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Posts from Ronw13, Yachats OR

Ronw13, Yachats ORRonw13, Yachats OR
Ronw13, Yachats OR

The quote spoken by a Marxist who later joined the " National Fascist Party " Anti-individualism, anti Classical Liberalism.
Nadiyb liberal, churl, a vile person, Grandee, a Tyrant. Disregarding God's will of natural law, Nadiyb liberals embrace Keciyl foolishness, condoning reprobate behavior, insolvent in religion seeing the wicked florish thinking they have the right life style. Reprobate liberality. Robert, somewhere, your blending of Nadiyb and Brakah liberal shows the foolishness of compromise and the misdirection of understanding. Drowr, Pure Liberty never condones socialism or fascist intentions of social equality at the point of a gun ! If you claim to promote Brakah liberality then you would no doubt promote ancient Chophshiy Liberty, Freedom from bondage and tax, at your pleasure. In one accord with Eleutheria, and Apeleutheros Liberty. Manumission from slavery, and access to the presence of God as a Freed Man.

Ronw13, Yachats OR

1307 Remembered ! Make no mistake about that fact !

Ronw13, Yachats OR

Looking closer at, What , brought Calvin Coolidge to become desirable for the presidency. The quote is simple enough, but understanding the turn of events during and post " War of aggression " reconstruction period " can explain one of, if not the largest of separations in belief systems between two religious secs controlling this nation. The " Boston Police Strike " of 1919, Coolidge as governor, his decisive action, gained a sure reputation. An advocate of small government and Laissez-Faire economics. The striking AFL in 1919 lead by a democratic supporter, Samuel Gompers, English born and raised, brought about the Bolshevik inspired strike. Unions becoming the battle grounds during and after the war of aggression, differing sides forming their associations. Uriah Stephans and the Knights of Labor vs Samuel Gompers lead AFL is a very good study. Now to understand the resignation of Stephans due to internal policy changes within the Knights of Labor founded in 1869, will Shine a very bright light on determining good and evil intentions within any association governed by democracy/majority rule, with that being said, the down fall comes by way of a democratic vote to overthrow and/or compromising of the declaration and original intent. The " Producers Ethic of Republicanism " promoted by Knights of Labor, for We the People.

Ronw13, Yachats OR

So many good leading comments. " Understanding " a, not so simple, 13 letter word. To sure up, hold fast, strength through knowledge. Liberty scares the hell out of the ignorant dependent citizen child. Keep it simple stupid, KISS. A ref, to Psalm 2:12. Kiss the Son. Being told this, by one who knows the foundation well. Hell who even knew there was a foundation, and it looks like a ruler. Which is graduated in numerical order. Accurate indeed, able to bridge gaps, into spaces, not seen. A guide to follow and in doing so, numbers do point out ( reveal truth ) and they do not lie ! Scares even the best of intentions by what ever religion, State or Church. For all entities which want to save other peoples money, that is where the thief inters in, and if you don't want them to save your money, the thief pulls a gun. That is how slaves are made. In America some say, 200 years is a long time, and 200 miles is a short distance. but on the contrary, Europe says 200 miles is a long ways, and 200 years is just a short time. Europe keeps a short leash on its slaves.

Ronw13, Yachats OR

"Constructive fraud as well as actual fraud may be the basis of cancellation of an instrument " United States Supreme Court

Ronw13, Yachats OR

" When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." The Declaration of Independence, The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America.

Ronw13, Yachats OR

Through the course of life as an Independent sovereign contractor one can find options, if looking, to deal with tyranny. Liberty has been replaced with " Privilege " under current socialistic rule. Yet even at that, 15% divided between a " wage token " and corp profit seem enough to pacify small corporate business. With the wage slave on the other hand, setting high goals, and smart choices of what type of field of education, is the path to success. though short lived, say, your life time. That pacifies the Middle Class wage slave. So one can see their reluctance to " Rock the boat." Passing down to the next generation, those options, all but one are mentioned. The Fight to regain Liberty. Mike, Norwalk makes a resounding Profound statement, " In today's Democracy, there are No representatives of " We the People " sovereigns." taxation without representation ! of the individual sovereign. Only one legal instrument have I found to represent " We the People " the, AFFIDAVIT OF REVOCATION AND RESCISSION, which represents an individual. But can be modified for class action. On that scale, a Revolution of concerted effort, from all Ranks. Private and otherwise is required. Waking up to reality has been waited for for some time. True to Core, and Oath have Never left sight of Sound Leadership. Even as large as things have grown, Righting of our Ship of State and true course can be accomplished ! The fraud and deception, oppression can be removed from Office, local, state and federal levels. We the People have that Right. " Understanding is Strength " guided by Faith and Resolve. ! waffler's assumptions will be his/their undoing.

Ronw13, Yachats OR

Inordinate affection has brought the sovereign individual to a state of destruction world wide. Inordinate affection vs Natural love. Monopolies of merchants seeking the highest price, with no regard for Natural law, seeing it is side stepped through/by corruption and privilege granted by the Governmental ruling classes. Who own the monopolies. The god of this world, the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience, will and is gathering together the riches of this world. Prophetic indeed. Unity of the knowledge of the God of gods, a fulfillment of the experiment put forth by our Founding Fathers, seeing it is the most suppressed of all knowledge concerning Liberty and Freedom in its Natural state and Spiritual form. Never forget, it is total foolishness to think a so-called thriving economy represents Liberty and Freedom, When hearth and home belong to the State.

Ronw13, Yachats OR

Fear of religious persecution by the state church. Natural effort, ( Natural law ). Folly of human laws, ( impertinent obstructions. ) Classical economics, a free market, and its ability to balance itself. Physiocracy, from the Greek for " Government of Nature. " John Locke, Du Pont, Jefferson, Washington, Madison, Bastiat and many, many more understood well the unnatural behavior of industry and merchants. monopolies being feared the most by free market economics. Adams spoke of the " Hidden Hand " the phenomena of nature and its ability to balance itself. Washington warned of the Plundering of the USA's food stuffs and its children's riches. Hence his stance on Nonintervention with England and Europe as a whole. Our Founding Fathers went to the most extreme Declaration that could be made. God our Creator is the God of Nature and the hidden hand which conducts the affairs of man and nations alike. It needs no private interpretation. total separation from private interpretation by any denominational sec of Christianity or any other Threskeia, ( superficial ) religion for that matter. " Let there be no separation " within the understanding of Liberty and Freedom and the doctrines thereof. " Now I beseech you brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be " perfectly " joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment." I Corin 1:10 As we see, Paul declares this truth, as always, in all 13 of his books. The Rebel with a divine calling and cause most sacred. One of the greatest dupes of politicians and government, to hide old scientific discovery which exposes the " hidden hand " of the Creator. " Simple single " a particle of union. Simplicity in sincerity. Wake up and get the picture, visitors are coming. The day of visitation made apparent by the awakening !!

Ronw13, Yachats OR

If the " We the People " were truly Free from Oppression as with the original Intent in founding this " One nation under God " there would be No government agency, Fed or local who would willingly Rob their neighbor of HEARTH AND HOME. By the way, for resale by the Banksters, perpetuating SLAVERY TO THE STATE AND BANKS as " little g" gods. Regardless whether or not government workers are honest in intent to carryout the " Legalized Plunder " at the point of their gun. My goodness how far a young centralized gov, infested with communism has come in destroying from the inside out a once Free Republic of Sovereign Individuals and States of free will association.

Ronw13, Yachats OR

Regulation never stopping, inflationary tactics which the ignorant socialistic children Do Not Understand. The ability of the banking industry to manipulate the " state god " to grant rights and favor to whomever they choose. sucking away all inheritance from unaware individuals. Unaware not only of their Sovereignty but also of their True Inalienable rights ordained by God, with which we are endowed. That is the Inheritance which can never be taken away from the True Patriot of Liberty and Freedom, for it resides in the Heart of the believing person. And also that which kindles the fires of Justifiable Revolution before the Ever Watching Eyes of an Everlasting Creator. Their are Seven Eyes. Perfect just like seven notes in the musical scale.

Ronw13, Yachats OR

Regulation never stopping, inflationary tactics which the ignorant socialistic children Do Not Understand. The ability of the banking industry to manipulate the " state god " to grant rights and favor to whomever they choose. sucking away all inheritance from unaware individuals. Unaware not only of their Sovereignty but also of their True Inalienable rights ordained by God, with which we are endowed. That is the Inheritance which can never be taken away from the True Patriot of Liberty and Freedom, for it resides in the Heart of the believing person. And also that which kindles the fires of Justifiable Revolution before the Ever Watching Eyes of an Everlasting Creator. Their are Seven Eyes. Perfect just like seven notes in the musical scale.

Ronw13, Yachats OR

Because of Israel's pride and contempt for God's laws of morality, the divorce was finalized. So much so, The Creator Burned the house Down to the ground ! AD 70. " Outer darkness " Israel was cast into, as with the rest of the world. It makes the Light of Liberty and Freedom much easier to See in the Dark night. " But the path of the just is as the shining Light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day. The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble." Prov 4:18,19. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning ! how art thou cut down to the ground, which did weaken the nations ! The Lord of hosts hath sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so shall it come to pass; and as I have purposed, so shall it stand. That I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders. This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth: and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all the nations." Isaiah 14:12,24,25,26. Awake, Awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord, awake as in the ancient days." Lucifer, " The captive exile hasteneth that he may be loosed, and that he should not to die in the pit, nor that his bread should fail." Isaiah 51:14 KJB. The quote is right on point !

Ronw13, Yachats OR

Lincoln let " The Cat " in OUR room, it becomes more clear now as it should, that sympathizers with Rome saturate the Protestant Clergymen of America today. We the People have become nothing more than " America a province of Rome. " The rising of Rome once again, to fulfill its life span of 666 years. Prophetic indeed. To speak out on behalf of Liberty and Freedom today among the so called leading denominations, you find yourself belittled, looked down upon, called hypers, by the lofty Elite sitting in their ivory towers paying homage to their sick masters in Rome. The South shall rise again, has become, A Nation of True Patriots Rising in revolt against absolute tyranny. Let the Fight come, may it clear the air, of the stench, and pride, associated with the arrogance of not only Rome but Israel also, who knowingly enslaved their own children ! By Mercy and Truth sins are purged. Let Israel consider !

Ronw13, Yachats OR

Within the light that shines eternal " their is a reward " Be strong and of a Good courage. Our Creator, is not slack concerning those that are His. Before our very eyes, moreover our Ears which have been made to Hear, the treasures of Knowledge, gifts to the children of men. Liberty from oppression, Freedom to do, that which is Right and should be done. The time is ripe, Hope like Life is a four letter word, just as code. Awaken thou that sleepest and Christ shall give the Light. The " Earnest of our Inheritance " NEVER TO BE ASHAMED OF OUR LIBERTY AND FREEDOM AND ITS SOURCE. from the Greek, Homologoumenos, like minded, to Declare openly by way of speaking out freely. Such confession being the Effect of deep convictions of Fact ! " Take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that Hear thee " I Tim 4:16. Saad Al Melik, Saad Al Sund. Fom Al Haut declares his knowledge, this from the heavens above. Plunder is the key word, as also the rarity of an Honest prince or king..

Ronw13, Yachats OR

For those that know and were there, FDR the communist, took by the point of a gun, jailing 140,000 Patriotic Independent Sovereign citizens. Many ,Many Yoemen Farmers, their Communities and families, who by the way, made up the majority of Responsible sustaining people in society. Being solvent and sufficient meeting their needs and that of the small rural towns wherein they traded and bartered their commodities in exchange for hardware, staples and seed. Very peaceful communities and their cultures destroyed from the inside out. Remnants only remain, a cloudy picture for the children. Not knowing how close or far a life of Liberty and Freedom, was once lived. Taken away at the point of a gun, Now the socialist, communistic foolish children it has fostered, wish to steal even more for the Robber Baron Elites, taxing all, owning all, inheriting all. Lapping like a dog at the bowl of their masters !

Ronw13, Yachats OR

The governing Trees of unrighteousness. The lesson for mankind to learn, there is a God who governs the nations of men and effects his will. Judgement against the corruption ( wicked ) is not always swift to come. Fruit must be ripe, then the harvest. A "fullness of time" must be reached, Natural laws of the Creator dictate so, regardless of the fancy of men and their inventions. Trees of Righteousness situated in the Garden, declare as they always have, Liberty for your children's sake. Knowledge of Liberty and Freedom, by way of our Creator are the greatest of gifts to be bestowed upon man. Greater than gold or silver, but the best to govern them by. " Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest, Return, ye children of men." Psalm 90:4, ( A prayer of Moses the man of God.) A false debt is no debt at all. So to deal in falsehood is making payment with the wind ! RVP Archer sums it up well, as usual !

Ronw13, Yachats OR

Lacking in loyalty, honor and integrity. The once trusted guard at the gate. The greatest degree of understanding Liberty and Freedom, an honest leader of rank will explain not only the individuals state, but also their standing in relationship with the powers that govern them ! When by freewill, one chooses to become a servant for that worthy cause of Liberty and Freedom, by way of Oath, The metals of loyalty, honor and integrity are tested. After loyal service, an Honorable discharge is granted for Faithful service. Liberty bestowed and returned to the individual. To uphold and defend our Constitution and its unchanging original Intent. The inalienable rights Declared by our Declaration of Independence to all the world. Bribery, extortion, and fraud committed in the elected and appointed servants sector, as Congress, Senate, Supreme Court, and Executive is as much Treason as in the Military sector. And should no less be tolerated ! Swings sets are justifiable for high treason. regardless of office held. The True and Faithful Guard stands ready to execute " Due Justice ". Sleep well politicians and appointed servants, within federal gov and state gov, who compromise Liberty for the sake of false security and order. Fraud and corruption this election season 2016, with so many True Patriots Awakened and Watching, it would be foolish indeed on your part ! Better to resign now, than to run and be found a Fraud ! The quote states no more than a degree of Plunder, which has been legalized through unconstitutional, perverted laws. The yoke of necessity need no extra burden upon ourselves or our children !

Ronw13, Yachats OR

" Careless seems the Great Avenger; history's page but record One death-grapple in the darkness 'twist old systems and the word; Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne,-Yet the scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dime unknown, Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above His own. We see dimly in the Present what is small and what is great, Slow of faith how weak an arm mat turn the iron helm of fate, But the soul is still Oracle; amid the market din, List the omnious stern whisper from the Delphic cave within,- " They enslave their children's children who make compromise with sin " They have rights who dare maintain them. "
The Present Crisis, James Russell Lowell 1819 to 1891

Ronw13, Yachats OR

Great comments ! Publius makes an interesting statement quoting Romans 8:31, in response. I do not dispute good intentions by Protestantism at large, but the baggage of private interpretation of scripture or natural law is distorted on Purpose. By mingling of the doctrines of mosaic law and Works, with the distinct Doctrines of Liberty. It is always a slight of hand to replace confidence with doubt. You either are or you are not AT LIBERTY. Never to be mistaken for " Maybe so. " Free will support separates children form Adults. The Gospel Paul preaches as he states is His Gospel, 13 times, and his unity at Liberty are undeniable, and very few if any " Clergy men " embrace such Pure Doctrine for it will isolate them and cause the " steady paycheck to disappear. No Doubt. Those 85 pages, thirteen books written by the thirteenth apostle, the Chief Sinner and best attorney at large/to date, Still stand Strong as the only Testimony of Freedom At Liberty with Natural laws of God as our guide to true piety. If one does by nature the things contained in the law, then we find they are a law unto myself, their Conscience Bearing witness in/with the Holy ( separate ) Spirit of Truth, which proceeds for the Creator. His active agent, by which all life exist. To even imply it is OK to tax away hearth and Home by any religious or state organization is treasonous to God purpose in grace and Liberty ordained by the innocent Blood and all other blood shed in its defense !! Doubt breeds contempt for True and Pure Liberty, of which, our Founding Fathers tried so hard to distinguish by separation of a churches " Private interpretation of what Liberty is, and to what degree we have it !

Ronw13, Yachats OR

Competition within the private sector, Stiff to say the least. Over the course of 35 years or more the " Cuff Money" padding the bid so to speak, has been eliminated to a great degree. Quality is paramount in certain sectors, even when contracting with the government. Most of labor has no idea as to the overhead cost for running a small Prime Sub Contract business. Contract building vs Defense Contracting are two different creatures. With or without integrity, who you know plays a big part with the gov, their inspectors controlling a large portion of persuasion. Most independents never make the cut, to custom, commercial or government contracts, due to a lack of experience, quality, and Integrity. Targeting by Congress and the IRS to Eliminate those Americans who act as Sovereign independent Contractors, has been their goal all along ! Emigrational overthrow, within the private sector, unionization of skilled trades, rubbing out competition of the free market. The quote speaks of Extortion, and Fraud on a grand scale. Sad to say. Well said E. Archer !!!

Ronw13, Yachats OR

An oppressive Taskmaster soon looses their labor in a Free society and Market. Unless held at the receiving end of a weapon. Good intentions sometimes start with afflictions. Which are trials of the pious ( righteous ) individual. A three fold process from dependent to independence, as concerning God's covenant to man, starting in the " Garden. " with Adam, who new the Creators covenantal name, Yhovah, " The Lord, self Existent or Eternal " Seth call his son Enoch " man as a weak and dependent creature." and began to ( with all other pious persons ) to call upon ( formally worship ) the name of Yhovah, " The Lord" Gen 4:26. The covenant found a fuller expression and application when God revealed Himself to Abraham ( Gen 12:8 ) promising redemption in the form of national existence. This promise became reality through Moses, to whom God explained that He was not only the " God who exist " but the " God who effects His will " I have surly seen visited you, and seen that which is done to you in Egypt. And I said, I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt unto the land of the Canaanites..." ( Ex 3:15-17 ) God explained the meaning of " I am [ Hayah ] who I am [ Hayah ] " the verb makes a strong statement noting a noticeable presence of power underlying divine forces that will affect them. More than a statement of idenity, It is a Declaration of divine control of all things. The God who made the covenant was the God who kept the covenant. A Legal position and point of ref. the force of the verb in ( Gen 1:3 ) in which God said, " Let there be Light." He accomplished His word so that there was Light. Confirming the occurrence of the event by use of the verb, Hayah. Such is the birth of our Nation and the divine forces of the Creator and His noticeable effects.

Ronw13, Yachats OR

It is amazing, the progressive nature of European socialism, its trends of corralling labor and the disruption of a Rural way of life. For those who have migrated from foreign city to city, say over the course of 100 years or so, the industrializing of industry which began in Europe brought along with it the tyranny of unionized Communistic labor parties and the corrupt Banksters, and their oppression of Usury. Those elite classes and slavery. The worst of all, the wedge between families members driven by greed. The lack of compassion within the lowest of societal classes. The poor and needy. This the direct result of the industrializing disruption of the natural rural life. Food, clothing and shelter were always more attainable, for those willing to work, what ever type of job in the rural country. The sick and disabled were cared for with respect regardless of race. For many, that " shotgun house " ( looked down upon by city dwellers ) was/is paid for free and clear. It is nonsense to blame the poor laborer for a socialist system they are born into. By elite classes, wielding powers they do not understand. Mercy, in the private sector lends itself to natural law, as honest economics and consumer sovereignty balance the natural law of supply and demand. Now the poverty stricken uneducated masses, due to dishonest banking practices, inflationary tactics, the self induced market crash of the building market, the " Back bone " of our society broken, has flooded the labor market with unusable labor. Mad as Hell is the understatement of all time, as to what has been done to our nation and the sea of humanity world wide, in need of Food, clothing and Safe Shelter. There again sorry for being long winded. But before condemning the poor and needy, consider the socialist elite who have brought about the tyranny and slavery they thrive upon. As to what to do, regain control of our Free Republic under siege. Cleaning House, through and by citizen and military unity of intent. Military will not move till, Citizen understanding, and Support. ! Socialism must be Abolished in this once Free Republic, in order to have any chance of re-entrenchment of Honesty and Integrity of Leadership for " We the People " As Sovereign States and Sovereign Individuals. 140,000 jailed for opposing the communist FDR, and his chicken in the pot.

Ronw13, Yachats OR

Purging of the communist infiltration and leadership positions within Union Labor Parties. Tom Bethel and Joseph McCarthy were always on point and knew O to well what was and had taken place prior to and post WWII. Knowing FDR was leading the Communist spear head of control. Communist subversion and infiltration of the State Department. Rings True Today, Hillary being the Fabian Socialist leader of the democratic socialist party, running openly today. Investigations of the Army by McCarthy bear out his justifiable actions. To bring to light the number of communist within the senate, a vote of 67 to 22, in favor of censuring McCarthy speaks for itself. With investigation to corruption within religious denominations, " The largest single group supporting the Communist apparatus in the United States is composed of Protestant Clergymen." J.B.Matthews

Ronw13, Yachats OR

The ignorance of Wingnut and Reston, induced by social engineering wingnuts to boot. What we find happening now, the age old, old world tyrannical despots seeking to overthrow the Sovereign Individuals that spring up Naturally from time to time. Even in a time when most are domesticated, nature dictates the need for Independence. Separation brings to Light, thing that are different, are Not the same. The laziness of most in class, breeds contempt for those that Get It. Glad to say, Faith is the most powerful thing in the universe. Even a secular humanistic individual understands that without faith in themselves, there is no strength to succeed in life. a smart socialist, is better than a poor socialist fool, which has no understanding of his surroundings. Inheritance, has been fought over for thousands and thousands of years. Independence and the rightful ground to stand and fight to maintain it. No higher ground can be found, than to Trust in The Creator. The Phenomena unfolds before the eyes of man as Divine Providence takes hold. Thomas Sowell, is right on point. We know who he backs, and the old tyrannical establishment fears both, not only man, but the Creator spoken of so Lovingly by our Founding Fathers. Or better yet those who signed the Declaration of Independence. The Big Bang of Understanding !

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