Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [101-125] of 1306Posts from cal, lewisville, txcal, lewisville, tx Previous 25 Next 25 Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 3/28/15 re: Alexis de Tocqueville quote The only difference between a welfare state and a totalitarian state is a matter of time-Ayn Rand Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 3/24/15 re: Sir Robert Walpole quote We were doing fine here until JFK and LBJ began their social experimentations. Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 3/24/15 re: Earl Warren quote It certainly wasn't easy living under his judgment. He centralized all power to DC and began the active court system. Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 3/24/15 re: William Pitt quote Waffler, no one ever learns unless they read or listen. Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 3/20/15 re: Epes Sargent quote You just don't get it Waffle iron. The signers of the declaration of independence had a lot of wealth besides their lives to lose. Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 3/19/15 re: Neal Boortz quote Democracy is just another word for democrat. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 3/16/15 re: Amira Hass quote Maybe they do us a favor when they dig into closets looking for faults and trash. Especially those running for public office. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 3/16/15 re: Myra Janco Daniels quote Agreed. Every private citizen has the responsibility of caring for themselves and not being a public burden. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 3/14/15 re: Thomas Jefferson quote I agree with Archer. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 3/14/15 re: Steven R. Covey quote We have this choice, but we are still heavily influenced by the cultural environment around us. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 3/14/15 re: Dr. Morris Janowitz quote Television caused Nixon, who actually won the debate against JFK in 1960, to lose the election. Pictures in motion can be more powerful than words. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 3/9/15 re: Mikhail A. Bakunin quote It is believed that most folks in America obey laws because they feel they should. Many obey only because they fear the penalty of not being obedient. Our prisons are full of those who neither love nor fear the law. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 3/6/15 re: Walter Bagehot quote Democracy is really a horrible form of government. We just assume all other forms are even worse. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 3/6/15 re: John Adams quote Seems just the opposite has happened with our socialist nation. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 3/6/15 re: James Madison quote No lie here. 1 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 3/2/15 re: Rick Gaber quote Agreed Reply cal, lewisville, tx 2/16/15 re: Dr. Bella Dodd quote Mike, too many don't ever want to admit they were wrong. Reply cal, lewisville, tx 2/16/15 re: Daniel F. Walker quote anonymous, make sure this single payer health care is not subsidized in any way, fashion, or form. We'll see how long it lasts. Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 2/11/15 re: Robert von Musil quote I've been told this many times in the wrong way of course. Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 2/10/15 re: William O. Douglas quote This FDR appointed liberal certainly did what he describes here, only his was changing ways by forcing court orders on the public along with his other justice friends. 3 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 2/7/15 re: Dr. Bella Dodd quote Right on Archer and I am beginning to wonder about Karl Rove and the "Establishment Republicans." Reply cal, lewisville, tx 2/7/15 re: Juvenal quote An Italian lawmaker talked about how it took 2000 years for Italy to be in the shape it is now. He noted how it only took the US 200 years. 2 Reply cal, lewisville, tx 2/7/15 re: Joseph Sobran quote More miles per gallon would mean less fuel tax which isn't spent on roads anyway. Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 2/4/15 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Anonymous, from Boston and not a liberal, you better remain anonymous. 11Reply cal, Lewisville, TX 2/4/15 re: John Locke quote The government that rules the least rules the best. Previous 25 Next 25 SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print