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Posts from anonymous


The culture wars are over. He lost. Get used to it.




"Over and over again, courts have said that there is nothing sinister in arranging one's affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everybody does so, rich and poor; and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands: taxes are enforced exactions not voluntary contributions" Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Newman, 159 F.2d 848 (2d Cir. 1947)


I agree to some point. Even after questioning who says the source of answers is the truth???


I wouldn't call idle people foolish. Those people are are idle need some guidance and look deep within themselves to become more wise and diligent.


8-years of Bush repeated this!


Waffler says, "does [Logan] have an acutal (sic) example of where democracy actually did the theoretical, and rhetorical things he suggests?" Uh, yeah, Waffler, lots of them. John Adams wrote several hundred pages of examples in his Defence of the Constitution. Too much to list here, but here is a link to The Works of John Adams, pages 483-486. Page 484 has the famous quote: "Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." What say you to that?


Ron Paul. Now lets fix it already.


You might want to update your database of quotes. You cite: "William F. Buckley, Jr. (1925 - )", indicating he's still alive and kicking. Last I checked, the only thing this Great American kicked was the Buckley Bucket - 27 February 2008. Please update your citations.


Do philosophers right books in order to do us good, if so should we run from them and their books.


I agree. Silencing the opposition through aggression to win a rational debate isn't any different than forcing another to submit with aggression. Either way you're forcing compliance and taking authority. The only difference is in the latter there is not even any pretense of discussion.


Anyone able to provide a source for this quotation? Not meaning to discredit anyone, but really the sources are important when coming up to conclusions with this kind of quotes..


LOL SO much discussion on this page. Good quote, but I believe Islam has A LOT more to offer than what is presented here...


Traitor to what? A cause that is not your own. That is not being a traitor. Its being true to yourself. The U.S. government is the most corrupt evil vile criminal organization in the world. And I will fight it to my last breath until it is destroyed from the face of what was once this beautiful Earth.


The most repeated lie is that government spends money. Why should they spend money when everyone will risk their lives for credit and the Fed said that their system "works only with credit?" WHY will no one accept my offer of 100 pounds of money for just describing the money that government spends? Credit exists only in the mind. They must control the minds of most to work all of us with credit. Don't most berlieve the lie that government spends money? www.morpix.biz/dc


brilliant man and brilliant work i dont think he would have voted for this labour government. in any of its silly context


he's right...prosecutors and judges always get the benefit of the doubt; defense attorneys are always equated with their defendants...guilty and sleazy and never given the benefit of the doubt.


Seems to be a misquote: ref. http://www.salon.com/tech/htww/2007/12/21/woodrow_wilson_federal_reserve/


Isn't it weird that Obama and Lugar are trying to lock down loose nukes and some of these guys want us to have an individual right to them You are right Ken we must be ever vigilant to keep our society on the right track. Ethnicity is handled here better than in many places and now with a rock star like Obama the world sees our magnanamous nature on this issue. I assume you don't believe in the jargon of "America last hope of mankind".


It's time for a party... a TEA-party!!! Robert Lloyd Ft Myers


It is error to argue with gun grabbers that the 2nd amendmentt grants any rights when we are born with the right of self defense. It is easy for non thinkers to agree that the 2nd amendment means something else. How many can argue that we have no God given rights?

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