Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [451-475] of 1302Posts from Warren, OlatheWarren, Olathe Previous 25 Next 25 1 Reply warren, olathe 2/9/09 re: John Maynard Keynes quote The Obamanation pork bill will do just that to our currency. This inexperienced Marxist/fascist could finish off this country in 2 years if this type of legislation is not stopped. This bill and the ones soon to follow will harm the economy, create massive unemployment and put inflation through the roof. The crap these jackasses are going to pass will cause bureaucracies to be created that will have to be financed EVERY year not just this one. All of our savings and retirement plans will be going up in smoke because of the actions of these thugs. The recession would run its course and we would be ok but for this incompetent crap we put in office. 11Reply warren, olathe 2/6/09 re: John Maynard Keynes quote No they don't work for the rich. They work for the wealthy. When they say rich they mean people that have the ability to create wealth in order to become one of the wealthy. The left chants the hate speech because they do not want any new money competing with their old money. When you look at the congress you will find that the Dems are mostly wealthy from some means other than their own efforts. While the majority of the Republicans made their wealth on there own. This makes the politicians attitudes toward wealth and wealth creation easy to understand. Dems inherit it while Republicans earnit. It is a war between old money and new money. If you look at the liberal republicans you will again find old money. This is obviously not true in every case but it holds true in general. The tax codes are made to make it hard for someone that wants to become one of the wealthy. The wealthy already have their money so income taxes do not affect them. The drum beat of getting even with the wealthy is fodder for the ignorant. 3 Reply warren, olathe 2/6/09 re: Frederic Bastiat quote Yes he will be a hero. Just like FDR made a mess and caused the depression to get worse while we are being told that he led us out of the depression but government intervention deepened and lengthened the depression. Obama will be praised for all the attacks on our freedom and wealth by the press and all the bad consequences will be credited to Bush. The Obama machine will do what it can to eliminate opposition on the air waves and then they will come for us on the net unless we put the scare of public wrath into them quick. Reply warren, olathe 2/6/09 re: George Bernard Shaw quote Funny, but far more accurate than the more common phrase. 3 Reply warren, olathe 2/5/09 re: Frederic Bastiat quote Waffler there is no stimulus package. WAKE UP. He is just making it so government will grow at record rates and the Dems will be entrenched in power forever. This is a political pay off. The package is intentionally going to make the economy worse so more will be ready to accept the government as their benefactor. That secures more votes for more handouts. The Obamanation is going to look nothing like freedom or liberty. 4 Reply warren, olathe 2/4/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote That is idiocy Waffler. Quit being a fool. Clinton was almost as bad as Carter. We have just voted for the end of any hint of responsibility what so ever. A Democrat talking about fiscal responsibility is ludicrous. We are now listening to the fascists talk about limitless spending for years. Nothing but pork to insure Dems re-election. No stimulus to be found. But we will hear the drum beat for years about how we have to spend, spend, spend. They know that when they have wrecked the country beyond recognition that the fools that would vote for the Obamanation will accept socialism, fascism or communism accepting that it "has to be done" because the system is broken. Ignorance is the most dangerous thing we have in this country and the heroes of Waffler are doing everything they can to make more of it. Reply warren, olathe 1/29/09 re: Randolph Bourne quote War is not good for the economy. That is just propaganda. War squanders large amounts of money that will have to be paid at the expense of the economy. War only benefits those that profit from it. The rest pay. The quote makes no sense Reply warren, olathe 1/29/09 re: Will Rogers quote If we took congress seriously we would not have the one we have now. Reply warren, olathe 1/29/09 re: Will Rogers quote There will be no good bills allowed as long as the fascist party has control. Reply warren, olathe 1/29/09 re: Will Rogers quote This is the most reprehensible congress and president this country has ever had. Reply warren, olathe 1/29/09 re: Will Rogers quote Not to mention the coming legislation for the forceful silencing of conservative opinion. Waffler you are the poster boy for the duped. 2 Reply warren, olathe 1/20/09 re: Steve Dasbach quote Leaving any thing up to public schools is a mistake. Children are the responsibility of the parents. Parents transferring their responsibilities to the state are the source of the problem. Reply warren, olathe 1/20/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote If only our voting public had the wisdom to select such men for office today. 3 Reply warren, olathe 1/20/09 re: George Washington quote Obama has had nothing but scoundrels around him all his public life. Doubt he will have it any different as president. 2 Reply warren, olathe 1/12/09 re: Jerry Brown quote Typical liberal crap, Waffler. You call a bunch of names but did not offer one piece of evidence to refute the point that Archer was making. 2 Reply warren, olathe 1/12/09 re: Jerry Brown quote Waffler how could you give this a 5 with the previous quote a thumbs down. Just because governor moon beam said it? Both quotes share the same over all wisdom. Reduce government control and increase individual responsibility. Reply warren, olathe 1/12/09 re: Frank Chodorov quote Waffler, how could any thing you wrote have anything to do with the quote? The quote is obviously true. You write about how it should be as if it is the way it is. The biggest problem is that the education system does not do as you say it should. Most schools see parents as a hindrance or an obstacle. The way to get the education system to be as you want is to get the feds out of it. 3 Reply warren, olathe 1/8/09 re: John Dewey quote Dewey decimal system. He apparently saw little difference between children and the books on a shelf. This man is responsible in large part for the present public school system. This is the perfect quote to explain how the public education professionals think. Reply warren, olathe 1/8/09 re: National Education Association Resolution quote Of course choice is an anathema to all bureaucrats. 1 Reply warren, olathe 1/7/09 re: Manfred B. Zysk quote I suppose that Waffler is going to say that the Nazi's were for home schooling? The black hole of ignorance in your comment astounds me Waffler. 4 Reply warren, olathe 1/7/09 re: Seymour Papert quote It is easy to socialize home schooled children. On Monday you give your kid a swirl in the toilet. Tuesday take away his lunch money. Wednesday push him down when he is not looking and laugh. The list can go on forever. He can get plenty of this crap with out going to a public school. The average home schooled children are far more socially well adjusted than those in public education. Many of our public schools are no better than a penitentiary. Socialization is the first reason people give for being against home schooling and it is the most idiotic. There is no public school where a child will learn positive socialization. Only a fool would want to live in a society of people that conduct themselves the way kids do in public school. Reply warren, olathe 1/7/09 re: John Adams quote RBESRQ in what way did you add anything? He said all of it with less. That is more. 1 Reply warren, olathe 12/21/08 re: Leonardo Da Vinci quote Its’ true Dave it doesn't matter who said it. However on the left an argument about what is true will not be about facts. It will be about the personal destruction of the truth teller. Debating in a public setting only will disclose the truth to a larger number of people. Debate then becomes something that has to be avoided. Instead comes a barrage of personal attacks that are almost always unfounded. Eventually the only thing that is heard is the attacks and the person that wanted to enlighten is politically lynched. Unfortunately the people who would like to spread truth often become afraid to say anything because they prize their job and reputation more than the truth. It is seldom and far between that we are graced with one that will suffer the slings and arrows and stick to their guns. 1 Reply warren, olathe 12/21/08 re: Leonardo Da Vinci quote First there must be those that are open to the truth. The light of truth is often shut out by a mind that has been preconditioned to reject the truth. Reply warren, olathe 12/21/08 re: George F. Kennan quote How in the hell do Stalin, Hitler, and Lenin have anything in common with Rush??????? I have never known anyone to attack Rush in this manner that has known one thing about him except the absurd propaganda consistently spread about him. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print