Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1051-1075] of 1571Posts from anonymousanonymous Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Anonymous 5/19/08 re: Adolf Hitler quote not good Reply Anonymous 5/19/08 re: Adolf Hitler quote bad Reply Anonymous 5/14/08 re: Democratic Party Platform of 1996 quote Pull on your kneepads and crawl under my desk, little girl. I have some morals to teach you. 1 Reply Anonymous 5/13/08 re: John Ashcroft quote This is an attempt to crush Free Speech, a puppet of this regime. 1 Reply Anonymous 5/12/08 re: William Cowper quote There is a saying that says:"The Truth will set you free".I agree. Reply Anonymous 5/8/08 re: George W. Bush quote Goebbels would have been proud to have fabricated this quote. Reply Anonymous 5/6/08 re: Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. quote The Problem is if the US disengaged from world, the world would get a lot worse and suffer more. We would regret it. 5 Reply Anonymous 5/6/08 re: Sir Winston Churchill quote Very true. Oh, and by the way, he was prime minsiter of the United Kingdom. Reply Anonymous 5/6/08 re: Sir Winston Churchill quote He was prime minister of the United Kingdom, Not Just England Reply Anonymous 5/5/08 re: Michelangelo quote nice Reply Anonymous 5/5/08 re: Frederic Bastiat quote NO tax is "voluntary". ALL taxes are imaginary when all that we have in banks is numbers and the Fed said their system of plunder :"works only with credit" that would keep its value "if there were fewer people bidding against each other." The purpose of the IRS (Imaginary Revenue Scam or Scum) is to regulate our consumption by regulating our use of the numbers. With credit existing only in the mind, they must control the minds of most to work all of us with credit--and they do! Don't most believe the lie that government spends money? Don't most believe the lie that government wants us healthy when for 11 years, the professionals at the EPA hadve been telling he world that fluoride is killing people? Search: nteu fluoride for their site and related sites and see: www, and Cancer cure suppressed 70 years, HISTORY: pass these sites on. 3 Reply Anonymous 5/4/08 re: Thomas Paine quote Brlliant Reply Anonymous 5/3/08 re: Martin Gross quote The IRS (Imaginary Revenue Scum)netither asks for money nor collect money. They only ask for paper and only collect paper. In 1920, economist John Madynard Keynes wrote: "If governments should refrain from regulation,,,,the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent and the fraud upon the public can be concealed no longer." The purpose of the Imaginary Revenue Scum is to regulate our consumption by regulating how much worthless mone we use. For other means of regulation, see: and Reply Anonymous 4/29/08 re: Abraham Lincoln quote bill is wrong Reply Anonymous 4/29/08 re: Sinclair Lewis quote That's one way to remain objective. 2 Reply Anonymous 4/28/08 re: Dr. Joseph Mengele quote Hes insane. :/ Very sad what he did. Reply Anonymous 4/28/08 re: Abe Fortas quote nah Reply Anonymous 4/28/08 re: Sir Winston Churchill quote i think that this is a bad quote n it should not have 5 dumb stars how about tht Reply Anonymous 4/24/08 re: Dr. Fred Oerther quote Right now the USA has one fifth of the world's population, but get this, we have twenty five percent of the world's prison inmates. The next 2 behind at imprisoning its people is Russia and China. Those evil totalitarian states don't equal us when combined together. This is a disgrace. Why does this happen? Because our prisons are run by private businesses, and they push for stiffer and more frequent sentences, as it is good for business. Our reps that are supposed to protect us sell us into slavery. Make no mistake about it. When you clean the highways or work on farms, or personal property for are a slave. Wake up America or you will die in your sleep. PS the big bullies in blue (cops) have just been given greater powers to stop and search you without probable cause, and we don't live in a police state Reply Anonymous 4/23/08 re: Abigail Adams quote i think she could have a longer life 1 Reply Anonymous 4/21/08 re: Abraham Lincoln quote True,True,True 2 Reply Anonymous 4/21/08 re: Abraham Lincoln quote For once, Lincoln got something Constitutionally right. Reply Anonymous 4/18/08 re: Arthur Sylvester quote Ain't it the truth. Reply Anonymous 4/17/08 re: Thomas Jefferson quote .....and therefore,reside with the states or The People according to The Constitution.Thank You Thomas. Reply Anonymous 4/16/08 re: Prof. Dean Morris quote Americans are so indoctrinated, that they can't trust their government. Yet they trust it when it comes to having a socialist style military. They are all screwed up. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print