Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [226-250] of 290Posts from Justin, ElklandJustin, Elkland Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Justin, Elkland 5/7/10 re: Henry Becque quote It is one of our most animal instincts to want more than we deserve; and Athens is becoming quite the jungle. Reply Justin, Elkland 5/7/10 re: Fredrich August von Hayek quote This is true in a market untainted by government. 1 Reply Justin, Elkland 5/6/10 re: Herbert Spencer quote I dream too: 2 Reply Justin, Elkland 5/6/10 re: Thomas Paine quote The problem with a representative democracy is that no Good man would willingly rule over another. And when a society declines morally and intellectually, there are far fewer reluctant servants than willing rulers. 9 Reply Justin, Elkland 5/6/10 re: Neil Hamilton quote Anon, If governments acted the way they are supposed to, their existance could scarcely be detected. 7 Reply Justin, Elkland 5/6/10 re: Neil Hamilton quote A government whose sole purpose is to protect the natural rights of the citizens who created it can do only good. A government whose sole purpose is to infringe upon the natural rights of the citizens who depend on it can do only harm. Do our governments spend more time protecting our natural rights or infringing upon them? 2 Reply Justin, Elkland 5/6/10 re: Herbert Spencer quote The size and scope of government equates to power, and power equates to growth in its size and scope. The less government the better. Let us each take on the burden of governing ourselves. 2 Reply Justin, Elkland 5/5/10 re: James Bovard quote Too bad the U.S. effectively stopped being a Republic after the 17th amendment passed. Now we have a social democracy so everyone can have a share of the misery, instead of just those who deserve it. Reply Justin, Elkland 5/5/10 re: John Maynard Keynes quote RBESRQ, I'm sure Greece's huge budget deficits, massive debt, corrupt government, massive bureaucracy, burdening regulation and dependence (over 40% of GDP) on public sector jobs had nothing to do with their current economic problems. It was that darn Bush again! Reply Justin, Elkland 5/5/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote RBESRQ, resorting to personal attacks, how very liberal of you. On a side note I believe you mean adulterous, unless you are implying that Jefferson was secretly a woman, dressed as a man. If so, I'm not even sure how to approach your comment. Reply Justin, Elkland 5/5/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote A little TJ really keeps the socialists away. Reply Justin, Elkland 5/5/10 re: John Maynard Keynes quote Governments must have been more efficient in Keynes' time. Today I would put it at 18-26 disadvantaged minorities from diverse social and ethnic backgrounds to do the work of one qualified private sector employee; this figure does not include the special committees and regulatory czars appointed to look into the matter, whose salaries will be accounted for in a separate budget. Reply Justin, Elkland 5/5/10 re: Roger Scruton quote ....until the parasites kill the host. Five stars for an intellectual who actually gets it. Doctor Scruton does love pretty words. Reply Justin, Elkland 5/4/10 re: Charles Dickens quote The manufacture of evidence is a simple thing. With all evidence the source is more important than the substance. Trust the evidence only if you trust the source. 4 Reply Justin, Elkland 5/4/10 re: Charles-Louis de Secondat quote I agree with Mike, but would add: "It is not in the nature of politics that the best men should be elected. The best men do not want to govern their fellow men." George MacDonald Reply Justin, Elkland 5/4/10 re: Augustine of Hippo quote Those who laud big centrally-planned government and demonize big centrally-planned businesses fail to see that each is dependent upon the other. Luckily, in both cases "too big to fail" eventually leads to "too big to save". 1 Reply Justin, Elkland 5/3/10 re: Gerald Gilder quote Socialism has a sparkling record of success. Where instituted it has successfully destroyed liberty while enslaving and killing millions. Socialism does exactly what it was designed to do. 3 Reply Justin, Elkland 4/22/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote It would appear that on this point Jefferson was wrong. Some men will always crave a Master. Woe to those who would be willing property of the State. Reply Justin, Elkland 4/14/10 re: Mark Twain quote The Office of the President is supposed to protect the People from the usurpations of Congress, not lobby for them. I hope we have finally reached the bottom of the presidential barrel; its been such a long fall from Jefferson to here. 1 Reply Justin, Elkland 3/18/10 re: Thucydides quote Courage is deciding how much you will endure before you will act, and then acting when that threshold is reached. 1 Reply Justin, Elkland 10/19/09 re: Anthony de Jasay quote Our government will continue to grab power until the blame for the problems it creates can no longer be shifted. I fear that violent insurrection will follow. 1 Reply Justin, Elkland 10/14/09 re: Alan Barth quote Government by its very nature opposes liberty. The question is, how does a population restore liberty without armed conflict? Reply Justin, Elkland 9/21/09 re: Alexander Hamilton quote Alexander Hamilton was effective in selling the Constitution as an improved version of the Articles of Confederation, which it is not, either in fact or in theory. To Mr. Hamilton I can only say: You Lie! Reply Justin, Elkland 9/11/09 re: Aesop quote But we are more often sorry when the wishes others make on our behalf are gratified. Liberty is the ability to make your own choices and then living with them, not being subjected to the mistakes of others. I give only two stars because this quote is a half-truth. Reply Justin, Elkland 9/11/09 re: Aesop quote Class warfare is the fuel of socialism: To each according to his need, from each according to his ability. That we have allowed robbery to become a viable political philosophy is regrettable. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print