Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [726-750] of 1302Posts from Warren, olatheWarren, olathe Previous 25 Next 25 1 Reply warren, olathe 5/13/08 re: William E. Borah quote Al Gore is a Nazi. Wake up! What do you think he is doing? Propaganda is for mind control. Once you believe the lie you are his tool. He is getting rich off of his hoax. There is no science only politics. George Bush has always been on board on this crap. He lives green at his ranch. All Gore does not. He campaigned in 2000 talking about ending Global Warming. This propaganda will be used to end this country and give us over to a global controlled authority if this crap is not stopped. That is what Global Warming is all about. One World Government. Not science. No one can possibly know what the so called scientists claim to know. That is why people can be fooled until they realize that the scientist don't know either. I have been around a very long time and have seen this kind of crap out of scientist all my life. For 35 years I have been saying that the only thing you can be sure of in science is that a scientist is almost always wrong. Did you know that many of the scientists that had their name published on the list of supporters of this hoax were shocked that they were on it. Those that did not have to worry about loosing their jobs sued the jackasses that put them on the list to get back off of it. They did not want to be thought of as imbeciles. Global Warming is exactly the kind of thing this quote is about. Reply warren, olathe 5/13/08 re: Mark Thornton quote I wana know what he is smokin! Reply warren, olathe 5/13/08 re: Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. quote Go ahead and hate America Bucky. Be miserable your whole life. Don't let reason or fact or truth get in the way of your ignorance. Yea Logan you really got something there. That must be why after Saddam was removed from power the most popular boys name in Baghdad for a new born was George Bush. Reply warren, olathe 5/13/08 re: Barry Goldwater quote If he supported Clinton it would have undone every thing positive he ever did in life. Supporting Clinton would be a black hole of ignorance. It would suck every bit of IQ out of any one that tried it. Reply warren, olathe 5/13/08 re: Remy De Gourmont quote The terrible thing about the quest for truth is that most try to hide it. Most here wouldn’t know truth if it hit them between the eyes. 2 Reply warren, olathe 5/13/08 re: John Locke quote The flaw in your logic Ron is that Adam and Eve were seeking knowledge not truth. They already had the truth. Eal has it right. Reply warren, olathe 5/13/08 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Lots of ignorance here. Reply warren, olathe 5/12/08 re: William Cowper quote Absolutely right Waffler. But you all miss the point of the quote. The man is speaking of the freedom that comes from the truth of Jesus Christ. That freedom has nothing to do with governments. Reply warren, olathe 5/12/08 re: Thomas Paine quote Still is mostly the same Waffler. To day we call them dictators. For the most part they are worse. More free countries around the world but so many of the countries that used to be under British or some other European control now are under dictatorships that are much worse. For instance we send food to people starving because of a cyclone and the local government takes it for its own use and let the people starve. 2 Reply warren, olathe 5/12/08 re: Dwight D. Eisenhower quote The facts are coming out little by little that the "witch hunts" were not witch hunts at all. McCarthy was right about the communists in the government. Now you can no longer call a communist a communist. Reply warren, olathe 5/10/08 re: Edmund Burke quote I am so glad that the liter on the highways that was corupting us is a thing of the past. Reply warren, olathe 5/10/08 re: Ashleigh Brilliant quote If you were the last one on earth how could you be unrighteous Waffler? Nice humorous quote. 1 Reply warren, olathe 5/10/08 re: H. L. Mencken quote Adolph Hitler and Al Gore come to mind. Reply warren, olathe 5/10/08 re: James Madison quote Good quote for the time it was said but I doubt he had any inkling how many imaginary enemies we could create to manipulate the people. He was not referring to real enemies by the way. To ignore the real ones you are giving your country over to some external tyrant as so many of you seem to be ok with. The biggest enemy we have is within. Global warming hoax is now probably the biggest threat to our freedom. It is affecting the availability of food world wide as well as choking off our access to domestic sources of energy. We have not built a refinery in 30 years and cry because gas prices are high and blame it on the Arabs. We do not drill for oil in the gulf because of leftist propaganda while seeing nothing wrong with Cuba, Mexico, or Venezuela doing it instead. We deny the state of Alaska the right to drill for oil in their own state as they wish to do and claim it is for their own good. We claim we are for energy independence while doing every thing we can to ensure that we will be even more dependent in the future. Reply warren, olathe 5/10/08 re: Voltaire quote It is the ultimate in ignorance to believe in man made global warming. There is no science in it what so ever. Never has been any evidence to support the ludicrous claim. Al Gore is getting rich off of his propaganda. Ever heard of carbon credits. He is dishing out the fear and raking in the cash. Money for nothing. He is well paid for playing a fool. If he actually believed in the tripe he would not have one of the biggest "carbon footprints" of any one in this country. He uses more energy heating his indoor swimming pool and attached mansion than you could imagine. He rides around in a gas guzzling limousine every where he goes. Private jets and any thing else wasteful. He says it's ok because he buys carbon credits from a company that he owns. If his pollution warms the planet how does his dollars cool it back down? If it did, he could just not pollute and buy the credits anyway. Then maybe he would have some kind of credibility. Some like Ed Begley Jr. actually walk the walk. I can respect them even if they are misguided, but Al Gore is no more than a con artist. The whole Global warming hoax is nothing more than another in a long list of attacks on the free enterprise system in general and the United States in particular. Just another vehicle to usher the world towards totalitarian socialism. Reply warren, olathe 5/10/08 re: James Madison quote J it stopped because of the word god was in it. Also it is now commonly taught in our schools that the US is responsible for all evil in the world. Every person or country gets a get out of blame free card. Just say the US made me do it. 2 Reply warren, olathe 5/9/08 re: Adolf Hitler quote Hitler was a socialist Waffler. The left is where propaganda comes from. You have to really stretch your logic to follow the tripe you just wrote. The thought police are Hillary and Al Gore. You would have loved Adolph if you had lived in his time period. The American left did. That is until he attacked their beloved Soviet Union. Then they decided to call him a right wing extremist. Reply warren, olathe 5/7/08 re: Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. quote Sick 1 Reply warren, olathe 4/30/08 re: Ayn Rand quote Cheryl, Avenal The best thing for everyone to do would be to read and understand everything Ayn Rand wrote. She had first hand experience with socialism at its worst and could see the road we were going down towards it. Reply warren, olathe 4/30/08 re: Ayn Rand quote She is my hero. Reply warren, olathe 4/30/08 re: Billie Holiday quote All in the mindset. 19Reply warren, olathe 4/30/08 re: Frank Zappa quote The man never said any thing serious. Any thing he says is irrelevant. I liked him, bought most of his records in the 60's + seventies. Decent joker. Extraordinary jazz musician. Wrote good silly songs. Not worth taking serious. Reply warren, olathe 4/29/08 re: Dick Cheney quote So what he worked there. Big deal. You are a moron if you think that Halliburton has a damn thing to do with any thing. The quote is not real. The ass that wrote it is nothing but a hack. The president or vice president does not sit on any boards by law while in office. Read the source. I did and it is nothing but lies. And I am not a Bush fan. But I do like Cheney. And as I said those are not his choice of words E. Archer. If you guys can't see an obvious smear job by a hack you must be so blinded by hate you will believe anything. Any quote from any current source must be carefully considered today. The press is as much a group of politicians as any other political party out there and the majority of them are from the left. They LIE. 1 Reply warren, olathe 4/29/08 re: Mark Berley quote Obvious truth that any one with a brain already knew. Still a good quote. Political correctness is just fascist tactics as the left has always used them. Read the quote Terry. What are you talking about? 2 Reply warren, olathe 4/29/08 re: Baruch Spinoza quote Global warming is a perfect example of what he is talking about. Scientists are having a hard time getting funding or keeping their jobs if they don't to the line. Anyone that has a dissenting opinion is chastised and called names. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print