Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1076-1100] of 1571Posts from anonymousanonymous Previous 25 Next 25 Reply Anonymous 4/16/08 re: Janet Reno quote This lady is a hell of a lot smarter than all the trigger happy, toothless hilbilies on this site. Reply Anonymous 4/14/08 re: U.S. Constitution, Second Amendment quote goood Reply Anonymous 4/14/08 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Too true. 1 Reply Anonymous 4/10/08 re: George W. Bush quote I guess i'm a terrorist (even though i'm inlove with my country). who knew? not even me. Reply Anonymous 4/10/08 re: George W. Bush quote Luck for America, the "evil doers" will be out of office 2009. Reply Anonymous 4/8/08 re: Adolf Hitler quote lol Reply Anonymous 4/8/08 re: Adolf Hitler quote lol Reply Anonymous 4/8/08 re: Adolf Hitler quote lol Reply Anonymous 4/7/08 re: Jeremy Bentham quote Fare comment under the circumstances to which he wrote his work Reply Anonymous 4/5/08 re: Benjamin Franklin quote Benjamin Franklin - a wise old man. Reply Anonymous 4/3/08 re: Dorcas Hardy quote EVERYONE is wrong! Social Security payments are IMAGINARY when all that we have in banks is numbers AND the Fed said their system of plunder "works only with credit. Credit exists ONLY in your imagination. The reason that we make no progress towards freedom, the Fed's system is just too simple for many to comprehend, Taxation is an illusion that regulates the ratio of production to consumption. In 1920, Keynes wrote: "If governments should refrain from regulation, the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent and the fraud upon the public can be concealed no longer."-- The Economic Consequences of the Peace. The Fed did not fib and Keyhes did not kid! The following link has no advertizing. Please get it to many 2 Reply Anonymous 4/2/08 re: Andrew Jackson quote I wonder if Mr. Jackson was referring to some of the scoundrels that formed the Federal Reserve Bank.We sure could use policy makers of his caliber today in the USA. 1 Reply Anonymous 4/1/08 re: Edgar Wallace Robinson quote Interesting. Reply Anonymous 3/30/08 re: John Ashcroft quote this man should be hanged 1 Reply Anonymous 3/28/08 re: Patrick J. Buchanan quote Dang this quote sums it all up!! YAY for Patrick Buchanan! Reply Anonymous 3/21/08 re: Richard Bach quote i like that quote Reply Anonymous 3/21/08 re: George McGovern quote Ditto Jim above.Anyway,The Quote Above..."Peace through law"? It hasen't happened yet in the History of Humanity.How would a UN bring peace through law?I remain open minded but Instinctively Skeptical! Reply Anonymous 3/19/08 re: John Adams quote Everyone realizes this quote has nothing to do with the Republican Party right? It didn't exist yet for one thing and he was referring to a small "r" republican government i.e., a representative democracy in the Roman sense. Reply Anonymous 3/18/08 re: William Carr quote This quote seems to be true to me but that's just one perspective. Reply Anonymous 3/18/08 re: House Concurrent Resolution 64 quote Top 10 UN Slogans: 1.If an impotent bloated bureacracy can't solve it, then its best left festering. 2. You can't spell UNethical without U.N. 3. Genocidal dictators beware our non-binding resolutions. 4. Bringing peace to our world. (actual results may vary) 5. Tomorrow's corruption today. 6. Raising pointless squabbling to an art form. 7. We take bribes so you don't have to. 8. Try our world famous cheesy fries. 9. When troubles abound we'll be nearby doing nothing. 10. If this is an emergency please hang up and dial America. 2 Reply Anonymous 3/17/08 re: James Madison quote Amen To President Madison. We needed that quote to re focus our understandings and properly figure out how the USA would fit (or not) in the outline of a One World Government. I, for one, oppose a One World Government! Reply Anonymous 3/17/08 re: Dr. G. Brock Chisolm quote If what this quote says is true to achieve a 1 world government,than I can say it won't happen in my lifetime. Reply Anonymous 3/15/08 re: Barry Goldwater quote In later life he modified and reversed his states-rights constitutional position on civil rights legislation. He supported rights for not only for African Americans but also for gay and lesbian citizens. 2Reply Anonymous 3/15/08 re: Benito Mussolini quote After Musolini's car struck and killed a child, he said, "What is the life of one in the affairs of state?." Bush must have had the same thoughts on 9/11 but on a greater scale Reply Anonymous 3/14/08 re: Erwin N. Griswold quote Wouldn't that be nice. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print