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Posts from Warren, Olathe

Warren, OlatheWarren, Olathe
warren, olathe

I believe the author is speaking of the states intent to help. The people "helped" then owe.

warren, olathe

The election was narrowed down to two Democrats. Obama and McCain. McCain was the more traditional Democrat, Obama is the "new" collectivist Democrat. Hope you appreciate his Marxist leanings Waffler.

warren, olathe

Many of those news outlets have conservative owners but they did not make their organizations produce a conservative product did they? If the critic were to actually point something out that needs attention it would be different but what we get is leftist propaganda. That is not criticism.

warren, olathe

Don't watch "The Fountainhead" read it. Ayn did not make the movie. You have to be incredibly shallow to think Ayn is shallow. Her understanding of human nature can not be disputed.

warren, olathe

Will end with the fairness doctrine.

warren, olathe

Public schools are there to distort history so as to make the future populace naught but sheep. If every one knew and understood the simple concepts of our founding fathers we would have never have a country run by wafflers.

warren, olathe

If only the Dems had kept his type of vision. They worship him while they desecrate everything he believed and stood for.

warren, olathe

Ken you hit something on the head. Patriots just want to be left alone. This is part of the problem. Good people just want to do their thing with out being interfered with. The libs are the ones that seek positions as a bureaucrat, politician or media person. That is so they can get some control or influence over others. Leaving each to his own doesn't get society to where the libs want it to go. If the patriots would get energized before the messes were made instead of after we would have it so much better.

warren, olathe

The best riches the government can give man is his freedom from as much government as possible.

warren, olathe

If you believe all the votes cast were legit you would have to believe that the public just happens to disagree with Thomas. Afraid they will learn the truth of his words the hard way.

warren, olathe

Waffler you are so full of it. The Dems are the ones that continually try to pit group against group. This has been the dirtiest and most corrupt election in my lifetime. It is only going to get worse. When misdeeds are rewarded they only become more prevalent.

warren, olathe

The recent election is only proof of voter ignorance.

warren, olathe

You seem to never understand the quote Waffler.

warren, olathe

For all practical purposes Fascism and Communism are the same. Total control of every thing by the state.

warren, olathe

How can you trust paper ballots? It seems that they are the easiest to stuff. Do you not remember 2000? Every election we have endless evidence of the Dems cheating but aside from a few arrests the root of the problem never gets addressed. The motor voter legislation was just the beginning of the end of elections in this country. We now have cities like Indianapolis that end up with more people registered to vote than Indy has citizens. Acorn paid one guy in money and cigarettes to register 76 times. Daffy duck buggs bunny and the Dallas Cowboys vote any where they want to across the nation. The Democrats orchestrate massive dumping of registrations in precincts so as to make it impossible for the people to verify the legitimacy of the voters. In St. Louis busses were taken from precinct to precinct so a large no. of people could vote as many times as they could. A judge ordered the polls to stay open so it could continue. Right now a senate race in Minnesota is being stolen. Votes keep mysteriously showing up out of nowhere and all of them are for the Democrat. I fear that more laws are going to be changed now with Obama in power so as to make it so easy to cheat that the Dems will be almost impossible to get out of office. Freedom of speech is the first they are going to attack. When that goes the rest is going to be easy. They will get to do whatever they want.

warren, olathe

Joe the plummer gets it exactly right.

warren, olathe

Waffler can't you ever comment on what the topic of the quote is? It seems that you never get the point of it.

warren, olathe

Waffler will you please look up what subsidies are. Roads and bridges have nothing to do with it.

warren, olathe

What a bunch of crap waffler. Any person armed with knowledge knows it was FDR and the new deal. Then LBJ and the war on poverty. Reagan only slowed it a bit. Every attempt made to change course has been met with caterwauling by the left. They just want to starve the children! They want to throw old people out on the streets! And so on. Get some sense for a change.

warren, olathe

Depressions come about when a Government decides to create a new deal (socialism) in answer to a recession.

warren, olathe

Waffler? Republican for a day?

warren, olathe

Especially when you get to nominate the contenders for both parties. I fear that the ever escalating vote fraud by the left has gotten to the point that we are incapable of getting it corrected. It has been bad for a long time but the fraud this time was so bad that calling it an election is a joke.

warren, olathe

Waffler is the first to say that we have a separation of church and state. So what is this crap?

warren, olathe

Waffler you should read the damn quote. Or do you not have any idea what subsidies are?

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