Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [926-950] of 1571Posts from anonymousanonymous Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Anonymous 1/28/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote What happened to the days when we had just the right amount of disgruntled, jobless, crazies. Crazies that became that way because of people like Thain and Madoff who made desicions that bankrupted their families and made it impossible for them to feed their children. Crazies that didnt care if they went to prison for killing these criminals on the street. How many people have taken their own lives because of finacial duress from these "Executives"? Why is that not murder? Reply Anonymous 1/26/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Colonists revolted because, among many grievances, taxation without representation. Our new "changed" gov't is asking us all to pay for the outrageous spending of other states, counties, and municipalities. I don't care where you live, you aren't represented in every state. It's time to refresh the tree of liberty... 1Reply Anonymous 1/25/09 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Whoever said the blood of patriots was shed at ruby ridge and waco is insane. Those people were nutbags and NOT the people Jefferson was talking about. 3 Reply Anonymous 1/22/09 re: James Madison quote The press has to lie and keep secrets, The president has to lie and keep secrets. The professors have to lie and keep secrets.. The pope has to keep secrets and most likely he lies. The most repeated lie is that government spends money. The Fed said their system :works only with credit. James Madison said: "History shows that the money changers use every for of abuse, intrigue and violent means possible to maintain control over government by controlling the money and the issuance of it." 1 Reply Anonymous 1/21/09 re: Lysander Spooner quote Let them have rope, but just enough. It will all come down soon, and when it does may we be haunted by the words and intentions of those faces on our money. Reply Anonymous 1/21/09 re: Richard Haass quote You can't give a thumbs down for telling the truth. Don't shoot the messenger applies here. Reply Anonymous 1/13/09 re: Abraham Lincoln quote HES SO HOT!!!!!!!!!1 1Reply Anonymous 1/13/09 re: Abraham Lincoln quote He sent a powerful message, I for one personaly think slavery is wrong and if it did exist once more, why was it African America? Why not white? Whites are rude, i meant one man that was obsessed with white man domonating the world. And he was a 5th grade teacher. 3 Reply Anonymous 1/13/09 re: Bertrand Russell quote If schools taught only the truth or the press printed only the truth, our worthless money would become useless paper. The same result if judges never denied justice. DW Reply Anonymous 1/12/09 re: David Rockefeller quote I need a better source than "Bilderberg Meeting" Reply Anonymous 1/12/09 re: Frank Gelett Burgess quote uh, no 3 Reply Anonymous 1/12/09 re: Saul Bellow quote Amen brotha! Reply Anonymous 1/9/09 re: Isabel Paterson quote It IS highly ironic... Reply Anonymous 1/8/09 re: National Education Association Resolution quote Whenever RBESRQ becomes the victim of their beliefs he/she will live in regret for the soul and life their child. 4 Reply Anonymous 1/8/09 re: Bernhard Rust quote Well, I guess the fact that a Nazi educator said this is proof enough of the validity and motive of this quote. If the nation is worthy, it's constituents should be able to develop a sense of responsibility on their own - not have it forced down their throats. 4 Reply Anonymous 1/8/09 re: John Dewey quote Amen, Douggmcr8! I want Dewey to explain to me just why, in a nation that was founded on the premise of moral INDEPENDENCE, we should be concerned that our "collective society" isn't becoming "interdependent." The only thing history has ever witnessed in an "interdependent" society is Tyranny. 1 Reply Anonymous 1/8/09 re: National Education Association Resolution quote Right on, Elizabeth. It would appear that only thing that those true geniuses missed out on was the mind-conforming of the masses. 1 Reply Anonymous 1/8/09 re: Association of California School Administrators quote And just who do they think has the right to decide what "is best for society", eh? 1 Reply Anonymous 1/7/09 re: Manfred B. Zysk quote The press, the president, the schools and all nationl organizations have to lie and keep secrets or the money that Keynes called "worthless" would become useless paper. The most repeated lie: "Government spends money" The best kept secrets: They cannot get money from you when the Federal Reserve has said your bank deposits are "merely book entries." They have no need fo money when all of us will risk our lives for more book entries. IRS=Imaginary Revenue Scam SEE: Reply Anonymous 1/6/09 re: Voltaire quote Oh come on, Bryan.... if you find America to be the pit of hell why don't you leave? Maybe because the rest of the world is worse. 3 Reply Anonymous 1/5/09 re: Sir Winston Churchill quote INDOCTRINATION IS THE WORD to be followed by intimidation, regulation, chlorination, fluoridation, interrogation, incarceration, relegadtion, vaccination and decimation. and skip the religios comments Reply Anonymous 1/3/09 re: Confucius quote Just because a group follows one idea or opinion doesn't always mean they are right. it's ironic that the "majority" that should know better, takes another persons views and ignores them or scoffs at them like a 4 year-old. this person doesn't feel heard, and has low esteem within the group. I've been there myself, and until I learned about group-think, i didn't know what was causing people to behave this way. Reply Anonymous 1/2/09 re: Sir Francis Bacon quote I should like to think this is a bit obvious... Reply Anonymous 1/2/09 re: H. L. Mencken quote Our "enlightenment" has led to increased violent crime like rape, murder as well as increased teen pregnancies, public school shootings, road rage, greed, lying from every aspect of our society from politicians and the media. What's the difference between our socieity from the early years of its founding to now? God has been systematically removed. Seems to me that the lack of Christian belief leads to social chaos. Reply Anonymous 12/30/08 re: John Adams quote John Adams was an incredible man, and not alone in his convictions...l Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print