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Posts from Mike, NORWALK

Mike, Norwalk

The quote is a good observation of happenstance. Those that persevere in that which is outside nature's law or is purely emotional, or evil, as a rule, generally includes violence (by example: theocratic socialism, clerical regimes or improper / undue pursuits).

Mike, Norwalk

I have to smile; and, I’m not quite sure how to rate this. Sort of an observation in the obvious. BUT !, what auxiliary precautions are experienced extraneous to people?

Mike, Norwalk

The fair mentally healthy attitude is to organize an economic system where everyone in the environment acts as individual sovereigns, holding sacrosanct individual / inalienable rights and liberty at nature's law. To organize an economic system where resources are shared and distributed in an equitable manner is an oxymoron, a mentally ill thought that is contrary to the noble being's choice and is contrary to inalienable rights, liberty, prosperity and all that would uplift the specie.

Mike, Norwalk

(-; I like it a lot ;-)  A corollary, Loving your enemy does not mean you have to love his actions.

Mike, Norwalk

I like it. As Carlton has here stated, freedom is a law of nature issue; thus, it can NOT completely die. Freedom is inherent in the being man.

Mike, Norwalk

Ken, absolutely ! ! !

Mike, Norwalk

Another of theocratic socialism's conversion technique(s).

Mike, Norwalk

Examples of shut minds and closed mouths with all of humanity in harm’s peril (psychological, spiritual, physical and in all ways) is the academics, propaganda and enforcement of compelled compliance, victimless crimes, government licenses, larceny with impunity (2nd plank of the communist manifesto, police state confiscations, funny money, social security, etc.), denial of perfected allodium (absolute ownership) and NON-recognition of inalienable rights and liberty at nature’s law.

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, do you have any suggestions as concerning "other sources?" The current debt system is a close kin to theocratic socialism;  diametrically opposed to biblical principles and nature's law fiscal applications.

Mike, Norwalk

Kinda sorta almost accurate. The occupying statist theocracy now infesting this land has breeched the barrier between church and state. Those Biblical principles that extended from nature's law have all but been extinguished with carnal logic, reasoning and philosophies. Those that forget history are doomed to experience ANTI-prosperity.

Mike, Norwalk

We hold this truth to be self evident ! ! !

Mike, Norwalk

(-: it was the founding liberals that wanted to conserve nature's law with its corresponding principles.

Mike, Norwalk

I'm in full accord with the message: LET FREEDOM RING ! ! !

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, “I don’t understand your specific kind of stupid. But I do admire your total commitment to it.” (Morgan Freeman)

Mike, Norwalk

The "A" from Reston again promotes the prevalent Woke Theology's lying dogma. Each / every definition of liberty does not include any scenario or domain where a master / slave relationship exists. It almost amazes me how socialists need change the definition of words to fit their sick and twisted perversions.

Mike, Norwalk

Following the sequence of the phrase, each point individually, as stand alone concepts, are acceptable and even favorable. The / any Flag is mere symbology. “My” Flag would make it a symbolism of what “I” believe and stand for. Pledging an allegiance to self believed issues could even include a god. The conjunction “and”, then continues with an expansion and change of meaning. No longer does the Flag represent me or mine but rather “the Republic”. The “which it stands” transfers focus from self to the term “Republic” - which has multiple definitions. One of the "Republic's" meanings would be: The “Republican form of government” (Article 4, Section 4, U.S. Constitution); - said form is demonstratively antithetical to socialism. Said form includes individual sovereignty, inalienable rights and liberty at nature’s law; all being held sacrosanct. Liberty and Justice for all are noble and Divine pursuits. It reminds me of, the adversary will tell you a hundred truths to make you believe one lie. It is the brain washing application of the whole, especially by socialists, that makes the totalitarian relevance so repugnant.

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, you gota love auto correct  Lenin

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, you truly are a socialist in the finest tradition of the word; AND, you follow so well after one of your many gods  Lennin: "a lie told often enough becomes the truth". In your propaganda, you must say day is night, black is white, front to back is inverted, demonic perversion is ethical, poverty is moral and slavery properly inflicted (socialism) is correct  for, that is truly how socialism progresses. One of the reasons you've never been able to use scientific methodology to answer any question ever posed to you is you have NO idea what that is. As stated to you many times, socialists must regularly change the meaning of words so not to be identified as the sadistic / mentally ill child that you are.

Mike, Norwalk

In a democracy, opposition is NOT tolerated. The Constitution (as orders a representative republic) is antithetical to democracy. In a democracy, all things that are contrary to the herd are dispensable.

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, you are an childish imbecile that knows NOTHING of science and can only reference the subject matter in circular word salads that are too broad and vague to even consider. The social interactions you reference are religious by substance and effect. Socialism is: any of various economic, religious and political theories, philosophies or movements outside nature’s law advocating collective or governmental / religious ownership and administration of property (real / chattel / sensorial beings, etc.) along with the means of production and distribution of goods. When socialism is interfaced with in any degree of ethics, morals or perception of correctness, it becomes a religion (NOT science)

Mike, Norwalk

Amen, Amen and Amen ! ! !  We hold this truth to be self evident.

Mike, Norwalk

In America (now the world) the demonically Woke Theologians with a socialist agenda came for individual sovereigns (those that loved and lived with inalienable rights and liberty at nature’s law), and I didn’t speak up loudly enough because I was able to live sufficiently free by being adept at legal proceedings for myself. Then they came for the climate deniers. I didn’t speak up because I knew the climate naturally changes. Then they came for the polluters. I didn’t speak up because I didn’t personally identify as a polluter. Then they came for the Catholics, but I didn't speak up because I wasn’t Catholic. Now that they are coming for Jews and Christians, there is no lawfully legitimate jurisdiction to apply to.

Mike, Norwalk

Using an uneducated street understanding of crime, we hold this truth to be self evident.

Mike, Norwalk

Sillik, hahaha / lololol you've had NO mentally healthy responses  EVER (to be amazed or not). So, by your definition, I'm living the laws of humanity because I exist. Socialism is ultimately anti-laws of humanity. Your circular word salad does not qualify as a real definition.

Mike, Norwalk

(-; jim ;-)  knowing, layers get paid by the word, you are absolutely correct. 

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