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Posts from KIMO, USA

Kimo, USA

Sad as hell, to be alive for me now, in my own country, surrounded by those I cannot trust, so sad my own government has lost not only our respect, and trust, but lost us. Somewhere, a group of good men take counsel, and make plans, to save this union. May they succeed. Sometimes, there is no easy way, sometimes, talk just doesnt work, after men have talked enough, and no ground is gained, there is only one choice left. what we must fight, is so vast, so big, when one understands it fully, he may feel that all is lost. But then again, one man, can move mountains, under the right circumstances. Unfortunatally, two men who post here are so right, so wise, understanding much.men such as Archer and Mike, should be the next president. Yeah yeah, laugh all ya want, but its so true. Too bad, one must now "buy' the presidency.

Kimo, USA

Disinformation, and blindness has covered our land. Many men with sharp minds and hearts still live. there will be only one way out of this. Many of us now know what the problems are, it seems all that is left, is what to do.what to do. How to do it. The common man, at one time protected by the constitution, is helpless, save the second amendment.

Kimo, USA

Right on Jim from austin...and, they KNOW it now, many STILL wont admit it, one of the biggest liars ever, was elected to office, we see the results, of a small time player, trying to run a big leauge team.

Kimo, USA

And in every country where fear was used, and is used, to control people, it always ends up failing, with many dead, sad, that so many forget history.

Kimo, USA

The lazy always drain society. The is no substitute for the hard work of a young strong man.Great men know the satisfaction of winning a hard fought battle. Those that take, and take, will find themselves in a prison of their own making. The current leaders will not be running things soon, the free ride will be over, and again men will EARN their way. Me, 45 years i worked, and i get my small monthly check, no complains. I'm happy, and I'm happy I can hold up my head, for i earned it all, with sweat. and I never stole from those who had more. i earned their respect, now, it has paid off. The system is not perfect, but their is none better, and they are trying to change something that cannot be changed, human nature. freedom. once tasted, never forgotten.

Kimo, USA

It is said, it is better to live one day as a lion, than a thousand as a sheep. So many lions, hidden in the shadows now. Bound by an oppresive system, that seeks to destoy the free man. Only becuase some of us have lived long enough to remember the days of true freedom. This aint no place for no hereos.

Kimo, USA

An acurate dicription of our dilema, now, how to fix it, the first step is to understand the problem, the next, to fix it. The entire mindset, of the opressor, needs to change, is it possible to change it peacefully?

Kimo, USA

The current admin should be very afraid, for when we replace them, [and we will] many will face criminal charges. They have broken our most high laws. soon friends, soon. There is an outcry louder than any in our history, and it will be answered. Those who have broken the law, have pushed those who are good, to the point of no fear. Everyone knows, so why hide it.

Kimo, USA

Long live the Republic!! It lives!! It will NOT be torn down without a fight. Those that seek to destoy it, will have thier day. There is a road, it is called the grand army of the republic hyway, it was built by men of honor, in honor to those who sacrificed thier lives for the principals we hold dear.

Kimo, USA

Waffer, you speak against all America stands for. We will never buy into your crap. Your kind, IS the problem. You misunderstand all that is said to you. You make sense, and we understand you, it is you, who do not understand the ways of free men. Billy Yank, has told you something, and it IS coming. When it does, your kind will tremble and run. While there is time, perhaps, you will rethink your stance.


Not once in yeas has the editor eer published a quote not checked, assome of us have submitted quoes and ALWaYS been made to supplythe origion. he takes great pride in the actuacy of the quotes. I highly doubt anyone here, takes as much time as he. In defense of the editors honor, and his honesty, and his time.

Kimo, USA

J Carlton, excellent mind sir.

Kimo, USA

Reston, your right, and your wrong. How can i say it......It may not need be so, but many men, will not live under oppresion. The times coming, will weed out the men from the boys, the cowards from the brave. The true american spirit, cannot be stopped, once men have tasted real freedom, there is no other way. Fear, can be the mind killer, or, the thing that gives strenght. It may need be so sir, regretfully, with great vigor.I am dying, but, I see that there are many free men still, and it warms my heart. There is one rule, i forgot about, protect the children, the women, and the innocent.if possible. If anyone here, has ever wonder what the phrase 'freedom is not free' means...the writing is on the wall.

Kimo, USA

War, is War, real war, has only two rules, know the side you are on, and take no prisoners. In the war of all wars, that is what will be done. Once it is set in motion, it cannot be stopped. Now, is the time, for all good men, to come to the aid of their fellow country men and like minded men. Free men. In real war, there are few rules, some men here know that. After the first shot is fired, there is no time for words, only action. There is only survival. Some men here know the bottom line. It is a dreaded thing, and fair, or rules, have no place in full out war.

Kimo, USA

cal, a hint, the quote is intended for the ears of many.now. sir it is not from the current government, it is intended for the here and now. It is a truth, that is upon us now sir. God bless Texas. God be with us

Kimo, USA

And we see the proof all around us.


Soon, perhaps free men will prove this quote very true.

Kimo, USA

The quote is the plain truth. AND WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF EVIDENT

Kimo, USA

He, who has the biggest stick wins..And one power can only be

Kimo, USA


Kimo, USA

Justone FACT for the aninomous posters, there IS NO SUCH thing anymore, on the web, if ya had the wisdome, you would know that. Even, if you use a virtual keyboard, and are behind a hardwall, and a softwall, and bouncing off servers from another country..And that bring me to this ..WHO IS in control of the NET right now??? Nothing is private now folks, was 8 years ago, not anymore, when ur on a computer, online, you can run, but ya cant hide. Welcome to a TOTAL survielance and info sociaty, and YES, one name for it is socializim, another, police state. And it all comes down to..you aint free no more, and those od us who post with our names, are speaking freely, because, if we dont, there would be No voice of freedom. The voice of freedom rings in men like Mike, Archer, and MANY others. reston..have you ever been shot at?? Hase you ever been attacked by 6 or more men, with the intent of killin ya?/ Well, good luck, with ur knife or baseball bat. Ya know, many men , bear arms, all thier lives, and have NEVER committed violence with one. Guns are a tool, just a tool. If you HAD to have the right tool to save ur life..just excactaly WTF would you use?/ Dont say it, we already know, ur mouth.

Kimo, USA

If they outlaw guns, the entire nation, will be outaws....Not by choice, but by nessessity.

Kimo, USA

natural selection.the cream rises to the top, wise men listen and folow those who they know to be superior in intellect, the quote above, is the reason, this nation became great. and it will not fall with a wimper, o no, but with much resistance.Im ok now, my GRANDKIDS know the truth of freedom now. it will go on, one way ot another.

Kimo, USA

True, is true, it only comes in one form, true. This is not only true for our generation, but any. I would have loved to sat down with this man and talked. he did many things wrong, but many right. Like us all i quess. Mike, Jimk, all yall who have been steady in ur posts, never waivering, RESPECT to you. This thing, aint gonna go away , its gonna get real nasty. Proverbs would be a good book to read from now. Revelations, is unfolding, before our eyes. In 50 short years, corrupt men, have laid waste to a system, that worked. Now, we see a great battle looming. Proverbs, what would a wise man do???....Sometimes, it is waht it is. The American dream, has a price, dam it, we have paid it so many times. And becuse of the foolish, it looks like we are gonna to pay it again. And to those who have seen ,my spellin for all this time, well, i aint ashamed, i am sick from agent orange, and my body is failing me now. So, now i can speak with no fear, im dyin. Strangely, im not afraid anymore. Spent all thse years, tryin so hard ta survive, so hard to follow the law, the rules, paid my share, more tham my share. To those puinks on wall street[ yes i know there are some good men there too] screw toy ya idiots, my fater, my grandfather, his grabddad, and myself, paid for your right to speak free , and you disrespect us. I cannot speak it. I KNOW this, if some of those punks, ever had a 7.6 round fly pst um, they would piss thier pants just like i did, but they would RUN, we didnt.

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