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Posts from bruski, Naples FL

bruski, Naples FLbruski, Naples FL
bruski, naples FL

He was so RIGHT (no pun intended).

Wish we had numbers 4 & 5.

bruski, naples FL

Amen. We love to mind other peoples' business.

Happy New Year!!

bruski, naples FL

A long list of "unintended consequences" caused by laws passed with good intentions but producing terrible results.

Hopefully, we will awaken sometime soon.

bruski, naples FL

A nugget in a nutshell.

bruski, naples FL

The "unintended consequences" of anti drug laws are many.

Our experience with prohibition is a perfect example.

Drug enforcement is an oxymoron.

bruski, naples FL

Amen to all of the above.

My fear is that our step in to the land of "Homeland Security" will turn very ugly for most Americans.



bruski, naples FL

"Homeland Security" is a chilling title and and another government bureaucracy (approaching 500,000 employees".

Our Founders had it right. Be afraid; very afraid.

bruski, naples FL

What our Founders were afraid of when they structured our Constitution.

Semper Fi.


bruski, naples FL

"We're from the government and we are here to help you."

Our Founders were very afraid of government powers.


bruski, naples FL

Heil Obama.

It's his quote and his philosophy.

bruski, naples FL

Bring back the U.S. Constitution and we will regain our greatness.

Will it happen?


bruski, naples FL

Lobbyists, Crony Capitalists, and other highly connected political hacks are winning.



bruski, naples FL

And.................that's what we are doing with our central bank "planners" controlling our markets

bruski, naples FL

ObamaCare is the classic example of what Locke described.

Our government and our legislators play by their own rules.

The corruption extends, expands and strangles our once great country.

Semper Fi.


Bruski, Naples FL


To paraphrase George Washington's Farewell Address: "Avoid foreign entanglements."

Did we listen?

Bruski, Naples FL

Our new leaders believe in "Rule of Men" NOT "Rule of Law".

Sad to see the demise of justice in America.



Bruski, Naples FL

Why do we NOT listen to our Founding Fathers and wise men?

Time for America to get back to its Constitution.

Semper Fi.


bruski, naples FL

More relevant today than in my 76 year lifetime.

Time for Americans to wake up and take our country back from the politicals and the crony capitalists.

Semper Fi.

bruski, naples FL

"The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin.

But, both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists."

Ernest Hemingway

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