Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [526-550] of 1148Posts from RBESRQRBESRQ Previous 25 Next 25 Reply RBESRQ 3/12/10 re: Bellamy Brooks quote The bigger the Ego the more angry you get - don't let others offload their rubbish onto you. 1Reply RBESRQ 3/12/10 re: Abigail Adams quote Patriotism, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Insurgence, are all words used by corporatism to make you scared so that they can continue their wars and the ravaging of resources around the world - I came across this quote this morning: 'You have fallen hook line and sinker for the propaganda that it's about the divide between "liberals" and "conservatives". What it's really about is the class warfare between the rich and the poor. The rich have convinced mental midgets such as yourself that you should abandon your own self-interest in the name of increasing their power. They get you all worked up over those hot-button Republican issues and suddenly you forget that they want to send your job overseas and take away your rights' I know, you right-wing nutters are going to turn it around and blast Obama and his lackey's - well, surprise! I agree. 1Reply RBESRQ 3/11/10 re: William Ellery Channing quote Mike, I'm very disappointed with you, praising such hate and ignorance. 1Reply RBESRQ 3/11/10 re: William Ellery Channing quote Right on Judith and the same applies to you Carlton. The war in Iraq and Afghanistan (a red flag operation) has cost over a trillion plus the already mighty military budget to keep its factories churning out death. We as a nation have spent trillions on war and corporate socialism and yet you on this blog complain because the likes of Judith and myself want the poor and suffering to be cared for. We kill thousands if not millions every year because we deny them health care. Health care should not be a profit center - we are obviously still in the dark ages in America. Reply RBESRQ 3/11/10 re: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. quote Yes Carlton, both you and me, unless you are not part of the human race. 12Reply RBESRQ 3/11/10 re: Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quote Mike, that is not natural Law, natural come from the word nature and there is no nature in floating as you put it. Its call gravity and that's the domain of science, and that is not the point I was making as "Natural Law" has been co-oped by religion. Natural Law is I agree, if that's what you would like to call it "what is, is". Mike, really, fiscal laws of nature, wow! lol. who determines the definition of "fiscal laws of Nature" Again, this is just man-made and religion wants to to tie everything to its agenda of what they consider Natural Law. I doubt very much if the Greeks, Romans or Saxons could explain to me the meaning of natural law. There is a distinction between nature and law. Law is an interpretation whereas as nature happens everywhere (flowers bloom in the spring but the spring is different depending on your location - the only element of truth with regard to the constant factor of nature is one of "happening". i.e., flowers regardless of their location will in their own time bloom. Aquinas used Aristotle's theory on Natural Law and even that has been disputed down the ages. Natural means whats happens naturally, i.e. natural beauty is often used as an analogy but even that is incorrect. Everything is a matter of interpretation. You could say that it is natural for the sun to rise in the morning 365 days in the year. I do agree with you that "Natural Law is that which is" but I'm afraid that's call tautology "what is, is, doesn't need to be pre-qualified. Reply RBESRQ 3/11/10 re: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. quote Unfortunately the choice we make has always been one of greed and security over rectitude. 3Reply RBESRQ 3/11/10 re: Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi quote Yes, this is an example how the majority of religious folk behave. If Jesus came back you would more than likely crucify him again for being a Liberal. Unfortunately Aquinas, though of good heart, commandeered natural law to meet his own religious agenda. There is no such thing as Natural Law. Natural Law and common Law are man-made and any defense otherwise is the height of arrogance and narcissism. If there is a natural Law its "eat of be eaten" and strength over the weak. The Neanderthals were killed off by Homo sapiens and the Homo necans took over. And, unfortunately, that's where we are today. Reply RBESRQ 3/11/10 re: Lawana Blackwell quote Yes, that really is the case of those who watch faux News and listen to the likes of Beck and Limbaugh and repeat their lies and misinformation with incessant sound-bites. By the way, I have also shredded my DEM card. We need a true Liberal/Progressive Party to save this county like it has always done in the past. And before you idiots starting associating Liberalism with Communism, an oligarchy, and a social autocracy, read your history books. p.s - Truth has no slaves. Religion, man and his ego, are a curse to civilization. The vast majority of human beings are just a puff of dust that will eventually be blown back into space from which I hope a new life form based on compassion and humility will be the dominant factor and where religion and believing in mythic sky faeries will be outlawed. 4Reply RBESRQ 3/11/10 re: William Ellery Channing quote Mike, yes you are a nice guys and do good things but alas your politics and religion blind you to reality. Well done Reston I agree with you. Libertarians have no constructive reality only complaints and selfish arrogance, which is highlight by their remarks above. 3 Reply RBESRQ 3/10/10 re: William Ellery Channing quote Beautiful! Reply RBESRQ 3/10/10 re: Reverend Martin Niemoeller quote You tell that to a starving child who is abused by his parents or a man who is being tortured, or a women whose husband beats her. Man is the curse of civilization - we took away Earths rightful protector - why do you think they call it "Mother Earth" Mike, let your heart rate it... Reply RBESRQ 3/10/10 re: Pythagoras quote Oops! I meant Descartes 1 Reply RBESRQ 3/10/10 re: Pythagoras quote Now that is the road to freedom the rest, as the first Anonymous so eloquently expressed, is bullshit. Mike, just that I am is enough... Mike the Ionian's were very short in their descriptive rhetoric as is in their architecture - I am, therefore I exist. And it was Decartes who said "I thing, therefore I am. So, Mike you were spot on. 1Reply RBESRQ 3/9/10 re: William James quote Obviously cal you have a lot coming to you under the future facist state of America. Please do your home work re; socialism - the last thing Hitler and Mao Tse Tung can be called is socialist they were far more in tune with right wing extremism. Starlin too was a megalomaniac, autocratic, and much more. The last thing on his mind was helping the poor, the suffering, and the destitute. He was responsible for the death of over 20 million Russians. He used the left-wing to catapult him into power much like what Obama has done. Now Marxism is a different story he had a brilliant mind you should try reading some of his works. 2Reply RBESRQ 3/8/10 re: William James quote Perfect! As an Atheist, vegetarian, and Gay activist I hold this to be true. America is slipping into another dark age - when will we learn how much hurt and suffering we are responsible for? When will we learn to live in the moment and stop living in the past and the future - LIFE is now, and your memories prove it. The lesson in the intercourse with others is indeed non-interference with their happiness. It reminds me of the last frame in the film "Elvira Madigan" Last night at the Oscars was an abomination to the happiness we all seek - there were moments of love and compassion but they were over shadowed by our love of WAR. P.s. If you think America is socialist you need to live in Europe for a while - America is FASCIST (soft) and with the likes of Palin, Beck, Limbaugh, it will soon become very hard. 1 Reply RBESRQ 3/8/10 re: Tom Braun quote Yes, how can you not give this five stars - unfortunately, it's preaching to the choir. Reply RBESRQ 3/8/10 re: Thomas Szasz quote Last nights Oscar was proof of this proverb - it was obvious that the 6000 votes were in favor of the war in Iraq and it was "pay-back time" for the banks and the illegal invasion of the sovereignty of two countries. Avatar is in a different league to "The Hurt Locker" It shows that even Hollywood is in cahoots with the banks and corporate America - the real owners of the Ununited States of America. Indeed we should as it will be our ONLY salvation. Reply RBESRQ 3/3/10 re: George Washington quote Sorry guys, thanks for correcting me... Reply RBESRQ 3/3/10 re: George Washington quote Both Anon and vedapushpa have good points. But I'm afraid there is much missing in the statement ("uncorrupted") that read alone does not merit 5 stars. ..."the purest source and original fountain of all power." is compassion and love (it is the Universal Principle), and my friend from India should know that! Today, we have abused many human rights and are probably the worst nation on earth for being responsible for terrorists acts against humanity. Reply RBESRQ 3/3/10 re: George Washington quote Mike, really! I would have thought better of you... Reply RBESRQ 3/3/10 re: George Washington quote What a load of Codswallop. Today this statement has no VALIDITY; and, even when GW did say it I'm not to sure. Today the Republicans are more like corporate thugs without any compassion except for their fellow greedy fascist friends who are protected by the CIA and the military. Today their is a threefold increase in republican (type) terrorist (patriot) groups. Reply RBESRQ 3/3/10 re: Epictetus quote Also: "There is nothing good or evil save in the will." Epictetus Reply RBESRQ 2/26/10 re: John Locke quote Well, it would seem so, in this wonderful country where its people are apathetic, without compassion, lethargic, greedy, nationalistic to the point of fascism, condone torture, allow war criminals to walk free, and spew their hate propaganda in the corporate media. Jim, you have no idea who the real perpetrators are - they are the ignorant bastards that sit in their living rooms and allow America to become a third world state (my apologies to Third World Countries for the poor analogy/association) Reply RBESRQ 2/26/10 re: James Truslow Adams quote Guys, it was the same as the first quote Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print