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warren, olathe

Education is what you make of it. My daughter survived KU in recent years so it is still possible to get one in spite of the imbecile leftists that teach there. Don't care much for Mr. Superman "god is dead". Nietzsche or his buddy Adolph Hitler. I suspect that today's school system is what he would have approved of.

warren, olathe

Don't forget Stalin Ken

warren, olathe

Hard to imagine what he saw is what we see. Seems as if he were speaking about today's schools. Socialism is the problem and of course the U.N. is all about socialism. Obama is owned by U.N. types (Mr. George Soros) he is nothing but a puppet. Lost with out a teleprompter. Worthless.

warren, olathe

Corporations? What planet are you from Waffler? This is the socialist utopia he is talking about. Not corporations or democracy.

warren, olathe

Home schooling teaches these things when done properly.

warren, olathe

I do believe this was meant to be humorous. Self deprecating humor.

warren, olathe

Waffler I can not believe you are that obtuse.

warren, olathe

Education has been used to pry students away from parental control for socialist purposes. The result is a lack of success in the learning by the student since parental involvement is key to the students learning. Socialism is more important to the NEA than education. That is why the school system continues to get worse. Most teachers will tell you that lack of parental involvement is the biggest problem with the children learning the subject matter, but then they also cling to their beloved NEA that moves in exactly the opposite direction. As far as dumb goes I have always found that most are about as intelligent as a box of rocks.

warren, olathe

What we wouldn't give for an education system as lousy as the one during his time.

warren, olathe

Yep he sure was talking about ties I bet.

warren, olathe

He was an egalitarian. It is much easier to make things equal by teaching to the lowest common denominator than to try to raise the bar for all.

warren, olathe

John Dewey happened to be a communist. He is very much responsible for the mess the ecucational system is in today.

warren, olathe

He hits the nail on the head. The union is the center of all problems with the public school system. This is the attitude of all "good" union teachers. They work for the good of the union, not the students.

warren, olathe

Sorry Waffler. The quote is about teachers being totalitarian. Parents having authority over their children is the exact opposite.

warren, olathe

The cause is education. Much better to have teachers like Mann running our education system than what we have now.

warren, olathe

This is always been the way public education has been handled. That is why it has come to what it is now. Preparing for the socialist utopia of the future.


One more example of the endless stream of crap from the Clintons. What they put forth as values are the last thing that the youth should be taught.

warren, olathe

You are right Waffler as long as it is education. But what we have is more and more indoctrination. We are being steered toward socialism at an ever increasing rate. Socialism has to be taught to the little ones with out being exposed to a conflicting view point. If a balanced approach to teaching is used 80 percent would not come out as intended. That is why the young tend to be left and mature to be right. The media and entertainment industry are intent on keeping opposing information to liberalism from being perceived in anything but a bad light. That is why they are intent on ending talk radio and Fox news. They can not debate their ideas because experience has taught them that they will loose. So opposing views must be eliminated as in Global Warming. Make it so anyone not falling in line can't get a job or get into a situation that they could influence others.

warren, olathe

Hilary has said that the government needs to take over the raising of the children because the parents can not be trusted to do it. She advocated this in a college paper she wrote.

warren, olathe

Fascists intend to remove god from the public arena. They are Darwinists now and have always been. As good old Adolph was. Darwinism is what was the source of the reasoning for the holocaust. Waffler you are a bright guy but you need to get educated on this stuff. I was not aware that the Dems ever had any convictions not purely self serving. The founder of the modern Dem party started with the philosophy that any one can be bought. Things haven't changed.

warren, olathe

Yes Ken Fascist, Socialists, and liberals are pretty much the same thing.

warren, olathe

All those that give out those prizes and run those institutions are leftists. The right wingers must have forced him to not take any recognition from the left. Yea that’s the ticket.

warren, olathe

I am not rich enough to fear the IRS. But I still don't like em.

warren, olathe

Global Warming is getting close to being a "truth" enforced by law.

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