Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share via Email Print this Page [1-9] of 9Posts from david, Orlandodavid, Orlando Reply David, Orlando 10/12/10 re: Malcolm X quote Malcom X is talking about, ascendancy, authority. What be thought was his birthright. And everyone owes him because of his race. His power was his race. Reply David, Orlando 10/12/10 re: Thomas Babington Macaulay quote Yes there is, but few and far between. Are you one, a person of virtue. Look in the mirror. 1Reply David, Orlando 10/11/10 re: David Brin quote Most of the people you work with are sane. But they are all hungry for power, in one form or another. If they get what they want, they always want more. Hence, Power corrupts. The sane can be. Reply David, Orlando 10/11/10 re: Aeschylus quote Honor and envy does not go together in any form. ENVY:backbiting, coveting, covetousness, enviousness, evil eye, green-eyed monster, grudge, grudging, grudgingness, hatred, heartburn, ill will, invidiousness, jaundiced eye, lusting, malevolence, malice, maliciousness, malignity, opposition, prejudice, resentfulness, resentment, rivalry, spite. Reply David, Orlando 10/11/10 re: Justice Hugo L. Black quote He left something out. Figure it out. If you can. Reply David, Orlando 10/8/10 re: General Douglas MacArthur quote The price of Liberty must be paid everyday. To long the few have control the many. We the people have set back, with a naive atitude. "Let the Government do it, that's what we elected them for." With no oversite, those with their on personal agenda, have moved in and taken over. We have been hoisted on our petard. Wake up we must paid the price of Liberty. That price is not always on the firing line in foregin lands, giving your last breath for Liberty. The easier way to paid the price, is sometimes the hardest. To stand up for Truth, Justice, and the Americian Way. Yes we have forgotten the Americian Way. Reply David, Orlando 10/8/10 re: Charles F. Kettering quote Hey,Hey, Stop the blame game. That's what this quote is all about. If you are part of the blame game, always pointing to others. Then you are part of the problem,you are to soft. Reply David, Orlando 10/4/10 re: Will Rogers quote The American public, has been told what they wanted to hear. That the Government will take care of them. Every time the Government takes more of our Freedoms and our money. The Government grows bigger each year. Because People want more from the Government. America will not change until we own up to our own responsiblities. Reply David, Orlando 10/4/10 re: Thomas Jefferson quote Congress could have over turned Jefferson. Checks and balances. The lack of people getting involed. And keeping the persons they sent in check, is the real problem. Freedom of the Press was suppose to do that. What happen to the Media over the years, is the most growing concern. A dishonest media that reports not the Truth. But chooses sides, sways the opinion of the people. Media in most cases have become imfomericals. We the people have been coneyfugle. SaveOk2 Share on Facebook Tweet Email Print