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Posts from anonymous


We are targeted by our misleaders with biological, chemical, economic, pshychological and spiritutal warfare now. Subsidized milk constitutes biological warfare, see www.notmilk.com For chemical warfare, we have subsidized sugar and tobacco as well as alum, alloxan, aspartame, alcohol, caffeine, carageenan, chlorine, fluoride, MSG, Malathion, Nutrasweet, nitrite, Sucralose, vaccinations etc. For 11 years, the professionals at the EPA have been telling the world that fluoride is killing people but our exterminaton by fluoridation continues unabated. Search: nteu fluoride. With taxes being illusions that regulate consumption when bank deposits are merely "book entries" quoting the Federal Reservem page 3, Modern Money Mechanics. taxes are economic warfare. It take many lies to keep the system going with the most repeated lie being government spending this is psychological warfare. With Freemasonry saying their god (Lucifer) is "dedicated to the unification of all races, religions and credes" there is your spiritual warfare and their success is shown by the number of people who believe all prophecy is not fulfilled. Not ONE verse in the Bible says Jesus will return IN OUR FUTURE, but many believe He will. To believe that anyone is coming is to deny their presence.


Before we lost 110.000 of our finest in Asia under the pretext of "halting communist expansion" bankers, lawyers, judges and journalists even with the help of intimidated preachers, were enforcing all ten planks of Marx;s Communist Mainfesto HERE in the USA. Why? Most or almost none knew what they were doing but they got much bank credit for doing their part and bank credit is the life blood of communism. Find those ten planks that have replaced our Bill of Rights here: www.morpix.biz/x15 followed by 5 free books by Merrill Jenkins, Monetary Realist who had no peers. Let me comment on plank No.8 that calls for "Equal liability of all to labor." This means women should do all work that men do including military. If the Equal Rights Amendment is ever ratified, women will have the same right to avoid the draft that men have which is NONE, and if it is ratified, we can thank the Girl Scouts of America for doing their part in promoting it. "My people perish for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:


20th Century: Turkish genocide of Armenians; mass starvation of the Ukraine, during the Red- White Russian civil war; Hitler's Holocaust; Stalin's purge's and collectivizations of the kulaks and the starvation of 20 million plus Russians; Mao's Cultural revolution and Great Leap Forward -resulting in 60 million deaths; Pol Pot's regime where 25% of the pop went to the killing fields. And these are not even wars, just the killing of the countries citizens, albeit in some cases "unwanted" citizens, often done in the shadow of a war or conflict.


I think a better way to phrase this would be, "Members of a society must obey the law because they personally believe that its commands are just." Otherwise, you get into things like, "Justified for whom? For me? For the government? For the current power? For society in general?"


This is, unfortunately, true. Also: 1) a republic is a kind of democracy, and 2) hugh from st. louis, you have an interesting perspective.


True and not true... what about the obscenely rich minority?


Interesting perspective... I never thought about smoking that way before. And I do think it should be more tightly restricted.


This quote is simply false.


I agree with Anonymous from Reston.


Maybe, but taxation is necessary! And honestly, I think we don't get taxed enough... our medical programs are bad, tuition for increasingly underfunded schools is going up, our roads are falling apart, our senior citizens are struggling just to get by... the list goes on and on. Didn't someone say, "I like taxes. With them, I buy civilization?"


The grammar and the irony is so funny that it deserves five stars.


It is possible to not be with the warhawks or with the terrorists. This kind of statement, besides being ridiculous, is dangerous to the preservation of individual liberty and of democracy.


Why is this even worth quoting?


I am NOT comforted by the fact there are people who are ready to commit violence on my behalf. I appreciate the fact there are people willing to sacrifice for the betterment of society, but violence isn't a good way to achieve this.


In context, this quote makes a lot of sense (Gandhi was talking about tolerating other religions and social groups, etc), and couldn't be more true. On the other hand, out of context it could be terribly misconstrued, at least the "intolerance" part. Also -taken out of context- I can think of a counterexample to Gandhi's claim... what about injustice? Intolerance to injustice is by no means violent to the mind. Also (yeah, I know I say "also" a lot) isn't this a quote within a quote?


Please tell me this quote isn't saying what I think it's saying...


If this quote is meant to be a description of our education system, two-three stars (I disagree with Harris's outlook). If it's meant to describe how education should be... -2,000,000 stars.


That seems pretty dumb, even for Bush. Did he actually say this?


Wow, I feel sorry for the teachers who had to read papers by students who actually liked having a dictator.


how is this about fascism?


Generally I agree with Sagan, and I think that there's not much that's too dangerous for human beings to know... unless we have inquiries like, "Hmm, I wonder how many people it's possible to kill in one day?"


Mystery, This quote isn't supposed to be about the Bible.

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