Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [376-400] of 2040Posts from Waffler, smithWaffler, smith Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Waffler, Smith 12/27/10 re: Alexander Meiklejohn quote David can you elucidate upon your answer. Interesting about all of the Five Stars, even though we have not yet heard from Jim K and Carlton and a few others. A lot of these folk have often wished that I would be silenced or at least remain silent. Hm! very interesting. 4Reply Waffler, Smith 12/25/10 re: Luther Martin quote Jim you obviously know that after the Resurrection "the early chruch assembled together and kept much in common". A commonality that many of the right wing nuts abhore. At Christmas we make much about this commonality among men and then go on our Merry Way after Chirstimas, again lost in our right wing, individualist, screw society and everything around me as long as I get mine attitudew. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/25/10 re: Jesus of Nazareth quote How does this square with the before quoted Proverb. If the rich would forgive debt would they still be rich? 2Reply Waffler, Smith 12/25/10 re: Proverbs quote Maybe not wisdom per se but just a statement of fact. Over time man has seen fit to change this fact by instituting bankruptcy etcetera to get the lenders and borrowers back into line. In a democracy the rich rule over the poor because they are allowed to. The only purpose for wealth beyond a "reasonable" amount if for power over people. No matter how wealthy is an individual he still only gets 24 hours in a day and the amount of food he may consume is generally no more than the poor man. Thus wealth maybe overrated in the grand scheme of things. And to have a destitute government in a land of exteme wealth is a Grand Sin. Many courageous rich are now saying "tax me" and still the government and the Republicans just sit there. 2Reply Waffler, Smith 12/23/10 re: Luther Martin quote "They" should start using that power immediately and stop borrowing in order to pay for our military to fight and die. Our soldiers are brave, we and our political leaders are cowards. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/20/10 re: Booker T. Washington quote People of experience in the issues of the day are important to have as law makers, oversight committees, etcetera. We need people from agriculture, medicine, science etcetera in our congress but often those elected have little experience in such things. A smattering of history and philosophy would also be helpful. Beyond that the workings of a nation and a world in this advanced age needs knowledgeable people and term limits works against that. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/20/10 re: Donald Alexander quote Accounting and taxes are simply a matter of commen sense or is it cents. The fact that so many can not get it correct and thus regulations must be written is evidence of the lack of the aforementioned among a significant portion of the American people. If they get more sense then the regulations and enforcement will wither away. 1 Reply Waffler, Smith 12/13/10 re: St. George Tucker quote Freedom begins at the end of a gun barrel so seem to say you all, and you live in a little Maoist world of your own hallucinations. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/13/10 re: Henry St. George Tucker quote The questios in Mike when are you going to use your guns? The man says guns are to stop usurpations, you say we have been usurped since time immemorial. So ipso facto the guns did not work, are not working now and it is all a big bag of wind, signifying nothing, nada, nil! 21Reply Waffler, Smith 12/13/10 re: St. George Tucker quote The right to own guns is actually a sybol of the right to vote and to have a say. I think it is a good symbol. But it is just that a symbol. The more important right is the right to vote which means liberty and democracy. Anyone attempting to tak away these rights of voting, liberty and democracy by gun power shall and should be denied their guns, and their freedom. So guns are not for taking the liberty of the polls, freely elected government etc no matter how much you think they have usurped. 1Reply Waffler, Smith 12/13/10 re: Henry St. George Tucker quote Well he was wrong, and I am sure Mike and J agree, on the usurpation thingy. Both Mike and J feel that the American people have been usurped time and time again. So guns certainly did not stop it. We are a nation of words, concepts and laws, votes and pubic opinion. It is true that the pen and the mind are mighty than the gun. Thus I give Mr. Tucker an F or thumbs down because his statement has been proven by history to be incorrect. And Mike "holds this truth to be self evident"! Hell Mike if we have put up with all of this usurpation for 230 years when the hell are you going to act. The failure of all you cowards to act for all of these years is proof positive of the falsity of the whole argument. You guys are the biggest bags of wind I know. ha, ha, ha, and ha! 1 Reply Waffler, Smith 12/13/10 re: Dalai Lama quote Okay, so what's new? Do we need to be a high spiritual leader to know this? But I, being the quintesential devils advocate, remember the words of Christ and Mr. King about abhorring violence and turning the other cheek. I agree that turning the cheek certainly stops when someone is trying to kill you. 6Reply Waffler, Smith 12/10/10 re: Jeffrey R. Snyder quote Interesting and thought provoking. There have been times however when rampant guns caused problems and peaceful folk instituted gun laws and hired guns to take care of the problems. Does anyone remember the wild wild west? Reply Waffler, Smith 12/9/10 re: Nelson Shields quote Archer has the answer, do away with law and we will have no law breakers. That is brilliant really brilliant! NOT! 12Reply Waffler, Smith 12/9/10 re: SA Oberfuhrer of Bad Tolz quote Mike you always favor or lean towards power and respect for "We The People" but then you are always against "the public". The "public's schools" are government schools in your view. Why don't you consider them to be "We The People's" schools. You really are a crazy mixed up conflicted guy or you just need a new vocabulary. Which is it do you think? The way that you talk your idea of We The People is Me The People and you have no room for the concept of Us The People. If enough of Me The People type "thinkers" get together don't they become eventually Us Some of The People, and maybe even We All of The People. Quit being so misanthropic Mike you are not the only one with rights. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/9/10 re: Nelson Shields quote If you have a gun (I have 6 or so) you should be responsible with them and responsible not to use them or things like murder etcetera. A way to make sure others don't use them for such things is to have them registered. In the Army we always had to have them locked up at the end of the barracks at night. One night we had to get up at midnight because one was missing and it was found under a GI's mattress. If young soldiers can be required to be responsible why cannot so called adults? 3Reply Waffler, Smith 12/9/10 re: Lysander Spooner quote I never said it was invalid J, just a stupid plattitude. Really did you not know (is this a revelation to you) that you have a right to defend yourself? We live in a complex modern society with serious issues we should be discussing, and people run for office or get involved in politics concerning plattitudes like this, shame on us? 12Reply Waffler, Smith 12/9/10 re: SA Oberfuhrer of Bad Tolz quote That "national" government was not of, by or for the public. The public does have an interest in limiting private weapons. Hell even the most "unorgainzed" primitive tribe has enough sense to control danerous weapons in the village and around children. Am I to assume Mike, J, and Jime would not qualify to be members of such a tribe. Reply Waffler, Smith 12/9/10 re: Nelson Shields quote Quote has a major problem since it is from "a reporter at large". I am all for registration". 17Reply Waffler, Smith 12/9/10 re: Lysander Spooner quote Spooner is an air head and this quote is, well all I can say is duh! Next he will be quoted as saying "the sky is blue"! The amazing thing, though not unxpected, is how Mike, Jim and Carlton fall all over and slobbered on this guy, 1 Reply Waffler, Smith 12/7/10 re: Sheldon Richman quote All praise to the Obamaunists for profiting on the bailours. 12 billion profit on Citigroup. What say ye all? 15Reply Waffler, Smith 12/7/10 re: Sheldon Richman quote I have no prolem with the right but it has been said by knowledgable people that if you are close enough to the criminal minded to use a hand gun you are probably still going to loose to his/her criminal attitude. Most people cannot hit the broad side of anything with a handgun. Is it false security. I still like carrying mine in the deep woods. 1Reply Waffler, Smith 12/7/10 re: Jeffrey R. Snyder quote We do it all of the time. As some men go about their various chores they appoint or hire security. Even Armies post sentries while the others sleep or relax. Where the heck is this guy coming from. The big news for the haters of "the state" Uncle is making a 12 billion dollar profit from Citigroup, the 700 billion dollar bailout may in the end cost Uncle 25 billion. 1Reply Waffler, Smith 12/6/10 re: Richard M. Ebeling quote I raised my son for ten years in a church school. I still believe in freedom, diversity etcetera and the free expression of ideas. Sorry I find that more existing in the public at large than in a narrow chruch or private approach. Funny isn't it how people see that choosing carefully what there kids are taught see that as some kind of freedom while the child is for ever yearning to be free of their parents dictatorial approach. 1Reply Waffler, Smith 12/6/10 re: H. L. Mencken quote The lawful nexus is the mere fact that your child is not yours. He is a free and independent human organism and rightful belongs to God and not to you. Now you and I are finite and will some day cease to meander upon this planet. But God's creation in man and our children will go on and on. So creation and society has a right beyond yours to insure that your kid is up speed. So sorry you missed the boat or many boats. Society is not perfect. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print