Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [226-250] of 1306Posts from cal, lewisville, txcal, lewisville, tx Previous 25 Next 25 Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/27/14 re: Texas Guinan quote Don't forget Korea. 2 Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/27/14 re: Adolf Hitler quote It's that way here. I remember having to carry a draft card "in the spirit of the state. " Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/27/14 re: Friedrich August von Hayek quote Libertarians have been trying to work up in the republican party, but karl Rove keeps knocking them back. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/26/14 re: Robert G. Ingersoll quote Total lack of individualism. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/24/14 re: Thomas Sowell quote Waffler, you are adrift. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/24/14 re: Friedrich August von Hayek quote Libertarian is a fine word for opposite of liberal. The ones in government who call themselves conservative seem more like Republicrats. 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/24/14 re: Dr. John Joseph Ray quote Often Stalin is treated better than Hitler to justify FDR's love for his Uncle Joe. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/22/14 re: Mark Twain quote Sorry Jim. Writing on my cell phone in my rig early in the morning dark I don't seem to write what I am thinking. Meant know it all youth. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/22/14 re: Niccolo Machiavelli quote Why Hitler had to cleanse his own party in the night of the long knife. No party anywhere is pure. 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/22/14 re: Lord Acton quote The libertarian party is small in America. I wish it success. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/19/14 re: Mohammed Ali quote Must be why he is not Cassius Clay any longer. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/19/14 re: Mark Twain quote No one can tell the know where all youth anything. We all have to find out for ourselves. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/18/14 re: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. quote For many, money is their principles. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/18/14 re: Nathaniel Branden quote Very true. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/18/14 re: Jeff Landauer quote Are we to give up our individual selves to be identified as a group of either haves or have nots as Hillary's book "It Takes a Village. " 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/17/14 re: Milton Friedman quote Robert, Sarasota, it was the great liberal LBJ and his democratic congress in 1967 who put the social security fund into the general budget. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/17/14 re: John Dos Passos quote When will it ever happen here again? Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/17/14 re: Daily Telegraph quote Good statement, but America seems to follow in every bad step of England. Socialized medicine has nearly bankrupted the country. And now we have Medicaid and Obamacare. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/15/14 re: Joseph Sobran quote Never knew I am such an extremist Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/12/14 re: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote One may think and plan, but he must be a doer as well. 1 Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/11/14 re: Matthew Arnold quote Our forefathers did the free-thinking. When will the generation with common sense appear? Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/5/14 re: James McGuigan quote Well said Mike. Reply cal, Lewisville, tx 9/2/14 re: Demosthenes quote Give me liberty or give me death fighting for it. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/1/14 re: Kathe Kollwitz quote I tell everyone how I want to get into their personal business. When I have $250 billion in my own name I will feel my own business is in good enough shape I can dictate to others how to run their business. They don't bother holding their breath. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 9/1/14 re: Antonio Machado quote Each person must make his own road in life. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print