quote If it's true, how does it rate only 1 star? Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/9/07 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote As much as our leaders claim they are doing the right thing, it's not what the people want, and it is destroying our Republic. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/5/07 re: Daniel Webster quote Congress and people in power ignore the Constitution. Obviously, they were already ignoring it 150 years ago! 31Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/4/07 re: Hermann Goering quote 5 stars, but only for stating the evil truth. The U.S. government is doing just as the Nazis did. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/3/07 re: Nikki Giovanni quote Nope! No shame! 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/3/07 re: General Douglas MacArthur quote ...and greedy American politicians will be at the front of the line to grab their share of wealth and power, but never on the front lines of the actual war. Cowards! Bastards! 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/3/07 re: Abraham Lincoln quote This from the man who would soon start the civil war? The South was within its rights to secede from the Union if they wanted to. I see Lincoln as the first President to obviously ignore and disrespect the Constitution of the United States. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/3/07 re: Mencius quote My mind's eye flashed with thoughts of Mel Gibson's belief that the holocaust is a hoax. His ignorance may be because he acts "without clear understanding...". There are other atrocities in history, some greater, some lesser, than the Jewish holocaust. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/3/07 re: John Cogley quote I'm not sure how Logan turns "tolerance" into "religion", but he certainly seems angry at God. 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/2/07 re: Butler D. Shaffer quote Jack, do you not see agencies such as the BATFE, IRS, FBI and others, regularly threaten, coerce and kill? Principled or ligitimate they are not. The wars, genocides and tyrrannical practices are often agains its citizens, the people of the United States of America. i.e. War on drugs, genocide of the people in Waco, tyranny of government for control of our very lives, and illegal/unconstitutional income taxation. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/2/07 re: Georges Clemenceau quote Jack, I believe this quote addresses the decision to declare war, not the war itself. Once war is declared let the generals decide how to win. Congress (the witless civilians you must be referring to) leads us into war without the approval of the people, then tells the military how to win, resulting in the loss of lives, money, and eventually the war. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/2/07 re: Dwight D. Eisenhower quote If government got out of the way, we would already have peace. 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/2/07 re: Charles Eliot Norton quote And a "master" we have in our own government. More and more laws which steal our freedom. There is no greater "national crime" than the lives and money we waste attacking Iraq. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/2/07 re: Marcus Aurelius Antoninus quote The wrong-doers continue doing wrong. The best way to avenge thyself is to vote the bastards out of office. hahaha 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/2/07 re: John Randolph quote I prefer "The surest way to prevent war is to speak softly and carry a big stick." Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/2/07 re: Sir Walter Besant quote I don't believe tolerance of others must necessarily be eager or glad, but allowing others to choose how they seek truth is required. 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/2/07 re: Robert G. Ingersoll quote The age of truth is irrelevant, truth is truth (A is A), new or old. 2 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/2/07 re: Adi Shankaracharya quote "Loud speech, profusion of words, and possessing skillfulness in expounding scriptures..." could be Congress if you change scriptures to law. 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/2/07 re: Eric Schaub quote Reston, what is the meaning of "is"? 1 Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/2/07 re: Jesus of Nazareth quote My "sword" (actually gun) is "put up", but I will take it up to train, and in defense of myself, my family, my friends, my property, or my neighbors. Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 1/2/07 re: Hillel quote If you rate this quote with less than 5 stars, you apparently believe there are reasons to be hateful to others. i.e. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you ... unless they ________. <-- fill in the blank "are Muslim, Catholic, black, white, yellow, brown, gay, female, old, say something you disagree with, etc." Reply Joe, Rochester, MI 12/19/06 re: Buddha quote Google "Rules for Gunfighting" and you'll find more. Rosenthal, you are so self-righteous. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print