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Posts from empty pockets, NO, La

empty pockets, NO, Laempty pockets, NO, La
empty pockets, NO, La

It may not be officially written as a "UN World Constitution" but it's a very real intention of the globalists therein. Imagine a world 'governed' by that mess of incompetent, posturing corruptocrats. The stuff of nightmares.

empty pockets, NO, La

He knew human nature, from his interactions and life and from his study and knowledge of history. And human nature, for all our "progress", has not matured beyond being itself--greedy and self interested.

empty pockets, NO, La

"If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself."...Indeed.

empty pockets, NO, La

He could have said that any current day. I can name examples. We've more liars than ever but we've also cracked the monopoly. We still aren't getting news from heaven...but at least some of it is more news than spin and rumor.

empty pockets, NO, La

With great power comes great responsibility but those in the USA who have the greatest power--the media and the supposed "representatives of the people"/gov't, have colluded to abuse that power solely for their own benefit and to the detriment of all the rest of us.

empty pockets, NO, La

Excellent and succinctly stated insight. "Political correctness" is a communist tool of suppression. In any totalitarian nation, everything is political since the political system controls all therefore any deviation from the political narrative is "incorrect" and must be "corrected" and/or punished. Totalitarians are hammer welders and any "problem" is a nail. A problem is "fixed" if everyone is too terrified to mention it.

empty pockets, NO, La

Collectivist societies which no longer value the individual more than conformity, suppress excellence until they have nothing but dreary mediocrity.

empty pockets, NO, La

For one supposedly anti-communist, he's a good little commie.

empty pockets, NO, La

Watts actually left out about a hundred other "hidden" taxes so the picture is even worse than he paints.

Mike, Norwalk is correct but didn't go far enough by naming the agenda item all this is in pursuit of--a basic plank of the socialist 'platform' which Obama even admitted to: redistribution of wealth.

To Anonymous in Reston (above): You're so "happy to give back to society"? No one is stopping you. But confiscation of OUR money so it can be "redistributed" primarily and mostly among the 'ruling class" and power elites is not the way. If you don't mind that then on your IRS form simply make whatever sized "donation" over and above your assessed taxes you wish. I guarantee you the'll cash your check. Or you could do ACTUAL good by donating to worthy and financially responsible private charities which use the bulk of donations to do what they promise.

empty pockets, NO, La

A tax on producers is blatantly UNconstitutional...so the progressive socialist Wilson oversaw the 17th Amendment added and "sold" it to the people with the lie it would always just be a miniscule little thing paid only by the very rich. That changed rapidly and now it loots even --especially--the middle class, the real producers and engine of our economy. It was a major first step in the progressive/Marxist foundational plank of redistribution of wealth from those who produce and consume to those who ONLY consume.

empty pockets, NO, La

Kudos (and up votes) to Archer and Mike

Waffler: You ask "what freedom do we really have" if your state infringes on your God-given rights. You have the freedom to object within the state, to elect different (hopefully better) representatives, work to affect change of your state's Constitution via Amendment or, failing that...you have the freedom to "vote with your feet" and move to a place more in line with your beliefs and observant of your GOD given rights.
By the Federal Gov't usurping states' rights, even their right to be wrong, it gave itself the seeming power to GRANT rights to the people by applying their power as the Fed sees fit. We can see since how damaging that is.

empty pockets, NO, La

No, Franklin. That is merely additional affirmation you didn't believe in the TRUE American principle of equality and equal justice. You believed instead, in progressive socialist redistribution of wealth and the expansion of an all powerful "State" which steals more and more power and wealth from it's dependent slaves.

Thanks to Liberty Quotes for the reminder of how much we should detest this former "ruler". One of our bad choices...sadly, not the last.

empty pockets, NO, La

Social justice authorizes the taking by force of rewards earned by others and appoints itself "just" as its minions decide arbitrarily how much each person deserves without knowing or caring what each person contributes--good or bad. Equal justice allows personal responsibility so each person must discover their own value, may keep the rewards of their efforts (for themselves and their posterity) as well as reap the consequences--good and bad--of their own choices.
A society can have either equal justice or social justice but not both for where there is social justice there is NO real justice at all.

empty pockets, NO, La

The reason we are now overrun with people who eschew principles is because principles restrict movement to small adjustments limited to what can be done for comfort while remaining in place. They tolerate no populist poppycock, no politically correct bullying and no flipping and flopping about on issues. Mr. Jefferson would find few in any level of elected office or business leadership to respect these days.

empty pockets, NO, La

C. S. Lewis...another conservative stalwart whose loss we are feeling now.

Progressives infiltrated our education system beginning with universities where teachers, journalists and even "leaders" are trained. They've now infested all levels. Their goal has always been collectivism, rigid uniformity of thought, actions and beliefs, all in line with their secular collectivist vision/delusion.

Progressives do not want critical thinking taught. It is common sense in motion and common sense is the antithesis of progressive collectivism. Better to use those indoctrinated teachers to teach kids WHAT to think...not HOW to think. The indoctrinated journalists are now administering the Ministry of Propaganda.

empty pockets, NO, La

Nice display of the extremes of ideology. Lenin and Hitler were two "flavors" of socialists, one where the State (gov't) owns all and the other where the State is content to own some but control ALL (crony-socialism like US). And then there's the chaos of anarchy-- what happens when the weight of gov't/state becomes too much to bear and it all starts to collapse.

...Unless sufficient relief from that crushing burden is given by someone who starts removing unnecessary rules, regs, agencies, entire departments so the people can once again be about their lives.

empty pockets, NO, La

As always, Mr. Williams delivers the truth, raw and unpolished like raw diamonds.

empty pockets, NO, La

Shrinking gov't, restoring it to closer to its intended size and scope won't be a complete fix but it would be an excellent start. There can be no buyers and sellers of influence to which there is no access.

empty pockets, NO, La

This would work as our new national motto. (See some comments above, crowds following the avowed socialist or the dem who pretends to be GOP or those in so-called 'institutions of higher learning' who scream and whine for "safe zones"...from the threat of Speech and being offended!)

empty pockets, NO, La

His accurate diagnosis of the "press"/media is even more alarmingly true today than when first stated.

empty pockets, NO, La

The big spenders aren't worried...they know it's all fiat "money" anyway...just ones and zeroes. Wait till we find out how they've collateralized it though.

empty pockets, NO, La

Sometimes the majority just means all the fools are on the same side.

empty pockets, NO, La

Proving yet again, though we scarcely need more evidence, that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Pursuing "interests" instead of "principles"...is the road to hell.

empty pockets, NO, La

It's as though he was looking into a crystal ball seeing today...

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