Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-15] of 15Posts from Michael, Houston, TXMichael, Houston, TX 1 Reply MIchael, Houston, TX 6/1/07 re: Simon Heffer quote Hi Reston. I was in your neck of the woods last week on vacation. Beautiful. Now....what about the quote? Seems to me that this is glossed over by all too many. Reply Michael, Houston, TX 3/26/07 re: Adlai E. Stevenson quote Wow! Helorat...gotta love what you said. Ditto. Hmmm...guess that kinda knock's Algore's claim that the debate over global warming is over and his desire to close it huh? Then again...we must all be politically correct shoudn't we? 1 Reply Michael, Houston, TX 2/14/07 re: Edmund Burke quote How true...and HERE is the delimma our nation faces...."Woe to those who call good evil and evil good." For indeed, there are those who do precisely much so that they have embraced the demonic enemy who will surely kill them first. Reply Michael, Houston, TX 1/17/07 re: George W. Bush quote You guys with the thumbs down...imagine for a moment that YOU are the president of the US and have the responsibility to defend this nation...what is your plan to do that? Just thought I would ask. Reply Michael, Houston, TX 10/4/06 re: William O. Douglas quote I only wish that what was considered "unorthodox" years ago was what is thought to be "unorthodox" today. At one time we were simply talking about creative geniuses...but today we are all too many times speaking of libertines who turn liberty into license and debauchry. IN a way....I do agree wtih those who "jump out of the box"--but, not with license. Personally, I think that is what Rip is saying--nothing this change from the creator to the debases--but called the same thing. Reply Michael, Houston, TX 8/29/06 re: Clint Eastwood quote You know...I just had to come back to this one...because Clint Eastwood asks a profound question: What kind of mentality does that? That is the question...for me, the answer is found in something Bill Clinton said when he was involved in a money raising scandal...(which one?)-- to the effect that "Because our cause is so great....(it justified this crime)...." Or, maybe it was that other thing he said..."Because I could." Both are statements that either attempt to justify what they have done, or reveal a real sickness. (Psssst: Reston -- that is your guy. Do you have the same attitude? Many liberals do -- re ATF and ELF -- our cause is so great, we can burn down homes and labs and threaten people. Or even, lets lie about the facts of so-called global warming, because the "cause" is so great... Gracious!!! Reply Michael, Houston, TX 8/28/06 re: Tench Coxe quote Hey! Chill a bit. And you are exactly right... GWB and Cheney burned out the Branch Davidians in Waco and shot the innocent in Ruby Ridge and sent Elian Gonzales back to a communist dictatorship... Oh...that was before them (unless you believe in time warps).... Go ahead and tell me just what FACTS you have to support the allegations you have made... Just one or two would be nice... or are you just paranoid and spouting rhetoric? Reply Michael, Houston, TX 8/28/06 re: Bill Clinton quote Sorry...accidentially hit the stars...NOT!!! Yuk!!!! Reply Michael, Houston, TX 8/28/06 re: Bill Clinton quote Goodness!! Ever notice how it is the liberals...those warm, fuzzy, "we are with you" types that are the first to say you have no inherent worth or rights... Maybe they just don't like idea that God endowed them....(pssst--you are not God no matter what microwave version of pantheism you ascribe to.) 7 Reply Michael, Houston, TX 8/22/06 re: George Orwell quote You know David...they are just not going to get it! That is why liberalism is the political and spiritual equivalent of leaves you with no defenses at all...not physical or moral or even the will to do Nick Berg's father. Gracious. That is why they must be beaten and never allowed power. Frankly, I have more intelligent conversations with my 10 year old grandson whom I expect to be an adolescent. He will grow out of it though I am sure. 2 Reply Michael, Houston, TX 8/2/06 re: Justice Warren E. Burger quote Gotta give this one the thumbs up....judicial dictator ship is a really scary thing...a la "reading into the Constitution things that are not there"--for your folks in Reston, that means not considering the Constitution a "living document" rather than a written one that must be changed before it can be ignored...Hmmm...let me count the ways....privacy = abortion for one. Free speech means never being insulted for another. The separation of Church and State for still another. Maybe we do have a king out there--King Aclu. Reply Michael, Houston, TX 7/14/06 re: Ludwig von Mises quote While I might agree... at least superficially, and one does have to consider the source. The question is why do those who embrace this idea of radical individuality (ie complete license) will all else considered arbitrary interference always wind up in totalarian regimes... funny about that... ANSWER: Society will only accept so much deviancy...and will ultimately move to control it. We will either practice self control, or else someone else will. (Don't you just hate history sometimes?) 3 Reply MIchael, Houston, TX 7/7/06 re: Andrei Sakharov quote Truth is an amazing thing....believing the myth is key to being "democratically" enslaved and manipulated. Ignorance it seems, is not so blissful. 3 Reply Michael, Houston, TX 7/4/06 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Oh No!!! This is the same Thomas Jefferson that is reverenced for his off the cuff "separation of Church and State" statement. Perhaps this one will catch on with our governmentalists as well. Actually, for what its worth, there was an extraordinary Tenth Amendment Resolution in Colorado that advised the Feds that the State was taking back its right under the Constitution. It passed and was awesome. I proprose something similar at every precinct / county / state convention in my state. it always makes it to the platform, but never gets past the legislature. You might want to try it too. God bless. 5 Reply MIchael, Houston, TX 3/21/06 re: Adolf Hitler quote Adolf understood it...and so did our Founding Fathers--hence the 2nd Amendment. I am amazed at the simpletons living in Never-Never Land that will never get it. But, don't worry you Pans, the adults will take care of it--always will stay free if we have to drag you kicking and screaming. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print