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Posts from anon


Thanks J. Carlton. Interesting stuff worth looking in to and keeping an eye on.


E Archer, well put friend, very well put.


J Carlton, couldn't connect with the first link but the second was great. Like I said, one person can change his mind and by just the simple action of driving up to a check point and filming it can teach a whole bunch of others some sense when they see the truth played out in front of their eyes. For someone who has never and would never normally question "authority" has got to at least wonder from what planet the questioner was from and that can be the curiousity rousing moment that gets the individual asking questions and seeking answers and of course this is how nature works, how's it put? In mysterious ways? This is happening with increasing frequency in the world and not just in America as the antics of the "chosen" (who choose themselves) international elite are not limited to one country and so their actions are becoming more evident there as well as anywhere they flex the power they do have with less mask and more arrogance than they have in the past. The topic really gets interesting when the fact is grasped that they know and knew this wake up would occur and so being anticipated analyzed for possible reactions so as to take the best advantage from the repercussions of Americans and the rest of the world beginning to wake up to their ultimate monoply game and the utter economic (the one area of life that affects every aspect of your life) slavery they have us in. This line of thought that asks what would I do if I was them is fascinating to say the least but I feel it is important for all to look at and consider in light of the evidence to know thy enemy. This game they play is so full of smoke and mirrors it is wise to be absolutely sure one is not stepping out of one trap into another one when choosing a new direction to go in. Thanks for your thoughts and links. I really enjoyed that second one.


J Carlton, notice any similarities here?................."To be governed is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be governed is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonoured. That is government; that is it's justice; that is it's morality." ...............Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865) French mutualist political philosopher Source: The General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century, 1851


A lot of negativity here so with intent to encourage it must be said that there is the fact that there is a clear right from wrong and nature through the nature of man will win out and change the thought processes of man to return them to a way of life where survival is not so threatened by those seeking power over others just because naturally man has no choice but to react when his survival is threatened by his status as a statistic in a world that is shaped around him to eventually exclude him anywhere but in the stall and the yoke he's been prodded into. Bottom line, the way to defeat these bastards is to refuse to think the way they want you to think after first admitting that's what they're up to. Making you think their way. Basically, change your mind and start acting the way the change of mind directs you toward action to wake others up and truly, something that some call dreams such as a like minded large enough part of society ceasing whatever they're doing and turn all eyes on government and by so doing strike a sense of fear in our administrators that makes them see and puts them back in their place as willing servants protecting the individual rights of man and the freedom they provide when unfettered liberty exists in and for their exercise, as a dream to start, can come true with effort and we all know this. That's where our true purpose lies and all it takes to begin the change is for one to change his mind and nature will once again take its natural course in life. We're on the winning side in the short and long run. Smile.


Depends on what principles of the church are noted. Principles of individual freedom can be found in almost all religions and in particular christianity. These principles are not antagonistic with the fundamental theory of self government and so support our Constitution rather than cause its failure. The quote is misleading I.M.O. though it has some basic truth to it.


Pretty much the same arrogant plan in operation today and everybody leaps to be friends with the ones that make the money out of thin air and by so doing cooperate in their own destruction. There's nothing new under the sun.


Sounds like the bywords of the NWO only subsitute the word national with world and the word race with international elite. Thumbs down for the sentiment and the author.


This quote points out the ultimate importance of the freedom to choose as the most important right. I choose neither.


The excuse that paves the way for for "necessity" justifying any means to reach an end even if the means are wrong.


The conventional view serves to KEEP us from the less painful job of thinking for ourselves rather than suffering greater pain by allowing others do the thinking for us. In truth, looking at living life as a painful experience is defeatist in nature and so not good for any individual but again there is the conventional view to take into consideration. What is it? Life's a bitch and then you die so grab all the gusto while you can? That's it, pretty much the present conventional view.


I'm with you Mike, funny but not any truth to it that could hold water.


"Those that know how to think for themselves need no teachers." A paraphrase of a Ghandi quote.


Politics is the art of higher B.S.


J Carlton, your post points out a deeper problem and that is once its beaten out of current students these students grow up, have families and beat the same into their children thus making indoctrination that much easier for the schools.


Waffler, it was only because my public education was lacking in truth that I innately knew something wasn't right in what I was being taught. It is this that instilled im me the desire to figure out why I felt I was being short changed. Hope that clears it up for you.


Well Waff, by your defense of the present day school system you believe in what it teaches but I have to wonder why what I know now after years of self education is not taught in schools? Diversity you say! LOL. No litmus test? Does that give the authority to put only atheist belief in control of what is taught? Diversity! LOL. There is only one agenda being pushed in public schools today and that is the one of world citizenship in a global governing bureaucracy that makes decisions affecting all for the good of world peace and human rights. LOL. A lie on top of a lie as is usually the case. I'm glad my public education instilled in me a joy for searching for knowledge outside of class or I'd still be stuck in your mindset that slavery is freedom.


Exactly warren, everybody needs something to believe in and rather than believe in themselves and the power they possess in ignorance of it some put their faith in others and all eventually fell into the greed game due to the industrial revolution. Now the greedy rule our country and they have become salvation to the masses to fix their problems and put them back on track to their falsely perceived vision of the American dream. More material things than one knows what to do with. Government is truly a religion, money is its life's blood and man is its master and so god. Heaven to them is the money and power to control the masses for their benefit or livelihood and the feeling of being gods on earth by their mastery over the populations of the world. It is this idol worship (that really boils down to self worship) the left seeks to deny because that's exactly what it is and they religiously believe in what they say they believe in. Faith in oneself is not the same as self worship so there is a difference in the way each kind views the rights of others. Well said warren.


Hero worship is idol worship and if a man be judged good or bad it must be measured against the moral virtues that respect the rights and thus life of the individual. IF anything need be worshipped it is the self evident truth of their natural existence and their absolute potential to set all of mankind free from oppression imposed by others thus freeing the world to fulfill its true destiny as each individual is first free to discover his true destiny. Natural law says you can't have the second without the first and this is what men who love to rule despise, though they can alter natural law perception in your mind by perverting its meaning and smoke screening the real truth of it, they can't change the law nor can they stop the flow of its eternity in time. Just look at the quantity of laws in America and the extent of the measures needed and taken to stem and withhold the truth of this natural flow and the effort it takes to accomplish such a feat. Jefferson, Washington and others like them are no different than Rosthschild or Rockefeller in that they are men that like the rest of us live our lives compared to these eternal principles whether we like it or not or know it or not, There is no existence without these principles because it is these principles that make existence possible and without them we would kill each other off or others would do it for us. We live by these eternal perfect principles every moment of our lives in reality but reality has become what others desire reality to be for everyone. Reality is their way and there is no other way and so most believe this true because they lack the whole truth. I hope mankind learns the lessons of time this time after the present and coming troubles judge their past actions and deliver the consequences once again inevitably when the respect of the individual's naturally provided rights as part of his life and the freedom to express them freely as essential to his survival is taken away for the cause of the common good. The goal that is for the common good was reached 230 years ago with the absolute total respect of the rights of the individual and the freedom it provides mankind. Any thing that claims it takes from what's good for the common man (no idol worship allowed), his rights, for the common good, is an affront to freedom from the start and where the machinations of slavery begin for those who would choose to live off the labor of others to keep them in luxury. What's good for the common man stops with the respect of his absolute eternal rights and that's it. This is what America has lost, these principles are still law on earth, but are no longer law in the hearts of Americans.


To learn virtue and the benefits of it is ultimately why we are here and history is full of examples where humanity comes close to this goal and then by hook or by crook is led away from this knowledge and into the destitution America is experiencing today. It's the same old story as there is nothing new under the sun.


Capitilism is not the same as free enterprise and it is greed that first destroys free enterprise thus allowing for the state to back capitalist monopolies through the corruption of legislators by special interest lobbyism.


Does seem like he ought to know. Why do people continue to ignore thus deny reality?


Very simply for the centralization of individual power from the many to the few.


Divide and conquer is the name of the game.


I agree Mike, too much compromise with too many wolves in sheeps clothing proves what compromise with evil, or stupid decision making handing over personal power hand over fist to all knowing government institutions is not the right thing to do for a responsible people. The greatest compromise by the people of this nation was the Constitution that for the first time established the natural way of life based on freedom of the individual to determine his future on earth and in life and no further compromise was and is necessary for freedom to ring through the land. Now government determines everyone's future by its virtual total control over every aspect of an individual's life from cradle to grave. Slavery that deadens the spirit and fogs the mind into a malleable stupor that even if vaguely aware of what's going on it's accepted as oh well, that's the way it is so live with it and keep working for my cut of the pie. To be honest Mike it's not so much as a conflict of good and evil on a physical level as it is between doing what's naturally right and what's unnaturally wrong on a personal level in all aspects of life in regard of the rights of others you interact with as well as the rights of those you don't interact with. Choose and live your life like this and America would change almost overnight but I know this is unlikely to happen though it's a hope not given up. Let freedom ring!

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